Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 78 Tianming Vs Orochimaru!

Chapter 78

Tianming VS Orochimaru! (ask for flowers!)


Horrible laughter, Orochimaru suddenly opened his mouth wide.


Vice Admiral vomited out from the mouth by himself, and only Orochimaru mastered this escape technique similar to snake slough—— Orochimaru's stand-in!

Hei Yan burned up the discarded skin, only to see that the lower part of the body turned into a long snake body, moving at an astonishingly high speed!


Tianming's pupils focused and released several streaks of black flames, but he dodged away from the opponent's extremely coquettish movements.

"Software transformation, this is through self-altering the structure of the physical body, so as to obtain flexibility beyond ordinary people. It is impossible for non-directional attacks to hit me!"

Orochimaru's figure was as fast as a swimming snake, crossing left and right, avoiding the black flames, and quickly came in front of Tianming, then made a sharp turn and circled behind him.



"Huh?! This is..."

Orochimaru only felt his fist hit a steel plate.

I saw the pitch-black Chakra in the shape of a rib, surrounding Tianming.

"Is this also the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, then turned to one side.


The black Chakra fist smashed hard through the ground.

"Interesting ~ the external Chakra is condensed and formed..."

Orochimaru's figure stepped back quickly, and at the same time, his hands quickly formed seals——

"Ninja: Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

He shot a large number of snakes from his sleeves, entangled Tianming like tentacles.

But in the next second, the dark ribs swelled up, forming a giant skeleton statue, breaking all the snakes wrapped around it!

"Earth Style Earth Flow Wall!"


The condensed earth wall of Orochimaru was smashed to pieces by the fist of the skeleton colossus.

"The destructive power is also impeccable~"

Facing Tianming walking towards him and the skeleton giant swinging its huge fist, Orochimaru had to back away again.


Big pits were smashed into the ground.

"What? Running away like a lost dog, shouldn't this be Sannin's strength?"

Tianming taunted while chasing after Orochimaru.

"Haha~ The show has just begun!"

Orochimaru stretched out his hand to bite, and then made a few seals and slapped the ground heavily.

"Summoning Technique Rashomon!"

I saw a huge iron gate of the devil, drilled from under Tianming's feet, pushing him and Susanoo up.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, Chakra's weak point is below!"

Orochimaru's figure turned into a swimming snake again, quickly climbed up along the iron gate, and invaded from the bottom of Susanoo.

"Worthy of being one of Sannin's, he quickly discovered Susanoo's weakness. Of course this is just state two..."

Tianming pulled away immediately, getting out of Susanoo's range.


Orochimaru vomited a small snake from his mouth again, and then drew a sharp knife from the snake's mouth.

The sunlight shone on the silver sparkling blade, giving off a frightening cold light!

This is the Kusanagi sword, one of the famous ninja swords!

"The power of the technique is very strong, let me see how your basic ability is!"

As soon as the words fell, Orochimaru stepped forward and disappeared in place.

Instant Technique!

At this moment, black Chakra overflowed from Tianming's whole body——

"Bankai · Tensa Zangetsu!"

"Huh?! This power..."

Orochimaru couldn't help but widen his eyes. With his rich experience, he couldn't see the principle of Tianming's "ninjutsu" for a while.

"The massive Chakra fastened to the body, forming a cloak, and a slender knife... What's the point of doing that?"

Facing Orochimaru's question, Tianming didn't respond with a single sentence. It's useless to say more, it's better to cut it!


Tianming's figure disappeared in place.

Orochimaru's pupils tightened suddenly, and he subconsciously shouted, "How fast!"


When the swords collided, there was an ear-piercing clang!

I saw Tianming's Zanpakutō and the Kusanagi sword in Orochimaru's hands slashed together, setting off a sharp wind, blowing sand and stones around!


The swords crossed each other, taking away a spark, and due to the inertia, the two of them each took a small step forward, and then they turned around at the same time and started slashing at each other!

"Clang, clang, clang~"

Silver and black, visually presenting sharply contrasting swords, turned into dazzling shadows of swords and swords!

Orochimaru's eyes were like lightning.

Tianming's face was expressionless.


With a heavy crash, Tianming's Zanpakutō and Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword were once again entangled.

"Hey! Ninja hand-to-hand combat is not a straightforward duel~"

Orochimaru took out a handful of kunai from his sleeve with a move of his left hand, and quickly stabbed Tianming.


Tianming swung away the opponent's Kusanagi sword, and one side of the blade blocked the latter's Kunai.

And just then, Orochimaru twisted around and performed a standard roundhouse kick.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

A look of astonishment flashed in Tianming's eyes, but in Tensa Zangetsu's state, the death tyrant outfit on him had the effect of greatly increasing sensitivity.


The figure flashed, avoiding the opponent's roundabout kick.


Orochimaru threw a few kunai with a wave of his hand, and immediately put the Kusanagi sword behind his back, posing in an Iai posture.

The other hand makes a single-handed mudra——

"Bang bang~"

Two Shadow Clones were summoned in the hand, and then the three drew their swords at the same time.

"Konoha-ryu Sword Art Mystery: Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!"

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