Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 97 Kill All?

Chapter 97

Kill all?


The galloping thunder strike struck the black crescent moon released by the slash.

The two were on the verge of firing, creating a terrifying impact airflow to the surroundings!

Thunder and lightning and the black torrent squeeze each other and fight endlessly.

But this stalemate did not last long.

In the end, it was Black Crescent who gained the upper hand and defeated Thunder.


Ai let out a muffled snort, and was thrown backwards by the huge impact!

"You'd better forget it. Go back and practice for another twenty years before you are qualified to challenge me."

Tianming flicked Zanpakutō, and the remaining Lightning Style power from the opponent's attack could be easily expelled. The other party tried to use the characteristics of Lightning Style to assassinate him, which is simply impossible!

It's not that he deliberately humiliated the other party, what Tianming said is still the truth.

At this time, Ai is much weaker than the "Fourth Raikage" who appeared in the original book.

The strength of Lightning Style Chakra Mode13 is far inferior to that of Third Raikage, and its speed and strength are all inferior.

Orochimaru, who was beaten all over his body, said he had nothing to say.

It was the "unqualified" Ai that Tianming said, but he beat him badly!


Ai clutched his bleeding shoulder, his expression very ugly.

At this time, he was finally able to understand that his father's defeat was not accidental.

"Brother! Master Raikage!"

Seeing the two people he respected the most in his life, they lost one after another.

A look of fear suddenly appeared on Killer Bee's face.

"Hey! Bi! You two...don't mess with him! This is not the opponent you are now, and you can deal with it!"

Raikage yelled in a low voice.

Hearing this, Ai and Killer Bee stepped back and came to the side of the movie. The three of them gathered together, watching Tianming's every move with extremely vigilant eyes.

But at this time, the black cloak and Zanpakutō on Tianming's body turned into little lights and Madara disappeared.

"Is it time for Bankai..."

At this time, Orochimaru also dragged his exhausted body, moved to Tianming's side, and asked in a low voice: "Tianming, how much Chakra do you have left?"

"Less than half."

Tianming said calmly.

Although the battle between him and Raikage was intense, due to the relatively simple attack pattern of the opponent, it was basically a close-range fight of speed and strength.

Therefore, Tianming only needs to use Tensa Zangetsu, which has both speed and strength, and it is enough to fight.

Among them, although Susanoo was used for a while, after being broken by Raikage's "Strongest Spear", he immediately turned off Mangekyō Sharingan, which would continue to eat mana.

Compared with other big moves, Tensa Zangetsu, which belongs to the status blessing type, is undoubtedly more "affordable" and the consumption of the battle process is not too large.

Hearing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but brighten his eyes. This doesn't sound like much, but the battle has reached this point, both sides are already exhausted, and Tianming still has nearly half of Chakra left. This is definitely a crushing advantage!

"I can still fight for five minutes..."

Orochimaru endured the weakness in his body, looked at Raikage and the others with sharp coldness in his eyes, and his hoarse voice was murderous: "How is it? If we do it now, we are very sure that Cloud Shinobi Kill all the high-end combat power!"

Deliberately muffled voices, though inaudible by Raikage et al.

But the strong murderous intent revealed by Orochimaru is not concealed at all!

"Hmph! Just because of your bruises all over your body and your half-life left..."

Raikage and others expressed disdain and completely ignored Orochimaru's threat.

However, they had no choice but to fix their nervous eyes on Tianming, with a hint of fear in their expressions.

"To kill everything?"

Tianming glanced at the bruised Raikage and the others in front of him, and after a little thought, he came up with the answer, and Niko said casually.

"Okay~ Anyway, it's not that difficult.

This understatement, falling in the ears of Raikage and others, is like the bell ringing to hell, and they all change color!

Ai gritted his teeth, and yelled sternly: "Uchiha Tianming! I advise you not to deceive others too much. We will fight for our lives, and you will have a hard time!"

"Hehe~ If you can do it, I will give you a thumbs up.

Tianming chuckled, not taking the other party's threat to heart at all.


Ai was so angry that he was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Raikage at the side.

"Ai, stop talking..."

Raikage looked determined, as if he had already made all the plans, staring straight at Tianming with sharp eyes, and said coldly: "Uchiha Tianming! If you have any killer moves, just let him come here! Cloud Shinobi Village, no fear of war coward!"

Seeing this, Tianming didn't talk nonsense, and took off the clothes on his upper body with ten hands.

A strange black pattern appeared on the arm of the right hand, and it quickly spread to the body, and the aura of the whole person became extremely unusual!

【Ice Destroyer Magic】

"This evil spirit is very Chakra...it's exactly the same as that time!"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, he recognized Tianming's move.

When he was "discussing" with Tianming, he was so cold that his internal organs were damaged!


Raikage and others have never seen this kind of power, and they don't know how to feel it. They only feel that the surrounding temperature has dropped sharply.

"Is this the origin of the rumored nickname of the Ice Demon?"

Raikage's face became more serious.

For unknown forces, people always keep more vigilance!

Ai and Killer Bee on the side were also nervous, their eyes widened, not daring to take their eyes off Tianming.

"Well, let's go on!"

I saw Tianming took a deep breath, a large amount of Chakra gathered in his throat, and then spit out

"Not good! Get out of the way!"

Raikage suddenly felt a chill for no reason, and let out a drink.

This made Ai and Killer Bee stunned, they were about to use some kind of ninjutsu to meet them.

Why do you want to hide before you fight?

But out of trust in Raikage, they were ready to dodge.

"The passion of the ice devil!"

The bone-chilling breath turns everything touched in front of it into frozen freezes of death and withering!

PS: Secretly put a jpg of women's clothing, I don't know if it will be deleted?

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