The ambush plan completely failed, of course, the ninjas of the Wind Country at this moment did not know whether their plan failed or succeeded, after all, there was no body of the oil girl Tianyun at the scene, and they did not know what happened.

But after seeing the death of their own family, their first reaction was that Tsunade did it, because the only person here who could use poison was Tsunade, and he was able to kill an upper Shinobi, which only Tsunade could do.

As for the statement that a lower Shinobi killed an upper Shinobi, they would not believe it, but Tsunade was most likely, she was a medical ninja, and she was very good at detoxification during the Ninja World War.

A person who can detoxify naturally understands the toxicity of this poison, so it is not surprising that Tsunade can use poison, but Tsunade’s personality does not belong to this type, but he is very grinning and likes to solve problems with his fists.

So Tsunade is best known for hand-to-hand combat, plus her strange power fist and Yin seal, this power is notoriously terrifying, any ninja is hit by her punch, the ninja’s flesh can not be strong.

There is no special way to defend, then the only possibility is to be beaten to death, just look at Jiraiya, Tsunade did not use the Yin seal, directly hammered Jiraiya into a serious injury, so you can see the horror of Tsunade.

In the later stage, he almost hammered Uchiha’s Susanoo with a punch, although it was only a mature Susano, but it was not weak, and it was hit by her punch, not ninjas who play physical and secret arts are waiting for death.

And now Tsunade is mistaken for starting to play poison, after all, she has this possibility, not nonsense.

The ninja’s march was fast, and it was not far from the territory of Sha Yin, so how long did it take for the two of the oil girl Tianyun, and the others naturally took about how long, and the body was transported back for secret examination.

“I wonder if the mission succeeded or failed? Are you kidding? Two upper Shinobi and ten middle Shinobi, although the other party has Tsunade, but the target is not Tsunade, just a lower Shinobi can’t solve it? And what does this not know mean? ”

At this moment, in the office of Shayin, several people looked at the intelligence in their hands with an ugly face, ninjas do tasks, failure is failure, success is success, what is not to know? Does this happen to ninjas? Or upper patience.

“Sister, take a closer look below, the following is explained!”

Hai Laozang couldn’t help but slap his forehead, his own sister was grumpy to death, and he began to shout without seeing things clearly, he was also helpless, but if he wasn’t grumpy, he wouldn’t be able to go to this step today!

After Umi Laozo reminded him, Chiyo returned his gaze to the scroll.

“So that’s the case, there is no body of that little ghost, so I don’t know if he is dead or not, but how did Kuratori die? Poisoned? When did that slugwoman start using poison too?”

Chiyo was a little puzzled, she didn’t know Tsunade, on the contrary, Tsunade could be said to have restrained her, she used poison, and Tsunade was detoxification, completely her nemesis, and now that this person died on poisoning, she was a little confused.

According to her understanding of Tsunade, Tsunade should not use this method, and has always relied on brute force to fight.

“Now there is no need to make a conclusion first, the body has been sent back, look at the body first!”

The three generations of wind shadow opened their mouths and said, since the corpse has arrived, then look at the corpse first, this time even he is a little curious, how was this poisoned, this method is generally their favorite use of Shayin, play poison, Chiyo special scene.

“That’s right. Let’s take a look at the corpse first, I am also curious about what kind of poison this slugwoman will make. ”

Chiyo’s idea is simple, because she does not admit defeat, in her opinion, playing poison is her domain, and Tsunade is the healing part, but the other party has now run to her exclusive domain to do things, and she must also find the field.

And now since this poison is used by Konoha, then the question also comes, whether it will be used in the future, she also wants to study the antidote and the like, so as to prepare for the future, so as not to be in a hurry.

It is estimated that the oil girl Tianyun did not expect that this breath directly attracted three big people, but these three people will be somewhat difficult to use the worm attack at that time, after all, the shadow-level powerhouse is not talking about playing, and the general poison of the worm is estimated to be unable to carry this wave of detoxification of Chiyo, so the only useful estimate is the blood detoxification.

However, now no one knows this kind of thing, the three generations of Kazekage and Chiyo and others went to check the corpse, this place is very secret, any village has something that is not visible, so this is it.

At this moment, the corpse of this Kaminobu named Kuradori had been placed on a wooden bed, and the body became even more hideous after being transported, even the people in charge of the management here were a little afraid.

“Shhhhh How poisonous, this person has completely changed his face! ”

Looking at Cangtong at this moment, Hai Laozang couldn’t help but gasp, in fact, he didn’t blame him for reacting so much, the main thing is that this Shangnin named Cangtong has now become a poisonous person, yes, it is a poisonous person.

Because a large number of worms bite, a large amount of venom is injected into a person’s body, so he is now a real poisonous person.

Before, it was also the first time that the oil girl Tianyun and the captain of the upper ninja, in order to be just in case, so that a lot of poison was released in one breath, and now the blood in this body has been completely converted into toxins.

This also makes the oil girl Tianyun feel very pity, if he has a corpse now, he can use a corpse to get it, this guy is now full of poison, these poisons do not have to enter your body directly.

Even if it is stained, it will have a certain effect, but the effect will be weakened, if it is another corpse, it is completely possible to control this poisonous person to directly self-detonate, and then this poison can completely kill at least dozens of people, this poison is not simple at all.

“It turned out to be these three guys, it seems that this time it is a little difficult, although these worms are powerful, but if you want to make the shadow-level powerhouse suffer, there are only second-level worms, but even the second-level worms do not have much effect, you can only see if the blood moths can play a role, if you can really pit someone here!”

The oil girl Tianyun looked at these people with some helplessness and excitement.

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