“Everyone knows that the previous underwater adventure and cloud shuttle took five experience rolls, and we now have a total of four Easter eggs.”

“So what does this have to do with these four grasses?”

“Don’t worry, we only have two experience rolls at the moment, and we are missing two Easter eggs.”

Karina said this, and looked up at her partners,

“So for the sake of peace and to save the experience papers, we took the lottery to decide the next person to participate in the project.”

“Wait, are you sure that only one person is allowed to participate to save money?”

Claude pointed to Ryosuke Saten and asked,

“No one cheats in vain, when is this to be found?”

“Of course I know this, I chose two projects that absolutely do not need to be blocked in sight, let Zoten be optimistic first, and then go on!”

“Did you get inspiration from yesterday’s journey through the clouds?”

“That’s right! Obviously, just a ticket to get the Easter eggs back! Why two go up! What a waste! ”

Thinking that yesterday they were basically two people going together, my heart was dripping blood,

“So today, just one person per project goes up!”

She gripped a handful of grass in her hand tightly,

“It’s been a day wasted, and I haven’t seen the shadow of the treasure on my side, it’s unforgivable!”

She held the grass up to the grass, indicating that she was the first to smoke.

“To be fair, you come first! Draw until you get a long one. ”

Pucao’s eyes moved around four identical grasses, entangled for a long time, and finally trembled slightly and reached out to lack one,


It was a short stick, and luck did not favor her, and she knelt directly on the ground sadly and began to hammer the ground silently.


Claude raised his eyebrows and smoked one casually, he didn’t really want to go anyway.



The grass on the side looked at the long stick that Claude drew casually in shock, almost doubting life.

“Okay, next.”

Ryosuke Saten watched the play on the side for a long time, and finally it was his turn, and when he was about to smoke, Kakusa cried,

“Wait a minute! What if this guy has white eyes to cheat? ”

“Hey….. Do you think it’s all you? Don’t want to go, okay? ”

The winner on one side (and not) Claude complained.

“Makes sense, then you close your eyes and smoke!”


Ryosuke Sato, who didn’t really want to pay attention to them, finally smoked one helplessly with his eyes closed, and he could hear the shouting of Kazukusa without opening his eyes,


Sure enough, people who don’t want to go are easier to draw, and Karina on the side also has a little regret,

“Eh, the project I carefully selected, I still want to go a little…”

But she turned her head and thought that a small project and treasure could not be compared,

“Okay, that’s it, then let’s get started!”

Then the group stood in front of the carousel again, and the same staff member wearing the giant rabbit doll stood at the door and handed them a poster, in a sweet tone,

“Would you like to try our dream Trojan? It is a place where you can fly your girly heart for only 10 berry~”

“Are you really not thinking about changing your lines?”

“I don’t understand what the guests are saying, it’s really annoying~”

“Okay, that’s it, let’s start preparing!”

“Wait, this is the project you carefully selected?”

“Yes, it will definitely not block the view, and it is not difficult or scary!”

“It’s not scary, then a big man will be scared when he goes up, okay?”

Claude said he didn’t want to go up,

“Why would I, a big man, go on a carousel?”

“Hmph! Think that once you are lucky, you can get in front of people without being drawn? ”

Pu Cao said while pouting.

“Isn’t it good??”

Claude scratched crazy,

“Don’t argue, don’t bother Ryosuke Saten looking for Easter eggs!”

Claude was mercilessly suppressed by Karina. And Ryosuke Saten is looking at the whole carousel, as we all know that the carousel is a project of children and women, so the speed is relatively slow, so he is waiting for this carousel to silently turn again.

So there was a tall man standing in front of the carousel, staring at the wooden horse with a fierce (white eye) expressionless face, which scared many people who were ready to come to the wooden horse back.

The staff on the side were almost unbearable, and they were all ready to call the security guards.

“Found it.”

Finally the carousel circled in front of him, and he finally saw the place of the Easter eggs, and he found that these Easter eggs were very well hidden, not the kind that could not be found, but not casually.

“Where? Where is it? ”

“In the eyes of a pokemon.”


“Isn’t that a wooden horse pulling a small cart in the shape of a shell?”

Ryosuke Saten pulled Claude over and explained to him delicately.

“Wait, why are you telling me!!”

Claude almost wanted to cry, but he drew his own lot, and he had to sit down on his knees.

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