Claude then kept a hundred thousand pieces of vigilance, afraid that if he didn’t pay attention, he would be killed, and after using his spoon to determine the next intersection, there was a line from the tree wall on the ground not far around the corner.

The color of this line is very similar to the color of the land, if Claude had not been looking at the ground all the time, it would not have been so easy to find,

“Everyone, be careful! There is a line on this ground! ”

Although he immediately reminded his friends, not all of them cooperated with him in this way, such as Pucao, who was more dangerous than a trap, and Claude did not say that she had not seen it before.

When she saw the line under Claude’s prompt, she stepped on it without hesitation,

“Wow! Eh! ”

“Ah!!! What are you doing!! ”

A few sharp arrows were shot from the tree wall on one side, and I saw that Pu Cao only lowered his head and dodged, while Claude could only narrowly dodge with a sharp blow.

There was also a sharp arrow that passed by his ear, but it frightened him and almost died on the spot.

“Don’t you think it’s fun?”

“And didn’t !!!”

Although Claude was excited, he still couldn’t stop Pu Cao from finding a new way to play.

Pu Cao thought that this was a maze, and if the journey was bland and uneventful, it was not interesting at all, so the unknown mushrooms on the tree wall and some strange depressions on the ground did not escape her poisonous hands.

Claude could only dodge the ground spikes that suddenly appeared from the ground, or stones thrown from the other end of the wall, or one unknown trap after another, in constant screaming and dodging.

Karina and Ryosuke Saten, who were not behind, silently watched the thrilling movements of the two of them along the way without speaking, and finally Karina asked in bewilderment,

“You said that Claude is obviously so afraid, why didn’t he come here behind us?”

The range of these traps is not very large, as long as you go far, you will not be disturbed, but Claude shouted fearfully, but refused to go far, so he walked all the way in shock.

“It’s probably a new way to play…”

And this scream all the way made the five big men who followed behind listen to their ears, but they didn’t know what happened at all, and could only follow quietly in anxiety.

Just once Claude finally dodged a row of iron nails, he finally discovered that the range of the trap was limited, and he was exhausted and did not want to follow this dangerous guy anymore.

And just when he stepped on it, he knew that it was not good with a ‘click’ in his heart, which was obviously another familiar pit and a familiar trap.

Just when he was about to dodge a trap that might fly out of nowhere, as soon as the dirt under his feet loosened, the whole person fell off the ground, and it was dark in front of him.

Just when he thought he was going to turn his little life in, his steps were caught by the grass on the side, and the descent stopped.

“Whew, it’s risky…..”

“Claude, you’re too careless….”

“Who do you think it!!! because of this?”

Karina and Ryosuke Saten, who followed behind, also walked over, and just as they were about to bring Claudra up, Karina saw a flash of golden light in the pit four or five deep.

“Wait a minute! Don’t pull him up! ”

“!!? Why? ”

Claude felt that living expenses were a little difficult at this moment.

“There is something at the bottom of the pit, you look ahead!”

Claude tried to look forward in an upside-down gold hook posture, and sure enough, there was a golden shimmer at the bottom of the pit, and if you looked closely, it was a treasure chest quietly placed.

“This….. How do you take it? ”

Karina neatly untied the whip she was carrying from her waist and flicked it lightly,

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

Claudra slowly descended from above with a long whip, carefully walking to the location of the treasure chest, feeling a little excited, this was the first treasure chest they had seen since entering the maze, and it was still hidden in such a hidden place.

But just as Claude was about to take this treasure chest away, he found a new problem, this treasure chest was firmly fixed on the ground!

“No, I can’t pick up this treasure chest!”

Karina and Ryosuke Saten discussed it and said to Claude,

“It should be like this, you just open it and take it!”


Claude gently passed the entry roll in his hand on the key opening of the treasure chest, and the treasure chest opened with a ‘drip’, and there was a red key lying inside, which looked very strange.

When Claude climbed up from the pit, he handed the key to Ryosuke Saten and they looked at it,

“You see this key looks very strange.”

It is indeed different from ordinary keys, this key is red and there are no grooves on it, saying that the key is more like a work arrow, and the front is very sharp.

“It really doesn’t look like a key…..”

Although the key is strange, Karina is still very excited,

“This key is so hidden, one is a big treasure!!”

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