“What! How can it be! ”

Gabra was taken aback, not expecting that he would be caught so easily by Claude, knowing that he was in this state of high-speed movement, even the camera could not capture him.

However, Claude grabbed it so casually, and he directly grabbed Gabra in his hand.

“How is it possible!”

Gabra was taken aback, he didn’t expect to be caught by the other party.

On the other side, the battle between Kaku and Dusty is also fierce.

Kaku pulled out a pair of bamboo knives, crossed in front of him, and looked at Dusty with a sneer and said:

“Next, let you see the power of the old man’s four swords!”

Saying that, Kaku jumped up, and the two knives in his hand stabbed down upside down, and Dusty saw this, withdrew Shi Yu to his waist, and then pulled out the dragon’s teeth and held them in his hand.

“Dragon Tooth Eat!”

The dragon teeth in his hand waved, like a dragon with a long mouth, and tore directly towards Kaku.

Seeing this, Kaku rolled sideways to dodge, and then with a wave of his feet, two Arashi foot sword qi flew towards Dusty.

“Dragon Tooth, Dragon Breath!”

Dusty also waved the dragon teeth in his hand violently, like the dragon breath spewed out by a giant dragon, and suddenly turned into a huge shock wave and continuously flew forward along the ground.


Lan Foot and Dragon Breath collided together, and suddenly burst out a huge impact airflow, scattering in all directions, turning into countless small sword qi that ran havoc in the room.

The walls of the room were instantly covered with dense scars.

However, the attacks of the two did not stop, and at the moment when the two sword qi collided, Dusty and Kaku jumped up almost at the same time.


Kaku instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared behind Dusty in the next second. A pair of bamboo knives slashed horizontally towards Dusty’s back.

“Dragon Tooth Tail!”

Dusty did not look back, but directly stabbed away from behind with the dragon teeth in his hand, as if a dragon flicked its tail.


The dragon tooth accurately parried Kaku’s attack, and then the dragon tooth in Dusty’s hand swung, directly forcing Kaku back like a dragon’s tail swing.

“Oh, good move.”

Seeing this, Kaku couldn’t help but praise.

“But this next move, see how you defend!”

Kaku jumped up and used the moon step to come to the sky, and then a pair of feet quickly swung and sent out several sharp Lan foot slashes, and for a while it seemed that the airtight wall pressed towards Dusty.

Seeing this, Dusty immediately put the dragon tooth in his hand back to his waist, and then pulled out the giant spirit sword behind him again.

“Giant Spirit Kaishan!”

Swinging the huge giant spirit sword in his hand, a huge impact suddenly erupted from Dusty’s long sword, and the huge sword qi that roared out directly blocked all the attacks launched by Kaku.

Kaku saw that no matter how he attacked was easily resisted by Dusty, he stopped attacking, and then Kaku sneered and looked at Dusty and said:

“Yes, you successfully made the old man decide to use his full strength, although this fruit ability old man is not very proficient, but it is enough to deal with you…”

Saying that, Kaku’s whole body began to change, his figure began to skyrocket, and then his size became extremely tall, and the skin of his whole body began to change into yellow skin with black spots, and he became a giraffe standing on two feet.

“This… What is it! ”

Dusty looked at Kaku’s change, and her jaw couldn’t help but close.

Seeing this, Kaku clasped his hands around his chest very confidently and said confidently:

“How about it, frightened by my transformation!”

Looking at the pair of cute antlers on Kaku’s head, as well as the boxy head, a blow to his originally long nose directly turned into a rectangle, all unexpectedly cute.

Seeing this, Dusty couldn’t help but laugh.

“Haha! It’s so funny, giraffe fruit…”

When Daschi saw Kaku’s appearance, she couldn’t help but cover her belly and laugh.

“It’s so cute, how can there be such a cute fruit…”

Dusty’s tears of laughter flowed out, and he reached out to raise his eyes and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.


And Kaku on the side, his face is much uglier, his face is green, and his original transformation of being very confident was viciously ridiculed by the other party.

This transformation was fiercely ridiculed by Gabra before, which already made Kaku very unhappy.

Now Dusty also laughs at herself in front of herself, making Kaku angry.

“Abominable! Dare to laugh at the old man! Just let you know how good the old man is! Arashi foot line! ”

Kaku waved his slender deer legs, and suddenly a straight line of Arashi foot qi flew out from under his feet and flew towards Dusty.

When Dusty saw Kaku attack, he immediately put away his smiling face, and the giant spirit sword in his hand swung violently.

“Giant Spirit Ground!”

The heavy sword slammed into the ground, directly dispersing the flying Lan Foot Qi.

“Arashi Shuriken!”

Kaku raised one leg and swung it quickly at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and then from his kick, several shuriken-shaped Arashi feet flew out, falling towards Dusty from above.

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