Nearly a hundred fire scrolls were placed on that jet, which were activated at this moment, and immediately turned into a huge flame, and then the Devil’s Wings rushed forward like a rocket.

“Swoosh!” With a sound, he disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes at an extremely fast speed.

“What! I’m not mistaken! ”

Many navies were taken aback, they had never seen such ships.

After Smogg, who was fighting in the sky, saw the Demon Wings leave, he also gave up resistance, was directly subdued by the pheasant, and then fell on the ice.

“Wow! So fast! ”

Pu Cao exclaimed excitedly.

And Ryosuke Sato also used the chakra to adsorb to the soles of his feet, stuck firmly to the deck like an octopus, and then returned to the front of the ship with Claude.

At this time, Karina also came out of the cabin and shouted to everyone:

“Now is not the time to say this, hurry up and adjust the rudder!”

“Got it!”

Claude immediately spread his wings and rushed forward, coming to the front of the rudder and stabilizing the rudder.

The others returned to the deck one after another.

Relying on the huge power of its tail, the Demon Wings flew out hundreds of meters in an instant, like a ray of light disappearing into this sea.

Dusty stood at the stern of the ship, looking at the battle that had ended, and the gratitude to Smog in his heart was naturally self-evident.

And at this moment, the Demon Wings suddenly shook violently, causing Pu Cao to fall directly to the ground.

“Oh, what’s going on!”

Pu Cao shouted.

Ryosuke Sato looked at Karina and said:

“It looks like it’s already started.”


Karina nodded.

Then Ryosuke Sato said to everyone:

“Everyone approach the bow, our ship is going to be dismantled!”


Except for Claude and Karina, the other three were taken aback and immediately rushed towards the bow of the ship.

At this moment, the stern of the Demon Wings directly broke and scattered with the main body of the ship, but the speed of the Demon Wings did not stop so quickly.

The fall of the stern directly reduced the total volume of the Demon Wing by a third, and then the Demon Wing continued to rush forward.

“Look! It’s an island! Stop the boat! ”

Sally looked ahead and shouted.

“Super Gravity Rock Art!”

Ryosuke Sato once again sealed his hands, this time by increasing the weight of the Demon Wing, thereby slowing down the Demon Wings.

However, the speed of the Devil’s Wing was too fast to stop for a while, and then it rushed all the way, riding the wind and waves, and directly rushed to the coast of the island.

Then, the Demon Wings still did not stop, and continued to sprint violently towards the top of the island, rushing into the woods on the island.

“It’s going to crash, hit the rudder!”

Karina immediately shouted.

When Claude heard this, he immediately filled the rudder, and then the Devil’s Wings made a sharp turn, avoided the woods, and continued to gallop on the coast.

“There are big rocks ahead!”

Kakusa shouted, pointing ahead.

When Claude heard this, he jerked the rudder again, resulting in a “snap!” With a sound, the rudder broke directly into Claude’s hands.


Claude was taken aback when he saw this.

However, the Demon Wings could not stop at this moment, directly rushed to the big rock, and then used the big stone as a springboard and flew out directly.


The crowd standing on the boat shouted.

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato immediately jumped and jumped off the deck.

Because in front of the ship was a high cliff, if it crashed into it, the Devil’s Wings would definitely be shattered, as would everyone else.

The Demon Wings, like their companions, is also a member of the Demon Pirates, and Ryosuke Sato will not just watch it fall to pieces.

So, Ryosuke Sato jumped off the boat and landed underneath the ship.

“I’m going to hit the mountain, what should I do?”

Seeing this, Kakusa immediately shouted.

“Let me try to see if I can split the mountain!”

Saying that, Dusty pulled out the giant spirit sword behind her back, and just about to stand up and attack, the violent shaking of the hull made her fall directly to the ground.

“Oops! I’m going to crash! ”

Seeing this, Sally closed her eyes directly, and everyone was shouting.

However, the ship came to a stop less than five meters near the mountain.

It turned out that Ryosuke Sato jumped off the boat at the last minute, and then immediately opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye and used Susanoo.

At this moment, the huge half-body skeleton hugged the Demon Wings, preventing it from directly crashing into the mountain wall and shattering bones.

Rao is so, the Demon Wings is also covered in wounds and tattered at the moment.

Ryosuke Sato lowered the ship and then sat down weakly on the ground, the blow almost exhausting his chakra and leaving him very tired.

“Ryosuke, are you all right?”

At this time, Sally jumped off the deck at this moment and came to Ryosuke Sato’s side.

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