“Originally, mushrooms only accelerate their growth on rainy days, why do these mushrooms grow so quickly when it is clear weather?”

Solon also felt a little strange.

“You say, could it be that there are no animals on this island, and it has something to do with these mushrooms?”

Dusty pushed her glasses and said.

“Luffy, haven’t you eaten these mushrooms before? What’s going on with these mushrooms? ”

Ryosuke Sato asked.

Luffy scratched his head and said:

“I was also too hungry, so I grabbed some and ate it, what happened, I don’t know.”

At this moment, Choiba said:

“These mushrooms that Luffy ate before contain a lot of listless vegetarians, and they will become listless immediately after taking them.”

After everyone heard this, they felt that these mushrooms were even more strange.

“Why are there listless vegetarians in mushrooms, it stands to reason that if these mushrooms need to be preyed, it is okay to use these toxins to trap food.” But there is not even an animal on this small island, so what is the meaning of their growth? ”

Ryosuke Sato said strangely.

At this moment, these mushrooms suddenly released a large amount of purple gas, shrouding everyone in it like smoke.


Ryosuke Sato was taken aback, and immediately sealed his hands and prepared to use ninjutsu.

And at this moment, a mechanism appeared from the direction where they were, instantly making everyone fall.

At the bottom of the trap is a dense pile of spikes, and if it falls like this, everyone will be fierce.

And the smoke emitted just now also contains a lot of listless, and the unsuspecting others have already been recruited.

Although Ryosuke Sato reacted quickly, he still inhaled a lot of poisonous gas, but Luffy was the same as the person who was fine, and after discovering these traps, Luffy immediately grabbed the ground with one hand and extended the other hand immediately.

Then he grabbed everyone who fell, and then jumped and jumped to the ground.

At this moment, these large mushrooms continued to spray poisonous gas, and Ryosuke Sato was also attacked by toxins at this moment, and he couldn’t lift his strength at all.

“Damn, how can my body be afraid of toxins!”

Ryosuke Sato was surprised, with the flesh of his Otsuki clan, no matter what kind of toxin would not work.

But these poisonous gases made him listless and unable to make a difference.

Luffy looked at the people who had lost their strength, knowing that there was something wrong with these toxins, and although the toxins were currently ineffective against him, a large amount of poisonous fog was pervasive, which still made it impossible for others to get out of danger.

At this moment, the huge mountain wall suddenly shook violently, and then from the mountain wall, a giant mushroom the size of a mountain appeared in front of them.

“This… This mushroom is too big! ”

Luffy couldn’t help but exclaim.

Others also wanted to speak, but due to the toxins, they couldn’t even open their mouths at the moment.

At this moment, the huge mushroom actually grew eyes, and then opened its huge mouth and slowly squirmed towards them.

“This big guy seems to treat us like his food…”

Ryosuke Sato said with the last of his strength struggle.

Seeing this, Luffy said:

“Don’t worry, this big guy will leave it to me! Rubber pistol! ”

Luffy jerked out his arm, stretched out, and then slammed it out towards the huge mushroom.

However, the mushroom’s limp body made Luffy’s fist unable to focus at all.

“What’s going on? There’s no way to exert power! ”

Luffy looked at his fist and exclaimed in surprise.

“It seems that this big mushroom is the master of this island, and I kind of know why there are no other creatures on this small island.” With this big guy, no matter what creature is eaten by it. ”

Ryosuke Sato said.

“Now is not the time to say this, how should this mushroom deal with it?”

Luffy asked puzzled.

And at this time, Choiba said:

“Before, when I was treating you, I prepared an antidote for listlessness, it’s in my backpack, Luffy, bring it to us.”

When Luffy heard this, he immediately opened Choba’s backpack and took out the antidote.

After everyone took the antidote one by one, they all regained their mobility.

Chopba said:

“The antidote I accompanied contained listless resistance, and I was able to keep my body free from these listless substances for a period of time. Luffy was not affected by these poisonous gases, and that’s why. ”

“So that’s it, Qioba, you’re so good!”

Luffy couldn’t help but sigh.

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato couldn’t help but sigh:

“If only we had such a great doctor on board.”

Subsequently, Ryosuke Sato immediately used the wind to blow away the fog created by these mushrooms.

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