“Fighting poison with poison? Is this really possible? ”

Ryosuke Sato said with some concern.

“No way, now the toxins in her body can take her life at any time, you must make a decision as soon as possible!”

Roy said very seriously.

“What poison is needed?”

Claude and Ryosuke Sato asked anxiously.

“It’s actually very difficult, it is said that there is an ancient race that has the blood of demons flowing in their bodies and is called the Night Clan. The demon blood of these Night Clans also has powerful toxins that ordinary people simply cannot bear. ”

Roy said very seriously.

Hearing Roy’s words, Ryosuke Sato and Claude looked at each other and smiled, and then Claude said excitedly:


When Roy heard this, he asked puzzled:

“Great? The Night Clan is extremely rare, but difficult to find. And they rarely seem to appear above the sea, and it is very difficult to find their blood. ”

“Where to look for it in such a short time.”

Claude sneered and said:

“It’s in the sky, it’s close at hand. I’m a member of the Night. ”

“What! Are you from the Night Clan? Hair…… So, are you really a member of the Night Clan? ”

Roy also looked at Claude in surprise and said.

Claude immediately stretched out a hand, placed it in front of Roy, and said: ,

“Come on, use my blood to save the grass now!”

Roy shook his head and said:

“No, you are still in the form of an ordinary person, your blood does not have strong toxicity, you must become a demon.”

“Become a demon? But I will lose my mind after I become a demon…”

Claude said with some concern.

At this time, Ryosuke Sato on the side patted Claude’s shoulder and said:

“Don’t worry, I’ll suppress you. Now in order to save Pucao, you can’t care so much, you directly turn into a demon form. I’ll be in charge of collecting your blood. ”

Hearing Ryosuke Sato’s words, Claude agreed, and then the two came to the coast, and Claude began to continuously condense the power of demons.

The red light wrapped Claude’s whole body, and then the demonic scales covered most of Claude’s body like armor, and his head was also shrouded like a helmet.

With a pair of pale blue demon eyes, sharp fangs, and a long tail, Claude has almost completely turned into a demon at this moment.

And Ryosuke Sato should not be neglected, although Ryosuke Sato fought with the demon form of Claude once before, but at that time, Claude’s strength was not as strong as it is now.

But now, after many battles, Claude’s strength is not what it used to be, and after becoming a demon, Claude’s strength will only become stronger.

Ryosuke Sato also clasped his hands together, ready to enter immortal mode at any time.

At the moment when Claude finished transforming, he let out a roar, and then a pair of eyes containing powerful malice directly began to look around for targets.

At this moment, Ryosuke Sato, who was standing in front of him, was his only target, and Ryosuke Sato also saw the killing intent in Claude’s eyes, and immediately entered the immortal mode, and the transformation was completed immediately.

White skin with a pair of short dragon horns and a white dragon tail, purple eye shadow attached to the sides of the eyes, and then Claude rushed like a beast.

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato’s perception ability was fully opened, and he immediately sensed the powerful killing intent of Claude, who had transformed into a demon, and the sharp demon claw instantly grabbed towards Ryosuke Sato.

Ryosuke Sato put his hands in front of him, and the moment Claude’s claws waved, Ryosuke Sato struck lightning-fast, and then clasped Claude’s wrist first, and then threw Claude out and fell heavily on the sea on the side.

Claude jerked up again, and a pair of demon wings opened up again, flew directly into the air, and swooped towards Ryosuke Sato.

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato put his hands together and quickly sealed the print.

“Immortal Law White Stir Technique!”

A white dragon spewed out from Ryosuke Sato’s mouth, and then flew directly into mid-air and rotated at high speed, and at the same time, from the high-speed rotation of the white dragon, powerful light and piercing noise erupted.

The strong light suddenly made Claude unable to open his eyes, and the harsh noise also disturbed Claude’s mind and fell directly from mid-air.

And at this moment, Ryosuke Sato quickly froze, and the next ninjutsu was completed again.

“Immortal Law Inorganic Rebirth!”

Several strands of sand immediately stretched out from under Claude, and these sand imprisoned Claude’s whole body as if he was self-conscious, making Claude unable to move for a while.

As soon as Ryosuke Sato jumped up, he came to Claude’s side, and this was the best moment to take blood.

At this time, Roy’s pet Polly came to Ryosuke Sato through the door of space and dropped a glass bottle in Ryosuke Sato’s hand.

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