The three had just taken two steps when suddenly a searchlight automatically lit up and shone on the three people.

“What’s going on? The lights come on automatically? ”

Sally said a little strangely.

At this moment, in a dry well next to the three people, there was suddenly the sound of the rope being pulled, and then a doll-like doll rose up from it, and after seeing the three people, he said very strangely:

“Who are you, the mansion has no way to entertain you.”

Seeing this, Sally immediately said:

“We came to see Dr. Hogugugu, I don’t know if he lives here.”

“Okay, Cindolly, they’re coming for me.”

At this moment, the gate of the castle was opened, and a plump guy wearing sunglasses and a lewd-looking appearance walked out.

“This is Cindolly, the poor woman who once broke all her fiancé’s precious plates in order to test her rich fiancé’s love for her, and finally was kicked out, Cindolly.”

Saying that, this person introduced Cindolly, and then he introduced himself and said:

“And I am the world-famous Doctor Hogu!”

“Are you Hogugugu?”

Salis said in surprise.

“Is this Hogugugu? It’s too unlikable, so it’s better to go to Roy. ”

Sally said dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Daschi immediately whispered:

“You’re being rude.”

Immediately she said to Hogugugu:

“I’m sorry, Doctor Hogugu, my partner is from the fur tribe, and he speaks without words, don’t be surprised!”

When Huo Gugugu heard this, he immediately said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, how can I blame you for such a trifle, since you came to find me, let’s take a seat first.”

Saying that, Hogugugu made a gesture of invitation, and the three followed him in.

“Look, Dr. Huo Gugugu is still good.”

Dusty whispered to Saris.

And Sally said very dissatisfied:

“It’s so ugly.”

Dusty immediately said:

“Hey! I told you all just now, so it’s too rude. ”

Ryosuke Sato smiled and said:

“Okay, let’s go first.”

Then the three of them sat down at a huge dining table and started talking with Hogugugu.

“Dr. Hogugu, we met the three-headed dog of hell on this island, and we also saw zombies, do you know what the hell is going on?”

Dusty asked.

“Zombies? So who guys did you meet? I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m here to study why. ”

Hogu said.

“It turns out that you disappeared to come here to study zombies!”

Dusty said in amazement, as a former navy, she had heard of Hogugu’s name, especially after listening to Roy, her liking for the guy in front of her was even better.

When Huo Gugugu heard this, he continued to smile and said:

“It’s true that when people think of zombies, they feel terrifying. But if I put it another way, that is, to bring the dead back to life, isn’t that the eternal dream of mankind? ”

“Everyone wants to resurrect one or two relatives or friends, but manipulating the life and death of human beings is a taboo medicine that goes against Shinto, so I quietly left the world to continue my research on this incredible island.”

“So that’s so, Doctor Huo Gugugu, I can’t imagine that you are still so great.”

Dusty said excitedly.

“Where there.”

Hogu said with a smile.

At this moment, Cindolly walked to the table of several people with a lot of pudding, and directly put the pudding on their table.

“Hey! I said Cindolly, even if you want to put pudding, you need to use plates! ”

Hogu said immediately.

“Plates should disappear from this world!”

Cindolly said coldly.

“I knew this would happen for a long time, so I wiped the table spotless in the morning, so please eat it with confidence.”

Hogu said.

All three just smiled awkwardly and did not eat it.

At this time, Ryosuke Sato directly asked:

“By the way, Dr. Hogu, before we came, you had seen a little boy named Roy come here, speaking of which, he is also a doctor.”

“Little boy? Roy? And also a doctor. ”

Hogu smiled and said:

“No, how can there be a little boy in such a terrible place!”

“That’s right, Roy said before that he was going to find Moria, so we should also go directly to the Seven Wuhai named Moria.”

Ryosuke Sato said coldly.

“Hey, I said, Ryosuke, the other party is Nanabukai after all, it’s better to be cautious. Moreover, didn’t you plan to take Hogugu as a partner just now? ”

Dusty immediately complained.

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