As the bell strikes at midnight, it seems to be the beginning of a carnival for the entire Ghost Island, and the group of demon pirates who suddenly broke into here are their prey.

A large number of zombies are already roaming the island at this moment, looking for someone to attack.

And in the castle, at Hogugugu’s laboratory, Ryosuke Sato sneered and looked at Hogu and said:

“It seems that these zombies are all ghosts of you, which can’t be wrong.”

Hogu laughed and said:

“It doesn’t matter what you think, but… Do you have proof? ”

Dusty immediately pointed to Cindolly on the side and said:

“I found the death certificate of that woman, Victoria Cindolly, you died ten years ago!”

When Huo Gugugu heard this, he said with some anger:

“What… Have you been to that room already? Answer me quickly! ”

Ryosuke Sato nodded with a sneer and said:

“That’s right.”

Hogu said with some anger:

“Abominable fellows, not only peeped into my institute, but also entered that room, it’s unforgivable, Cindolly, apprentice Five Right Guard, hurry up and lock them up in the shadow world!”

“Never see the shadow world of Yangguan, the night attack has begun!”

Then, the zombie named Wuyouemon came to the front of the three and said with a sneer:

“My presence means that you have no way to escape!”

Hogu also laughed and said:

“Haha! He is different from all the zombies you have seen before, he is a zombie general with special flesh, a guy from the New World Redlos Empire. ”

“Redlos? And Roy is a place? ”

When Sally heard this, she said in surprise.

“What the hell does this guy have to do with Roy?”

Dusty was also puzzled.

“It is said that he used to be a great general of the Redlos Empire, a guy who even lions once defeated with his bare hands!”

Hogu said with a big laugh.

“This guy…”

Seeing this, Ryosuke Sato put on a fight and prepared to fight.

At this time, Claude and his party also entered the castle, and seemed to see a messy living room in the hall of the castle, and there seemed to be traces of being burned.

“What’s going on, this place… It seems like a mess. ”

Karina looked around and said.

“It seems that this place has experienced battles before, it should be Ryosuke and they have been here.”

Pu Cao said.

“That’s right, they’ve been here before, but… You really have the audacity to dare to break in here!” ”

At this time, the roasted suckling pig specimen on the wall spoke again.

“Hey! The specimen on the wall spoke! ”

Karina screamed.

“There should be nothing to be afraid of when you see these things now…”

Claude shrugged helplessly and said.

“It’s the same thing, it’s just a product of the capable.”

Pu Cao also said with disdain.

“Is it? It doesn’t seem like you’re scared anymore…”

At this time, from within the picture frame on the wall, a large number of zombies came directly around them, enveloping the three of them.

“Yes… It’s a zombie! ”

Seeing this, Pu Cao immediately shouted in fright.

“Who said just now is not afraid to come here.”

Claude complained helplessly.

Pu Cao immediately returned to normal, saying:

“It was just a carelessness just now, and now I won’t be afraid anymore.”

Saying that, Pu Cao has already put on a fighting posture.

“Is it? Looks like you want to fight too! Then let you see the power of our zombie army! ”

Saying that, a large number of zombies pounced towards them, and even the white bear carpet under their feet directly opened its claws and swooped towards the three of them.

“Give me enough time, I’ve had enough of you guys!”

At this moment, Claude’s whole body was wrapped in red demonic power, which looked more terrifying than all the zombies present.

“Let’s take it!”

Claude shouted violently, his right fist was wrapped by a powerful demon force, and then he punched out directly, and directly knocked out the seven or eight zombies who pounced.


Pucao’s hands also turned into pans, slamming them on the heads of the zombies, slamming them directly to the ground, unable to move.

And Karina also opened a scroll.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

A huge fireball roared out, immediately causing the zombies who rushed over to scream violently.

“It’s fire! Help me! It’s fire! ”

The zombies screamed.

Almost one face, all these zombies were killed.

“Abominable… These pirates are simply too strong. ”

The roasted suckling pig lay on the ground and said weakly.

“No matter how strong they are, they are not our master’s opponents!”

At this moment, several zombies laughed and said.

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