Hokage: Invincible From The Start

【106】News Of The Gold Mine Reached Konoha, And Sannin Was Deeply Horrified【1】

“There’s a gold mine!!”

"There's a gold mine to the north!!"

The news couldn't be hidden. The ninjas originally wanted to hide it, but in the end the news was leaked.

Fire Ninja Village, the whole village suddenly boiled.

"There is a gold mine over there, such a big gold nugget!"

"I heard that Noki and Fujita, the young men who took over the task of reclaiming the land, suddenly found a lot of gold when they turned over the land.

"real or fake?"

"Can we still have a holiday? There are already many people running over there with hoes to dig for gold."

"This is God blessing the Fire Ninja Village!"

"Let's go, let's go too."

"Let's go. If you don't go, others will take out all the gold."

Wealth touches people's hearts, not to mention the most valuable thing like gold. Digging out just a little bit means working hard for half a year.

The villagers were shocked.

One by one, the villagers took hoes and ran northward in a hurry.

Forming a 14-long flow of people.

Ye Shenyue and Uchiha Fugaku stood on the roof of the administrative building, looking at the flow of gold diggers below and smiling at each other.

"The plan appears to have been executed smoothly."

"The next step is to promote it well in the Land of Fire."

"Don't worry, Kakuzu has prepared everything."

At this time, in the office downstairs, the sad roar of the overtime dog was heard: "I want to recruit people, recruit people, I want to be a leader, I don't want to work overtime, screw overtime!"

"Hahaha~~" Ye Shenyue and Uchiha Fugaku laughed evilly.

At this time, in the north of Fire Ninja Village, the area where the gold was discovered was crowded with villagers from Fire Ninja Village.

Panning for gold.

If you know the Earth Style, use Ninjutsu directly, if you don't know how, use a hoe.

"Hahaha~~I dug up a grain of gold!"

"Here is~~"

"I just dug with my hoe and I found gold!"

"Haha, there is a piece of gold nugget here!"

Villagers dug gold one after another, and the probability was very high.

Overjoyed, crazy happy.


Fourth Hokage Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, are having a meeting.

"Konoha has lost more than 10,000 people, including the Uchiha clan and most of the Hyuga clan. Both its strength and reputation have been hit to a certain extent, but fortunately, a month has passed and it has finally recovered a lot."

The four of them have been running around here and there dealing with government affairs for the past month, and are exhausted.

Fortunately, the efforts have not been in vain. Konoha's economy is recovering and order is being restored. The important thing is that the villagers' hearts have begun to stabilize and they no longer want to be like that.

At the same time, they learned from their experience and blocked all free newspapers, censored them, and restricted press freedom, so that the villagers would know less and would not cause trouble again.

"By the way, how about the Fire Ninja Village?" Tsunade asked with a raised brow.

The death of teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen was the pain in the hearts of teachers Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Tsunade was stimulated to cheer up again and wanted to avenge the teacher.

Namikaze Minato said: "The construction of the Fire Ninja Village was very fast and very smooth. More than 6,000 ninjas returned from the front line of the Land of Thunder and joined the Fire Ninja Village. Moreover, these ninjas all used ninjutsu to participate in the construction of the village. This is something we in Konoha lack. Our ninjas in Konoha can only fight, not build..."

Orochimaru: "They only have more than 10,000 people, and we have nearly 60,000 people, which is only one-fifth of us. No matter how they develop, they cannot surpass us."

Jiraiya nodded: "Yes, population will greatly limit the growth of their strength."

What can 10,000 people do?

Rain Shinobi Village is three times larger than them.

How strong is Rain Shinobi Village now?

Between Konoha and Sand Shinobi Village, it was just hanging on.

Tsunade nodded, convinced.

I suddenly looked down upon the Fire Ninja Village a lot.

Namikaze Minato reminded at this time: "There is another aspect that we must pay attention to. After all, the Fire Ninja Village is separated from our Konoha and is inextricably linked to the villagers of Konoha, so we must not let them take our villagers away." Be attracted away."

Orochimaru chuckled: "What is it about the Fire Ninja Village that can attract the people of Konoha Village? If Konoha doesn't have this confidence, then it is a failure for us.

Jiraiya nodded: "Yes, Konoha is the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world, and its economic prosperity is not comparable to that of a small village like the Fire Ninja Village.

Just then, an Anbu ninja knocked on the door hurriedly, panting.

"Lord Hokage, it's not good."

"What's wrong? You're in a panic."

"A gold mine was discovered over at Fire Ninja Village!" Anbu said tremblingly.


The four Tsunade people all stood up and were shocked.

Tsunade asked seriously: "Are you sure it's a gold mine?"

Anbu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it's a gold mine. The news has spread to the village, and many villagers are upset."

Tsunade and the four of them looked at each other.

They keenly smelled a conspiracy!

Tsunade said with a cold face: "This is Ye Shenyue's conspiracy!"

Orochimaru: "Absolutely!" 410 Jiraiya was worried: "I'm afraid, it was planned a few months ago, right? .........Does he have other plots?"

At this moment, several people felt a chill standing on end.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes, recalling everything about Ye Shenyue's rise, and said gloomily: "If everything is Ye Shenyue's plan, then everything makes sense from the time he rose.

Tsunade, Jiraiya: "How to say?"

Orochimaru expressed his conjecture: "The first time he was on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Wind, he performed perfectly. He loved saving people, and the ones he saved were all ninjas from ordinary villager families. He had always been laissez-faire towards the elite ninjas in the family. No matter, and he taught ninjutsu to all civilian ninjas, which greatly earned the gratitude of these civilian ninjas and their families. "

"Then, the battle of Mount Kikyo, I suspect that he led all of this. Maybe he deliberately leaked the Mount Kikyo plan and let Konoha lose. Danzo and I are war commanders. We are responsible for the failure of the war, and he What? Not only did he get rid of it, but he also saved thousands of civilian ninjas..."

Namikaze Minato was surprised: "Isn't it possible?"

Tsunade snorted: "I think it's very likely."

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