Kobayakawa Kazuma held Otsuka Sui in his arms and said softly: "We will hold the wedding when we get back. However, I already have a wife. I hope you can accept it."

Otsuka Sui fell silent. It was indeed a pity that she could not be Kobayakawa-senpai's wife. However, for me, who will die soon, it may be a blessing not to be Kobayakawa-senpai's wife.

At least, the little premature senior won't be too sad after his death.

"It is also a blessing to be Kobayakawa-senpai's second wife." Otsuka Sui responded, and she pecked Kobayakawa Kazuma on the face.

Kobayakawa Kazuma picked up Otsuka Sui, turned around and entered the cabin. Not long after, shouts of "pain" appeared in the cabin.

Momochi Zabuza, who was training taijutsu on the deck, heard the sounds in the room and couldn't help but sneer at Kazuma Kobayakawa. Any ninja who is addicted to women will have no future.

"A ninja who wastes his talent is not even comparable to trash." Momochi Zabuza said with hatred while meditating.

For several days, Kobayakawa Kazuma was immersed in the great cause of giving birth to a baby, while Momochi Zabuza concentrated on his own training. He would occasionally ask Hoshigaki Kisame for sword skills.

After seeing Kobayakawa Kazuma's Tsukikage sword technique, Momochi Zabuza became very interested in sword techniques.

"Oh, you are so young." Hoshigaki Kisame was quite surprised by the voice in the cabin. Although Chūnin should relax after the exam, it is rare to be as indulgent as Kazuma Kobayakawa.

The journey back was protected by Kirigakure's companions, which meant that the original one-week journey was reached in only three days.

Just before docking, Kazuma Kobayakawa's system also received a system prompt indicating that the seeding was successful.

Name: Kazuma Kobayakawa

Lifespan: 33 years

Chakra: 1.7 calories

Ninja Qualification: D (9/10)

Ninjutsu: Body Replacement Technique (21% completion), Transformation Technique (20% completion), Clone Technique (19% completion), Water Style. Mist Shinobi Technique (17% completion), Sword Technique. Tsukikage (complete degree 8%), Water Style. Water Iron Cannon (degree 3%)

In the system's evaluation, Otsuka Sui's beauty is C. This allows Kobayakawa Kazuma to obtain the Chakra limit of 0.4 calories and 2/5 ninja qualifications after the successful seeding. Now Kobayakawa Kazuma is only one step away from reaching it. C-level ninja qualification.

Normally speaking, C-level ninja qualifications should be compared with the special Jōnin and ordinary Jōnin from the five major countries. Although such ninja qualifications cannot be compared with those who are born in the ninja world, they are still considered to be one of the best in the world of ninjas. They are far away from the genius ninjas. The title is just a hair's breadth away.

The first time they returned to Kirigakure, Kazuma Kobayakawa and the others received a summons from Mizukage Yagura.

The blue-gray Mizukage building was exceptionally tall. On the top floor, Kazuma Kobayakawa saw Yagura leaning on a leather chair. This baby-faced Mizukage has been Kirigakure's nightmare for a long time.

Kneeling down on one knee, Kobayakawa and the three of them were all tense. In front of this cruel Fourth Mizukage, even ninjas would feel heavy psychological pressure.

"You three, you performed very well this time." Yagura's voice was cold and hollow, echoing in the vast room.

"Thanks to Mr. Mizukage for his wise leadership." Kazuma Kobayakawa responded. After all, he is also a "fanatic fan" of Mizukage, and this image needs to be maintained.

Yagura looked at Kazuma Kobayakawa and praised: "Especially you, Kazuma Kobayakawa, I heard that you almost killed Cloud Shinobi's Troy."

"Compared to what Mizukage-sama has done for the village, this is nothing." Kobayakawa Kazuma lowered his head and replied with fear.

Yagura nodded, he gave Kobayakawa Kazuma and the other three a few blows, gave out some rewards, and then asked Kobayakawa and Kazuma to go back.

Kobayakawa Kazuma received a reward of 100,000 taels, which was considered a large amount of money for Chūnin.

Coming out of the Mizukage Building, the four-person team that took the Chūnin exam officially announced their disbandment, and Hoshigaki Kisame left the team and went to the Mist Shinobi Intelligence Department.

Otsuka Sui held Kobayakawa Kazuma's arm and said softly: "Kizuma, our wedding shouldn't be too public. I don't want to bring a bad influence to you."

"Then just invite a few people to witness it." Kobayakawa Kazuma can probably guess what Otsuka Sui wants to do next. Perhaps, he should try to sleep with her.

After all, with Otsuka Sui's strength, there is no difference between assassinating Yagura and seeking death.

"Zabuza, I'm going to hold a wedding tomorrow. Come and witness it." Kobayakawa Kazuma turned his attention to Zabuza Momochi. There is no doubt that Zabuza Momochi is a useful tool.

"You're such a long-winded guy, I'll be there." Momochi Zabuza agreed, then turned and left. After seeing the politics of Konoha Village, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the darkness of Mist Shinobi.

The three separated, and Kobayakawa Kazuma took Otsuka Sui back home.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Terumi Mei has grown taller again. At this time, Terumi Mei is almost 18 years old, and her figure and height have become quite attractive.

Kobayakawa Kazuma told Terumi Mei and Misato about his upcoming marriage. Terumi Mei was very happy. As long as Kobayakawa Kazuma gets married, a few more people can be added to the family, and the number of Terumi clan will increase again.

Misato expressed her understanding. As early as before, Kazuma Kobayakawa had said that he would not marry just one wife, so she had already expected Kazuma Kobayakawa's behavior.

Including the two children, there are five people in Kobayakawa Kazuma's family today, and the originally small room already seems a bit crowded.

Kobayakawa Kazuma plans to make more money, and when the money is enough, he will sell his current house and buy a bigger house.

After all, he will marry more kunoichi in the future. If the room is not expanded in time, his future wife may have no place to live.

The next day, Kobayakawa Kazuma took Otsuka Sui to the shrine and completed the wedding ceremony under the witness of the same god.

Unlike the time when he married Misato, there were only two witnesses to this wedding, namely Terumi Mei and Momochi Zabuza.

And at the moment the wedding ended, Mochi Zabuza left. He didn't seem to like this lively occasion very much.

Kobayakawa Kazuma and Otsuka Sui consummated their marriage and spent a week in intimacy.

After another night of hard work, Kazuma Kobayakawa held Otsuka Sui in his arms and asked:

"Ho-chan, can't you let go of some things? I'm now the Chūnin of the village and I can help you live a good life."

Otsuka Sui lay in Kobayakawa Kazuma's arms and responded with a sigh. She closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

Kobayakawa Kazuma helped Otsuka Sui arrange her hair. The hair was soft and smooth. He looked at Otsuka Sui and slowly fell asleep.

In the morning, when Kazuma Kobayakawa got up, the seat next to him was already empty, and he felt a little disappointed.

In fact, he knew from the beginning that Otsuka Sui would not give up the idea of ​​revenge easily. If hatred was so easy to let go, the ninja world would have been peaceful long ago.

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