"Yes!" Kazuki was quite excited. With this military exploit and more than ten years of staying in Konoha, they can definitely be promoted to Special Jōnin easily.

At that time, his treatment and status in the village will undergo earth-shaking changes. After being away from home for more than ten years, returning to the village now is a return to his hometown in glory.

Whether it is your elderly parents or your wife who has been waiting for you for more than ten years, you can be proud of yourself.

Pictures kept flashing through He Xi's mind, and his memories of his parents and wife were very blurry. He didn't know if they felt the same about him.

When I return home this time, I must make up for the lost time over the years.

"Let's go, follow the route I directed. After twenty minutes, I will set fire to the embassy to attract Anbu's attention." Kobayakawa Kazuma finally gave the order.

Following Kazuma Kobayakawa's order, the three Chūnin sneaked into the Konoha night.

There are still a few ordinary people left in the embassy. Although these people are from Mist Shinobi, they have neither the ability to escape Konoha nor the knowledge of Mist Shinobi's secrets.

Kobayakawa Kazuma would naturally not think of escaping with these people. As for how they would be treated if they fell into Konoha's hands, that was beyond his control.

Fire Style. Dragon Fire Technique!

About twenty minutes later, a fire dragon penetrated the living room and archives room of the embassy, ​​as well as the leafy Sakura tree in the courtyard.

Moments later, calls to put out the fire began to circulate throughout the embassy, ​​and the water in the pond was drained for fire relief.

Kobayakawa Kazuma had already been hiding in the night. He came to a street on the edge of Konoha. After observing the surrounding situation with his white eyes, he sneaked into the shop at the end of the street.

"Father, for the sake of the peace of the village, Hiruzen is going to let me give Itachi the order to exterminate the clan." Danzo appeared from the darkness and explained the situation of the Uchiha clan to Kazuma Kobayakawa.

Kazuma Kobayakawa was slightly startled, the night of the Uchiha clan's annihilation was not far away.

He doesn't have much interest in the current Uchiha clan, and he has no ability to prevent the night of the Uchiha clan's genocide.

Being exterminated was a common choice made by both the Uchiha clan and Konoha. It was also a unanimous decision by Konoha's top management. His adopted son Danzo was only a part of the middle.

With Danzo's ability, he cannot decide the thoughts of Konoha's top brass.

"You can continue your actions from now on. Take care, my son." Kobayakawa Kazuma patted Danzo on the shoulder and wiped the dust off Danzo's collar.

"Take care of yourself, father!" Danzo knelt on one knee in front of Kazuma Kobayakawa, with tears in his eyes.

Kazuma Kobayakawa and Danzo parted ways and continued to run away from Konoha.

Byakugan opened, which allowed him to avoid Anbu's tracking and easily find an escape route.

In his sight, a ball of Chakra fire suddenly appeared. Kobayakawa Kazuma frowned. He separated a Shadow Clone to meet Itachi, but the main body suddenly changed its route and ran towards the outside of the village.

With the assistance of Byakugan, a god-level observation ability, Kobayakawa Kazuma is able to avoid most dangers in advance.

Shadow Clone rushed forward and finally met Uchiha Itachi at the intersection out of the village.

"Are you waiting for me specially? I don't remember having this kind of friendship with you." Shadow Clone stopped in front of Uchiha Itachi, his voice was rather cold.

"Kobayakawa Kazuma, are you planning to help Uchiha's coup when you escape Konoha this time?" Uchiha Itachi asked coldly.

While patrolling tonight, he found a fire in the Mist Shinobi embassy, ​​and concluded that Kobayakawa Kazuma was leaving Konoha.

Later, he easily guessed Kazuma Kobayakawa's escape route based on Anbu's schedule tonight.

"I don't have such noble sentiments. What does the family affairs of your Uchiha clan and Konoha have to do with me, Kazuma Kobayakawa?" Kazuma Kobayakawa spread his hands and said speechlessly.

In the past few years in Konoha, everything he should do has been taken care of overtly and covertly. To be honest, he didn't really want to do the task of helping Uchiha's coup.

After all, this nonsense meant nothing to him.

"I will stop Uchiha's coup, and your Mist Shinobi plan will not succeed." Uchiha Itachi opened the Sharingan, and he did not choose to attack Kazuma Kobayakawa, but said softly: "Take care of my mother and brother, otherwise, One day, I will kill you."

The illusion unfolds, and Shadow Clone's magatama is not enough to fight against Tsukuyomi. Shadow Clone listens to Itachi's threats and advice over and over again in the world of illusion.

Of course, it was already late at night when Kobayakawa Kazuma found out about Itachi's words.

All the way to the foot of the mountain far away from Konoha, Kobayakawa Kazuma successfully met up with three of his men at the agreed place.

After meeting, the four people, led by Kazuma Kobayakawa, headed towards the location where Hoshigaki Kisame was stationed.

At dawn, Kobayakawa Kazuma finally saw Hoshigaki Kisame and Mist Shinobi's companions deep in the forest.

None of the men were wearing Mist Shinobi forehead protectors due to the secrecy of their mission, and they had been surviving in the wild for months without making a fire.

"This is the first time I'm on a mission with you, Kazuma Kobayakawa." Seeing Kazuma Kobayakawa and others appearing, Hoshigaki Kisame shook hands with Kazuma Kobayakawa.

The two have known each other for many years, but they have never had the experience of completing a mission together before. Even when they escorted the Uchiha clan to escape a few months ago, it was only the Shadow Clone of Kazuma Kobayakawa.

Kazuma Kobayakawa sighed softly and asked: "Mr. Kisame, when the day of the coup happens, will we be the only ones to break into Konoha?"

He didn't feel pity for these ninjas, but simply felt that there was no need to let these people die.

After all, these people are also the ninjas of Mist Shinobi, and they can be said to be the backbone of Mist Shinobi.

Kirigakure is at a prime time to employ people now, and it's really not worth it if these talented people die because of something like this.

"Of course! The Uchiha clan will contain most of Konoha's high-end forces, including the Hokage, and we will go straight into the hinterland of Konoha to relieve the Uchiha clan's pressure on the battlefield." Hoshigaki Kisame continued to explain the battle plan. , in his eyes, regardless of whether the task is outrageous or not, performing tasks is the bounden duty of ninjas.

As for what Kazuma Kobayakawa said, it goes against the Mist Shinobi ninja's way of ninja.

Seeing that there was no way to convince Hoshigaki Kisame, Kobayakawa Kazuma couldn't say anything else, so he had to call three of his subordinates together.

After spending several years together in Konoha, Kobayakawa Kazuma couldn't help but watch these ninjas who had been following him die.

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