In the Hokage Building, on both sides of the dining table are Iruka and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the rice into his mouth and asked calmly: "You took the initiative to have lunch with me. Do you have information you want to know?"

"What kind of person is Jōnin from Naruto's seventh team?"

Iruka asked worriedly as he looked at the food in front of him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Iruka and said while chewing.

"That's not honest. Are you worried that Kakashi will treat Naruto harshly after knowing what happened that night?"

Although what happened that night is kept secret from most people, Kakashi, as Jōnin, who was personally arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen to lead Team 7, has the right to know.

Although Iruka didn't answer, he already acquiesced.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to eat and comforted: "Don't worry, I will handle this kind of thing. If you are worried, you can ask him yourself."

Iruka was stunned and said, "Should I ask him myself?"

"Yes, isn't he here?"

Kakashi walked to the table and sat down, sighing: "The food is so rich, it makes me hungry."

"Why are you here so soon? I remember you told me that you would pass a test to feel their condition on the first day." Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the bowls and chopsticks and took out a pipe from his pocket and asked.

"It ended a little sooner than expected, but I have a rough idea of ​​what I'm most interested in." Kakashi said and glanced at Iruka.

Sarutobi Hiruzen understood what Kakashi meant, took a puff of smoke and said, "Let's talk about it."

Kakashi took out the mission record from his arms, handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and said, "Originally, I planned to conduct a thorough investigation of all three of them, but Naruto's performance disrupted my original plan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly scanned the mission record with his eyes, and after reading it, handed the record to Iruka.

"Then what do you think?"

"Leave aside the special techniques he uses, Guan's tactical arrangements are basically impeccable. Facing an opponent who is stronger than himself, he can achieve almost perfect scores if he can do this." Kakashi praised.

"The evaluation is so high, what about the things I asked you to pay attention to?" A trace of surprise flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.

"You have also read the report. Naruto did not use the technique that looks like a black coffin. The several techniques he used were much worse than the ones you described, but they are considered average for Genin. level.”

Listening to Kakashi's story, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly and asked, "What about Nine Tails?"

Kakashi shook his head.

"I don't feel the Chakra of Nine Tails. It's better to say that he is completely like an ordinary person."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a moment while holding his pipe in his mouth, and then said: "In this case, lower the alert on Naruto, and then I will leave it to you to take charge."

Kakashi asked for instructions: "In view of Naruto's outstanding performance, should we consider conducting high-standard training for Class 7 to speed up the training process?"

Iruka was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Kakashi to value Naruto so much.

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly blew out the smoke ring and said: "Don't be too hasty Kakashi, there are other more important things than strength. The so-called teacher is not just about imparting strength."

Hearing this, Kakashi naturally understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant, and nodded silently without mentioning it again.


Naruto could clearly sense that after the team was established and Kakashi was responsible for leading the team, almost no one else was responsible for keeping an eye on him.

It seems that he not only passed Kakashi's assessment, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer pays special attention to him for the time being.

This was a good sign, indicating that the strength he showed under control did not touch the level that they needed to be wary of.

After mastering this measure, Naruto also knew more about the importance of his subsequent attacks.

These days, what their team handles are simple small tasks, such as D-level tasks such as helping people find cats.

The rest of the time is interspersed with some basic training.

Naruto also actively tried to regain the power he had in the Shinigami world during this time.

The first thing to bear the brunt is Shinigami's power. Apart from Kidō, which he is already using, the most important attack method is Zanpakutō.

Naruto had already tried, but there was absolutely no way to summon Zanpakutō at the moment.

He can't even feel the existence of Zanpakutō, which means that he probably needs to forge a new Zanpakutō in the world of Hokage.

The material of Zanpakutō is made from the fusion of countless Shinigami souls, but Shinigami does not exist in this world, so he plans to try to see if it can be replaced with ordinary souls.

This world itself has its own system of life and death, so if you want to obtain the soul, you can only take action first when it dies.

Naruto had already observed this when he killed Mizuki.

This means that he needs to directly or indirectly participate in a large number of killings, so this matter needs to be considered in the long term.

The second is the power of the Quincy. Unlike Shinigami, who mainly uses his own Reiatsu, the Quincy can absorb and use Reiatsu from the outside world.

However, the recovery of the Quincy's power is simple and simple. When the dual limits of the mind and body are reached, the arrow of the spiritual bow is pierced 19 mm to the right of the bridal tubercle in the heart.

Using Reiatsu, it is not difficult to create an arrow and insert it into the designated location.

But the trouble is that the spirit also needs to reach its limit.

This body itself is not strong, and it is quite easy to reach the physical limit.

But Naruto's spirit is a special existence that has been tempered by thousands of years of fighting. It is not easy to push the spirit to the limit. He needs to find a way in this world.

The next third one is Hollow's power. In Shinigami, he has already mastered Hollow's abilities.

In other words, Hollow's power was integrated into his soul. He could feel that the fusion of his soul and Naruto's soul in his body was still going on. He speculated that as the fusion progressed, Hollow's power would gradually recover.

The last and fourth one is also the ability of the Perfection Technique. His original release medium is a fire machine.

He can use a special lighter to light cigarettes to display his abilities. The name of his full expression technique is Power Lending.

As the name suggests, he can advance his future strength by absorbing lit cigarettes, at the cost of being weak for twice as long after use.

This power can also be used on other people, and he can also use other people's overdraft power to collect interest and enhance his own Reiatsu.

He already had a clue about the recovery of the Perfection Technique. He needed to find a lighter again, let it accompany him through the battle, and re-burn the power into the soul of the object.

So he spent a large portion of his reward from his latest mission and purchased a lighter with a skull carved on it.

Although the boss was not very happy to carry out this transaction because of his age and status, there was no way Naruto gave too much.

Finally, I simply explained that you should not learn to smoke at a young age. Smoking is harmful to your health.

Naruto is now also able to use Reiatsu to strengthen his body for a short period of time, or use the technique of the Fullbringing Technique to assist himself by strengthening things around him.

For example, operations such as strengthening the jumping ability of shoes and strengthening the air in the air to jump higher.

But in the final analysis, the body itself is still too weak. Even if it is strengthened with Reiatsu, it will be difficult to take advantage of it. The utilization rate of Reiatsu is too low.

Physical training has also been put on Naruto's agenda. After all, this world is too different from the world of Shinigami.

Unlike Shinigami, where strong men have lifespans of thousands of years, the lifespan in this world is still very short, so time is precious.

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