"Oh, sure enough, little Sakura is here too?" Kakashi stood in front of the door of 301, waiting for the arrival of the three of them.

Little Sakura asked with a suspicious look on her face: "Kakashi-sensei's statement is so strange. What is going on?"

"Actually, the Chūnin exam is required to be taken in small groups. Since you are all here, there is no problem. Open the door and you will officially welcome the Chūnin exam."

Kakashi said and turned his attention to Naruto. He actually only got here a little earlier than the three Narutos, so he knew about the good thing Naruto had just done.

Kakashi was even thinking that based on Naruto's performance during these days, he must have figured out the identities of Kamizuki Izumo and Gang Zitie as examiners, so he took such a heavy hand.

Although he really wanted to ask this question, considering that this question would be related to the exam, Kakashi held back in the end.

The finger that originally wanted to point at Naruto was replaced by a thumb, and he spoke with deep meaning: "You did a good job."

Naruto showed a sly smile and replied: "Don't worry, I will continue to maintain it, and I will make Sasuke and little Sakura become Chūnin."

In fact, Naruto's real idea is that since he can gather ninjas from other villages this time, find an opportunity to kill some secretly, and use the souls of these guys to strengthen Zanpakutō, the effect must be better than those of samurai and the like.

But just as the door of 301 was opened, the eyes of countless people in the room focused on the three of them.

Most of those eyes were full of hostility, and many of them were not hidden, observing the three of them carefully.

But Naruto didn't like this look, and he released murderous intent. This time, unlike before, the murderous intent was not directed at a specific person, but at everyone in the room.

Even Sasuke and little Sakura beside him were vaguely aware of it. Naruto spoke in a low voice that could be heard by everyone in the room: "Look at me with respect!"

Under the influence of murderous intent, most people withdrew their gazes, and many people also recognized Naruto. Some were guys who had witnessed Naruto's combat power before, while others were former classmates of the ninja school.

"I should have known that it would unfold like this..."

Little Sakura covered her face helplessly, thinking that Naruto's voice must have attracted everyone's hatred.

I originally thought that with Naruto and Sasuke in the team, even if they had just become Genin, they might have a chance to pass the exam and become Chūnin, but now it was probably all in vain.

Sasuke on the side, although he couldn't be as confident as Naruto and said harsh words to so many people present, he still had fighting spirit in his heart.

He wants to prove to the world what the name Uchiha represents.

Ino wanted to hug Sasuke from behind, but Sasuke noticed and ducked away.

Ino's head was about to come into close contact with the ground, and even she closed her eyes nervously.

Naruto hugged her soft body, took Ino's hand and pulled her up, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Sasuke, what did you do? You almost hurt Ino, do you know?"

Sasuke just clicked his tongue and said coldly: "I don't have time to waste on girls."

Ino looked at Sasuke's cold expression and felt that Sasuke seemed to have changed during this period. Although he used to be a cool guy, he didn't feel like he really hated girls like he does now.

"I always feel that when you are a group, the three of you seem to have changed a lot." Shikamaru said in a lazy tone.

Then he sighed and said: "This kind of exam is really troublesome."

Chōji was different, just minding his own business and eating potato chips.

Naruto was very satisfied with the feeling that the Reiatsu that had just been recovered quickly from the close contact with Ino, in just a few seconds, completely replenished the Reiatsu that had been consumed by using Hollow not long ago.

I can’t help but sigh, it’s such an interesting mechanism.

Hinata's team also gathered towards Naruto and others at this time.

Hinata frowned slightly. She saw the contact between Naruto and Ino just now, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

But this feeling disappeared after Naruto greeted her.

Kankuro, who was among the crowd in the distance, looked at Naruto with a slightly uneasy look. The injury on his chest had not recovered in just one day and was still aching.

Gaara also looked at Naruto with fear. It was not just them, but also the Sound Ninja trio, Xiao Li and Neji who gave him fearful looks.

Naruto glanced at the Genin present and could clearly feel that the Reiatsu present could be divided into several representative categories.

The first category is ordinary people, or the vast majority of ninjas with mediocre qualifications.

The second category is people whose natural talents are better than ordinary people, and the quality and strength of Reiatsu exceeds the first category.

The third major category is also slightly stronger than the first major category, and is also much stronger than a small number of the second major category in terms of the total amount of Reiatsu. However, the total amount is only one factor that determines the strength of Reiatsu. It can be passed Time to accumulate.

Under normal circumstances, the quality of Reiatsu can also be improved through long-term practice, but people in this world do not perform such actions.

It is precisely because of this that Naruto was able to use Reiatsu to analyze the approximate strength of this person.

The last one is left, and it is also the most special one among the four. It can be clearly felt that its Reiatsu is far superior to the previous three.

Moreover, the quality of his Reiatsu is not low. It is not just as simple as time accumulation, but he also possesses extremely amazing talent.

There are not many such existences, and Naruto has only found two so far. One of them is walking slowly towards him, that is Kabuto with glasses.

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling his Reiatsu carefully.

"You nine are the newcomers who just graduated from the ninja school this year, right?"

Before anyone else could speak, Naruto asked first, "Are you the examiner?"

"Examiner? Don't be kidding me. How can I be an examiner? I just graduated a few years before you, so I can be considered your senior. My name is Kabuto." Kabuto smiled and waved his hand, introducing himself to everyone.

Then he added: "I just failed to pass the exam for four consecutive years. Let me reveal some information to you..."

Kabuto was about to touch the pocket behind him as he spoke, but Naruto interrupted him directly.

"You can't pass even with your strength? That's really funny. In this case, there should be no one in the whole room who can pass except me. Oh, I'm wrong. There should be another one."

Naruto looked disdainful, not believing Kabuto's poor words at all. Kabuto's movements froze, and a trace of imperceptible shock and panic flashed in his eyes.

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