Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 27: One Man, One Knife, One Corpse, One Ground

Naruto looked at Sasuke who was unconscious and still twitching slightly, and tried to treat him with Kaidō (that is, a kind of therapeutic Kidō), but it had no particularly obvious effect.

Although little Sakura didn't know what Kaidō Naruto was using, she could clearly tell that he was checking or treating Sasuke. She asked worriedly: "How is he, Sasuke?"

Naruto shook his head, looked at the curse mark on Sasuke's neck and said, "My treatment methods are ineffective. It doesn't seem to be a simple poisoning."

"Is Sasuke going to die?"

"Most likely not. According to what that guy said, it doesn't seem like he wanted to kill Sasuke. Of course, his words may not be credible." Naruto rubbed his chin and analyzed.

The conflict with Orochimaru, coupled with Sasuke's current state, completely disrupted Naruto's plan.

Not to mention that Naruto's Reiatsu has been basically completely drained now, and what is left is not even enough to release a Kidō. Under the influence of the power loan, Reiatsu cannot be restored normally. This situation will last for a day.

Even if special means are used to restore the part, as long as the penalty time for this loan has not passed, it will quickly dissipate in a short period of time.

It's not that Naruto can't fight without Reiatsu, it's just that he missed the great harvest opportunity of the second exam.

In addition, Sasuke is now in such a state that it is impossible to move separately. If Sasuke is seriously injured or killed in a sneak attack like this, the second exam will be completely failed.

The more Naruto thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He planned to investigate after the exam to find out what happened to this guy named Orochimaru who dared to hinder his good deeds.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Naruto glanced at the two Tianzi scrolls on the side and said: "Let's fix it for the time being and observe Sasuke's situation. I used too much strength in the battle just now. My body also needs a rest. Don't worry about the exam for the time being. , the number of reels is fixed."

Naruto raised his hands to his chest, and could see that he was trembling slightly. The blow just now almost squeezed the current limit of his body. Although it was not injured, he still needed a certain amount of rest because of such overloaded use. .

Little Sakura also observed this situation and asked softly: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just can't fight like before, and I will be weak for about a day, but I can still protect you," Naruto said, clenching his fists, "Are you so worried about me?"

"Idiot, who would worry about you?" Little Sakura turned her head arrogantly.

"If you are really worried about me, kiss me now and you will recover faster." Naruto said and pointed to his cheek.

Little Sakura suddenly remembered what had just happened, and her face turned red. But for some reason, she was not as resistant as before. Instead, she asked, "Is it really because of me that you were so powerful just now?"

"In that case, if we are not careful, we will all die in his hands. There is no need for me to lie to you." Naruto put away his frivolous expression and said seriously.

Little Sakura thought about it calmly, and it was indeed the case at that time. If it hadn't been for Naruto, the three of them might have been killed by Orochimaru.

"Okay, I will temporarily forgive you this time, but I won't allow it next time!"

"If we encounter it again next time, wouldn't it be okay to be in such a life-threatening dangerous situation?"


Little Sakura puffed out her chest, glared at Naruto angrily and said, "At least I agree first!"

At this time, Naruto took out a kunai and fired it quickly, piercing the head of a squirrel not far away.

At the same time, the detonating talisman behind Squirrel exploded instantly.


Sakura was shocked, and Naruto shouted in that direction: "Come out, do you think you can defeat me with this little trick? You are really underestimated."

Three Otonin appeared in front of Naruto and Sakura. Among them, Toss, who was wrapped in bandages, said: "Sorry, our original target was Sasuke, but it looks like you are not in a good condition?"

Sakur also echoed: "You were so arrogant before, but now it seems that you only have a mouth left, right? Kill them directly, don't waste time talking to him!"

Hearing this, Naruto grinned and sneered: "Go ahead and try it, I hope you don't ask for mercy when I kill you."

"You guys!"

Naruto walked out slowly and told Sakura behind him: "Watch Sasuke, don't let them take the opportunity to attack, if Sasuke dies, I will be very troubled."

Toss thought about it, but was still afraid Naruto's strength stopped Sack who wanted to attack, and whispered to the two people around him: "Don't worry, I will use my ability to attack him unexpectedly and test his strength. You are responsible for remote support." Sack and Qin nodded gently. Looking at Toss who was running towards him, Naruto just stood there, touched the handle of the knife with his right hand and said lightly: "So cautious, why not go together, I can save some energy." Toss rushed to Naruto and prepared to swing his special right arm. "For a guy like you, I am enough alone...?" The right arm did not launch an attack as he expected, but was replaced by a piercing pain. "Toss!" "Your hand!" Toss only noticed at this time that his right arm had been cut off at the shoulder, and blood spurted all over the ground. "What are you doing, the air-cutting wave!" Sack quickly stepped forward, raised his hands high and released the air-cutting wave to Naruto, ready to help Toss cover. But Toss stood there dumbfounded as if he couldn't hear anything.

Naruto felt the general situation of the air-cutting wave and easily dodged the attack by turning sideways.

Qin also took advantage of this moment to take Toss back, but who would have thought that when she touched Toss's body, his head rolled down.

It turned out that in the previous blow, Naruto didn't just cut off his right arm, but also cut off his head.

Qin and Sack were stunned at the same time. It was just a face-to-face encounter. They didn't even see Naruto's sword-drawing action clearly, which caused a huge impact on their hearts.

Naruto also used this opportunity to release his killing intent and further destroy their spirits.

Sack was obviously destroyed in his sanity. He randomly released the air-cutting wave to Naruto who was walking towards him, and there was no way to cause substantial damage to Naruto.

Naruto looked down indifferently at Sack, who was sitting on the ground with his sanity collapsed and tears streaming down his face.

"Scroll... Scroll is for you, please don't kill..."

Sar's trembling body was about to take out the scroll of the word earth from his body, but his head had already slipped from his neck.

No Reiatsu swung a knife to kill people, which made Naruto remember the days a thousand years ago when he relied on only one person and one sword to kill all the way from the famine-ridden North Rukongai 80th District Zaraki to the 11th Division.

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