Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 35 I Just Can’T Stand Seeing My Own People Being Bullied

"Kakashi-sensei, are you also interested? Maybe I can find an opportunity to teach you, but I can't guarantee that you can master it." Naruto mentioned pretending to be kind.

"Okay, I'm quite interested." Kakashi showed great interest.

But Naruto was just talking. He had no intention of spreading Reiatsu-related matters in the world now, otherwise he would lose his advantage.

What he wants to do is to spread a set of specious technologies, and then give others the wrong guidance, but he can still use real technologies to control others.

When he officially sets foot on that road, there will only be enemies everywhere. What Naruto has to do is to be fully prepared before then.

During the game, Neji stared at Sasuke with his white eyes and said fiercely: "Just let me repay you double the pain you caused Xiao Li!"

"Just try it if you can." Even though Sasuke said this, he could still feel the pressure Neji brought to him.

Hayate on the side saw this and started the competition directly.

However, Naruto did not continue to pay attention to Sasuke's battle, since he already knew the outcome.

Moreover, after Sasuke entered the cursed state once, he has more or less experience in controlling power beyond his original strength. When he overdrafts his power for a day, he is basically on a stimulant, and he will not be defeated in one or two times. solve.

Seeing Naruto preparing to leave, little Sakura asked, "Isn't Naruto going to watch Sasuke's duel?"

Naruto just walked forward, waved to little Sakura behind him and said, "Don't look, I already know the result."

Compared to Sasuke, Naruto planned to take this time to care about Hinata who had just lost in the battle.

Just before walking towards where Hinata and the others are, they have to pass by Gaara and the others.

Kankuro saw Naruto coming from a distance, and he didn't dare to breathe out. His chest, which had stopped hurting, suddenly started to feel phantom pain, and he couldn't help but cover his chest.

Temari unconsciously leaned back to make way for the aisle. Facing Naruto's aggressive gaze, she just lowered her head and looked at the ground, her face slightly red, like a white rabbit giving up resistance in the face of a tiger.

Gaara, on the other hand, remained on alert. The sand in the gourd behind him slowly flew out, hiding in the shadow of his body.

This was Naruto's first time seeing Gaara use sand. Seeing this ability, he naturally thought of Rangiku's Haineko, and had a vague impression of Gaara's ability in his mind.

It wasn't until Naruto passed by them in two or three steps that they felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Naruto walked to Hinata's three-person team and saw Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino applying medicine to Hinata, and then asked: "Do you need help?"

Aburame Shino glanced at Naruto and said nothing. Inuzuka Kiba turned around and asked: "Who is it? It's Naruto, why are you here."

Hinata heard Naruto coming, and her head, which was already lowered, was buried even lower.

She didn't want Naruto to see her in such a humiliating state as she was the first to be eliminated in this test.

Naruto took a look at Hinata's injuries. They were not particularly serious. They were skin injuries mainly abrasions, but they were normal. If the injuries were serious, they would have been taken away by the waiting treatment staff.

Naruto took Hinata's arm from Inuzuka Kiba's, and Hinata trembled because of shyness.

Naruto said to Inuzuka Kiba on the side: "The injury is not very serious, leave it to me."

"Can you do it?" Inuzuka Kiba was doubtful and handed the ointment in his hand to Naruto.

Naruto did not take the ointment, but placed his hand on Hinata's injury and used Kaidō.

"No, I know a little bit about medical skills."


After about a minute, Naruto took his hand away. Under the scar on Hinata's hand, the newly grown pink skin could be seen vaguely under the scab.

Seeing this scene, Yuhi Hong asked in surprise: "Naruto, have you actually mastered medical ninjutsu?"

"Strictly speaking, this is not a ninjutsu, just other techniques with similar functions." Naruto explained modestly.

This episode actually made Hinata temporarily forget the sadness of losing the duel.

"Really, it's my first time to participate in the Chūnin exam. There are three exams in total, and I have already passed two. What's there to be sad about? Just try harder next time." Naruto comforted.

"But..." Hinata was about to say something, but was interrupted by Inuzuka Kiba's voice.

"Naruto, why don't you come and take a look? Sasuke doesn't seem to be able to hold on anymore."

Naruto turned around and saw that Sasuke was being beaten by Neji's Gentle Fist Method·Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, unable to fight back. The meridians on his body were violently attacked, and even Reiatsu was affected.

"It's over Sasuke, the sixty-fourth palm!" Neji roared, about to deliver the final blow.

With a loud bang, Hollow's Naruto instantly appeared between Sasuke and Neji. Dense cracks appeared on the entire ground of the arena, extending to the wall before stopping.

"That's alright, I spared your lives not just so you can show off your power to my people here." Naruto said indifferently, showing murderous intent without any concealment.

That is, while Naruto was talking, Kakashi and Might Guy appeared at the same time, fearing that Naruto would do something outrageous.

Naruto took off his mask and said coldly: "You'd better pray not to meet me, otherwise you can see if your teacher can stop me."

Naruto also glanced at Might Guy provocatively. Might Guy's expression was no longer as relaxed as before, and he said seriously: "Naruto, you'd better not mess around."

"What are you doing? I didn't do anything. I just don't like seeing my own people being bullied. I can't just say a few words?" Naruto smiled disdainfully.

Might Guy reminded again: "This is a test, and it is normal to get injured in a duel."

“别跟我扯什么考试,我只知道,我的人被人揍了,我要揍回来,就这么简单,” Naruto说着扭了扭脖子,发出咔咔的声响,“既然你这么认真, I will definitely repay you seriously when the time comes.”

Naruto seriously? Kakashi's scalp went numb when he heard this, and Naruto got serious. It was enough to hurt Orochimaru. If it was used in the duel in the Chūnin exam, he didn't have the confidence to block it in advance.

Just as Kakashi was thinking about what to say at this time, Sasuke endured the pain of closed meridians and stood up, saying in a weak but firm voice: "This is my business, I don't need you to interfere. , I don’t need your protection!”

Naruto looked back at Sasuke's determined eyes. This was a development that Naruto could accept and was not defeated by repeated failures.

And Sasuke's willingness to say this to himself shows that his status in his heart is not too bad, otherwise he wouldn't even need to say more.

This is a good thing, although Naruto can also impart knowledge and skills to help Sasuke become stronger, but this is not what Naruto wants.

Because this is just to create another clone of himself. Since Sasuke is the second male lead, this world must have his own power. What Naruto wants is a Sasuke who has mastered the powerful power of enduring the world.

Only by doing this, and holding as much power in this world as possible in one's own hands, can the difficulty and risk of conquering this world be reduced as much as possible.

So Naruto didn't intend to continue to pester, and turned around to leave, but was stopped by Hayate in a sickly voice: "Stop Uzumaki Naruto."

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