Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 4 I Hate People Looking Down On Me

Naruto said in a cold tone: "After all, I still don't like the feeling of being looked down upon."

Nine Tails felt a little shaken in his heart. Even if he was still in a sealed state, the attack just now was his real power. How could it have no effect on him at all?

Could it be that what this kid said is true? If you don’t believe me, damn it!

Naruto clasped his hands together, extending his index finger and wrapping it around his two middle fingers.

"Bakudō ninety-nine forbidden!"

Huge leather straps appeared out of thin air in the cage, wrapping Nine Tails's two front legs behind him, and nails were driven into his body at fixed distances to secure him.

"Damn what are you doing!"

But it was far from over, Naruto squatted down and thrust his index finger and middle finger together into the water.

"Bakudō Ninety-Nine, Second Edition, Swastika Ban!"

"The first song stops the tension!"

"Two Qu, Bailian Boluan!"

Naruto's power suddenly turned into a huge white cloth, completely wrapping Nine Tails' entire body. Hundreds of iron bars generated countless iron thorns, which penetrated Nine Tails' body and firmly fixed it to the ground.

In the end, Naruto was left with only one right eye, and the right corner of his mouth was not bound. He saw shock, horror and anger in Nine Tails' eyes, and the original look that wanted to kill was no longer there.

"I hope you don't make a mistake about who the owner of this place is. I hate it when others look down on me." Naruto snapped his fingers, "I don't like the environment here either."

Under the astonished gaze of Nine Tails, the entire space shook violently, and the original underground pipe-like scene gradually collapsed and disintegrated, even revealing the blue sky.

The ground beneath his feet was gradually replaced by the exterior walls of the building made of glass windows. Naruto watched the changes here with satisfaction.

"I hope you will have changed the next time I see you."

Naruto gave Nine Tails one last meaningful look and exited this mental space.

In the end, only Nine Tails, whose pupils were shocked, was firmly fixed to the ground and unable to move.

It has experienced so many Jinchūriki, and this is the first time someone has been able to shock it beyond measure.


By the time Naruto woke up due to hunger, it was already evening.

He touched his protesting belly, thinking that after finally changing the world, he should seize the opportunity and taste more of the food here.

But he took out his wallet based on his memory and looked at the few steel coins left inside, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Unsurprisingly, as the protagonist, Naruto's start was much worse than that of Ichigo.

In the end, I had to find a piece of bread from the room, which had already been put on the hard bread, and a bottle of milk whose expiration date was blurred.

It seems that making money needs to be put on the agenda, and the quality of life urgently needs to be improved.

Then he remembered what the Anbu member had conveyed in the morning. After a brief wash, he relied on his memory and headed to the Hokage Building.


"Come in." Sarutobi Hiruzen said while handling the documents in his hand.

"I'm coming in."

After hearing that the person coming in was Naruto, he put down his work, carefully examined Naruto who came in, and carefully felt the flow of Chakra on his body.

But what surprised Sarutobi Hiruzen was that compared to the loosening of the seal of Nine Tails that he was worried about, the breath of Nine Tails was even weaker than before. At such a close distance, it was so thin that it was almost undetectable.

What's going on? Could it be that the emotional catharsis stabilized the seal?

And Naruto was also examining Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him, feeling the existence of this person called Hokage, and secretly evaluating the strength of the world's top combat power.

Although people in this world do not practice Reiatsu, excellent people are not bad in all aspects, so Naruto can still detect the good Reiatsu.

"Hello, Hokage." Naruto took the initiative to greet him, and also referred to the original reaction that Naruto would make.

This is something he had considered a long time ago. The Reiatsu of this body is not enough to support his full strength, and Zanpakutō has not yet been built, so he considered lying dormant for a while to accumulate strength.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said, "Why do you start calling me Hokage-sama? You used to call me Hokage Grandpa. Suddenly it has become unfamiliar?"

Naruto waved his hand and said, "Nothing."

"You little brat, really, I clearly sent someone to notify you in the morning, what time is it now?" Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and shook his head.

Naruto just scratched his head embarrassedly: "Sorry, sorry, because of what happened last night, I was too tired and overslept."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not pursue it, because he also knew what happened last night.

He got straight to the point: "I have heard Iruka's report about what happened last night, and I have a general understanding of it. I called you here mainly to ask you about why you can release Kidō."

Naruto was not surprised by this question. If he didn't ask about this matter, it would be better to say that if he didn't ask this question, he would feel more strange.

Then Naruto gathered his emotions and slowly said, "I learned all those things from that scroll. After I opened the scroll, the knowledge about Kidō entered my mind directly."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not doubt Naruto's words. After all, Naruto has always lived under certain surveillance. Not to mention that no strange people approached him, there was no abnormality in his daily activities.

Regarding Naruto's sudden ability to use the technique called Kidō, Sarutobi Hiruzen was more inclined to believe that Naruto had just mastered it. Perhaps the sealed book did hide some secrets, and a special method was needed to interpret the hidden content.

He planned to find Naruto to study this matter together after a while, and did not want to stimulate Naruto for the time being.

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject and said, "I haven't congratulated you on becoming a real ninja yet. What do you want to do after becoming a ninja?"

Naruto answered without hesitation, "I want to make money."

Hearing this answer, Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little surprised and asked back, "Why do I remember that you said your dream was to become a Hokage before, Naruto."

Naruto took a deep breath and began to brew his emotions. Although he couldn't let go of being killed by Aizen-sama's sneak attack, he couldn't deny that Aizen-sama still taught him a lot of things, one of which was that life is like a play and it all depends on acting.

Considering Naruto's current age, he currently adhered to the central idea that the crying child gets candy and started his performance.

Naruto smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "Forget about the Hokage thing. How can a guy like me get everyone's recognition? Compared to such an unrealistic Kyōka Suigetsu, I, who have no parents to take care of me, just hope to improve my life with my own hands."

Naruto rolled his red eyes and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said bitterly, "I don't understand why so many people are always hostile to me when it's not my fault."

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say a word for a long time, and finally turned into a long sigh.

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