Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 44 A Sneak Attack Without Martial Ethics

Szayel Aporro did not use the ring to move quickly, but chose to walk on the water. Compared to the hell filled with scorching miasma, he had not breathed fresh air for a long time.

His figure was also seen by a worker on the bridge. The worker stopped what he was doing and said to his companion: "Why is there a person on the water?"

The companion didn't pay much attention to it and continued the work at hand. He replied calmly: "Can you walk on water? He must be a ninja somewhere. It has nothing to do with us."

At this moment, Szayel Aporro appeared next to them and asked: "In other words, this is already within the scope of the Kingdom of Waves, right?"

"You, yes, this is already within the Kingdom of Waves." The man was a little surprised. Szayel Aporro was still a long way away from the bridge when he saw it, but he actually appeared in front of them in an instant.

But when he blinked again, his companion's chest had been penetrated by Szayel Aporro, and he fell straight down.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have any special expectations for the inferior people in this world, their fragile flesh and blood." Szayel Aporro looked at the fallen man and said with some contempt.

"What did you do...!" Another man roared at Szayel Aporro, anger diluting fear, grabbing the wood in his hand and about to attack.

But how could the world care about the emotions of a little person? His result was that his chest was pierced and he fell to the ground.

Szayel Aporro crossed his hands on his chest, quietly waiting for something.

After about a few minutes, a large amount of white substance spurted out from the chests of the two bodies.

Those substances quickly covered the whole body, and finally formed a special white mask on the two people's faces.

The two people were originally about 1.7 meters tall, but now they have completely transformed into huge monsters of more than two meters, with explosive muscle curves.

"The transformation of the Hollow can be carried out normally, but it is obviously different from the other world. It is not just based on the spirit body, but changes together with the physical body. In this way, even ordinary people without Reiatsu qualifications can still observe the Hollow's transformation Existence is really interesting." Szayel Aporro said with a golden light of curiosity in his eyes.

The two Hollows just stood there in fear, not daring to make the slightest move, for fear of disturbing Szayel Aporro and losing his life, which was in sharp contrast to their huge size.

Szayel Aporro pushed the frame and said: "Let's go and lead the way. How many people should be killed in order to keep the country functioning?"


The sound ninja disguised as Orochimaru also came to the scene under the guidance of Konoha Chūnin.

"This is it, please confirm." The Konoha Chūnin said to Orochimaru, then turned and left.

Orochimaru looked at the death of the two sound ninjas and fell into deep thought. Kabuto, who was hiding aside, appeared and performed autopsies on the two corpses.

Kabuto first confirmed the sound ninja who was beheaded and said: "The wound on the neck is very flat. It should have been severed by a sharp blow. There is no obvious limit to resistance. It seems that there is a huge difference in strength."

He turned to the other corpse and reported his findings to Orochimaru: "Basically all the substances in his body have been lost, leaving only a layer of dehydrated skin, and the deformation of the mouth extends to the abdomen, like Something entered through his navel, gestated inside him, and then left his mouth, it was almost like..."

Before Kabuto finished speaking, Orochimaru continued: "Like my stand-in Technique?"

"Yes, but it is only the last physical representation left. The difference is obvious in nature. It can use the target's body to this extent. Compared with the stand-in Technique, it is more like some kind of life-extending technology." Kabuto gave Very high rating.

Orochimaru did not speak immediately, but looked at the huge ravine beside him and thought deeply.

According to the information given to him by Konoha, the place erupted with the explosion of iron collision, and he rushed here.

Orochimaru touched his chin and murmured: "I have seen Naruto use this move, but the traces here show that the power is obviously far greater than when he fought with me. It is impossible for these two ninjas to force him to this point. So who is he fighting?"

Kabuto didn't have a better view on this, so he could only watch Orochimaru silently and think.

What Naruto showed was more and more beyond Orochimaru's expectations. There was a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart, but now it was too late to change the plan.


Early the next morning, Naruto arrived at the agreed place early. After waiting for about an hour, Jiraiya arrived late with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

Last night, Jiraiya read through all the books he could find so far, including a large number of ancient books, and could not find any description of an existence similar to Ulquiorra.

He even thought about the possibility that he had fallen under an illusion without knowing it, and that everything was false.

"Why is it common for teachers to be late?" Naruto teased.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. We have already wasted a lot of time. Let's start our training." Jiraiya went straight to the topic without talking nonsense. Since he didn't find any valid information, he planned to take a risk today.

Although Naruto didn't understand the subsequent plot of Hokage, when he saw the bottomless cliff, he thought that the root of the original Summoning Technique was the amount of Chakra used by the caster, and then thought of the Nine Tails originally sealed in this body. .

Suddenly, a sense of reality came over me. If I changed the character, and another way of saying it, it would be like Urahara Kisuke helping Ichigo find his own Shinigami power.

Then he thought that Jiraiya should be very concerned about Ulquiorra, and probably wanted to use this method to force either Nine Tails or Ulquiorra out of his body by threatening his life.

Naruto thought for a moment, how he should respond, and simply asked directly: "Ms. Jiraiya, what is the content of today's class, is it Summoning Technique?"

"Yes, it's still Summoning Technique. You don't think you can defeat anyone with the tadpoles you summoned, do you?" Jiraiya said dissatisfied.

"But rational analysis, with my own Chakra, no matter how skilled I am, there is no way to solve my lack of Chakra," Naruto paused and continued, "And I happen to have a demon fox sealed in my body, so this guy should have a lot of Chakra. , you want to make that guy compromise and give me Chakra by creating danger?"

"After all, whatever is in the body, as long as the host as the carrier is at risk of death, he will still obediently hand over his power in order to survive."

Naruto said, thinking that the best way to explain this relationship is Zangetsu and Xubai in Ichigo's body.

Jiraiya felt as if he had seen a ghost when he heard this. He did not expect Naruto to be able to analyze to this extent with the existing information.

He didn't waste any time and kicked Naruto hard, and Naruto instantly blocked with his sword.

But without Reiatsu's blessing, the huge force from Jiraiya instantly kicked him dozens of meters away and fell into the cliff.

Jiraiya looked at the falling Naruto and shouted: "Since you are so smart, you should stay away from the edge of the cliff in advance, and when your brain is moving, your body should keep up!"

Naruto could only roll his eyes at him, and at the same time reach out his hand to make an international friendly gesture. Little did he know that this old guy would do this just when he lost Reiatsu.

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