The next morning the ship docked at the coast of Snow Country. Before Naruto got off the ship, he simply sensed that there were a lot of Reiatsu reactions hidden in the snow not far away.

Speaking of Reiatsu's strength, although it does not reach the average level of ninjas, it is basically above the level of ordinary people. If we want to find a similar reference, it is the level of the samurai who were killed by Naruto in the land of waves.

Not only that, a fast-moving train can be seen approaching in the distance, and there are also a large number of Reiatsu reactions on it.

It seems that the other party obviously accepted my suggestion and came with sufficient preparation in advance.

Naruto stopped the crew members who were about to move the equipment and said to the director, "Maybe you need to change the script again."

The director asked with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

"The scene will be bigger than expected. The perspective on the boat is actually better. Do not get off the boat, do you understand?" Naruto warned.

The director looked at Naruto's serious expression and immediately understood what Naruto meant, and called for everyone to set up equipment on the deck.

The third wife looked at the deserted snow and asked, "What's wrong?"

Naruto looked at Fuji Fugee and said, "It's about to begin, you just need to wait and see how I conquer the Land of Snow."

On the speeding train, a roaring voice came: "Uzumaki Naruto, right? I investigated your information and I was very surprised that you are so strong."

Naruto jumped off the deck and answered loudly: "So I am already so famous?"

Feng Hua Nu Tao continued: "This matter has nothing to do with you. As long as you give up this task, I can pay you double the task reward."

Naruto just said calmly: "I'm really looked down upon. You want to bribe me at this price?"

"If you are willing to talk, everything is negotiable."

"It's not necessary. The price you can give, I can also get it myself after killing you." Naruto said and took out the Zanpakutō.

"Stupid guy, attack!"

At Feng Hua Furumao's command, all the train carriages were opened, and each carriage was filled with countless holes. Countless kunai were instantly shot out, attacking Naruto from all directions.

Just when Naruto jumped to avoid it, the three of them launched ninjutsu to attack at the same time.

Wolf Fang Avalanche once again used his strongest ninjutsu, Ice Release - White Whale, strengthened by the Chakra armor.

Naruto stepped on the white whale's movement, and Tsurubi Fubuki's Ice Release·Ice Prison Technique spread instantly along the white whale's body, freezing Naruto's right foot.

The strongest attack of Feng Hua Furuo, Ice Release Double Dragon Blizzard, was also launched at this time. Chakra gathered the surrounding frost and snow into two black dragons, circling and attacking Naruto who was restricted from moving.

Naruto didn't panic in the slightest, and used Kong Chan to escape from the control, appearing behind Wolf Fang Avalanche.

Naruto instantly pinched Langya Xuebeng's head and just spoke indifferently.

"Hadō's Thirty-One Red Fire Cannon."

Red light burst out in Naruto's hands, and the life of the ninja named Wolf Fang Avalanche came to an end at this moment.

But Naruto did not stop. Dark red Chakra appeared on his body surface. This was only what others saw, but in fact it was not just the dark red Chakra emerging on his body surface. There was also a dark Reiatsu on his body surface.

The two quickly sank into Naruto's right hand, and the two energies were mixed and compressed together.

"Summoning Technique."

After Naruto released the Summoning Technique, countless dense symbols spread to all parts of the Wolf Fang Avalanche corpse.

Then a white substance gushes out from Naruto's hand and wraps around the corpse's body like clay. In just a few breaths, a figure wearing a cow bone mask and white clothes appears.

Naruto just said calmly: "Destroy them and collect the souls."

Ludburn took out the Zanpakutō from his waist, looked around at the Snow Country warriors, and spoke coldly.

"As commanded, grow out, Skeleton Tree!"

Ludburn directly used the return blade, stretching out countless branches from the ground and wrapping around his body. The branches spreading out from his shoulders were like branches.

On those branches, a large number of skeleton fruits quickly grew, and the fruits quickly grew into human-shaped skeleton soldiers.

After the skeleton soldiers landed, they waved the blades in their hands and rushed towards the originally hidden warriors of the Kingdom of Snow.

"What is this?" Feng Hua Nu Tao watched in disbelief as his hidden manpower fell apart under the continuous attack of the skeleton army.

And Naruto Shunpo came to the side of Fenghua Furudao, raised his sword and swung it with sword pressure. This technique of compressing Reiatsu to the sword edge and swinging it easily passed through the Chakra defensive wall and chopped off Fenghua Furudao's left arm. go.

Hot blood sprayed on the snow, and the wind and snow roared with painful howls.

"Tell me, why are you looking for the hexagonal crystal? By the way, I am also very interested in your Chakra armor technology." Naruto said, slowly approaching Feng Hua Raging Tao step by step.

"damn it!"

The huge sense of oppression radiated from Naruto's body caused Fenghua Furumao to retreat continuously. He lost his left arm and had problems controlling his body balance, and his retreating movements also staggered.

Naruto used his limited genjutsu, mixed with his terrifying killing intent.

The carefully arranged troops were easily neutralized by Naruto, and Fenghua Furuntao's spirit was already in a state of extreme collapse.

At this moment, Naruto in his eyes was no longer a Genin from Konoha, but a demon who had returned from hell. He was slowly walking towards him from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Surrounded by the souls of those who died under Naruto's hands were crying and wailing. .

Naruto thrust the Zanpakutō into Fenghana Furuno's thigh, and then slowly turned it.

The heart-wrenching pain made Fenghua Ragingdao cry out uncontrollably: "Ahhhh!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you die until I get the answer you want." Naruto said and used Kaidō on Fenghua Furumao to ensure that he would not die from excessive blood loss.

Feng Hua Ragao looked at the hallucination, Naruto's green-faced fanged face was grinning ferociously, and listening to Naruto's terrifying declaration, his spirit had reached the critical point of collapse.

"No, no, noaaaah!"

In this state, Feng Hua Ang Tao didn't last long before he revealed all the secrets of the hexagonal crystal and the location of the information on the Chakra armor.

Generally speaking, enemies would be left to the parties involved to deal with them personally, but Naruto was very interested in the soul of Feng Hua Furu Tao. After all, it was a good thing of Jōnin level and could not be wasted carelessly.

As for the body of Feng Hua Furuo, as a material for Summoning Technique, it is also above average.

But Naruto is still not in a hurry to Summon the next companion. After all, this is his first attempt to rewrite, using Chakra and Reiatsu as adhesives through magic techniques to fuse the spirit of another world with the flesh of this world. It is better to observe the actual situation for a period of time.

Just like that, Naruto returned to the deck carrying Fenghua Furumao's body. Ludburn also completed the battle and returned to Naruto's side.

Compared to Ludburn, everyone's eyes were still focused on the dead Feng Hua Furong Tao.

The third husband and Yukie cried at the same time. Although their current feelings were different, they were also emotional outbursts that had been suppressed for ten years. Even Naruto did not interrupt and just watched silently.

Naruto waved to Ludburn, and when Ludburn came to him, Naruto whispered: "Keep an eye on the boat next to you, don't let any news get out, and get rid of the mouse quietly."

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