In his sleep, a pair of soft arms embraced him.


Then a lazy hum sounded in his ears, charming and sweet.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw Xiaoxue's beautiful sleeping face, with a pair of white and tender legs just clamped around him.

It seemed that he fell asleep last night while reading the information about Chakra armor.

Naruto was very interested in this invention. The point was not how much it could improve the user's ability, but its excellent defense against ninjutsu and illusion.

After all, this is the world of ninjas. Not to mention that the ninja's attack methods are not just ninjutsu and illusion, but it is undeniable that being able to effectively defend against these two points has already covered a considerable area.

But it is a pity that the relevant information has clear restrictions on the upper limit of what Chakra armor can bear.

According to the conclusion of the experimental report, it is the quality of the materials used to make Chakra armor that affects the upper limit of bearing performance, which is also a problem that needs to be solved later.

Naruto gently woke up Fenghua Xiaoxue and whispered, "Wake up, my princess. Today is the day for the ceremony. You don't want the people of the Snow Country to wait for you, do you?" After a little more effort, the two of them put on their clothes. Several days have passed since Fenghua Nutao was defeated. The Snow Country is gradually getting back on track, and today is the day when Xiaoxue officially becomes the queen of the Snow Country, and it is also the day when Naruto is preparing to return. Naruto looked at the nervous Xiaoxue and comforted her, "Don't be so nervous. I will leave Rudborn to you to command. If there is a big problem, I will cover it for you. My princess, no, you should call me Queen after today." Before leaving, Naruto summoned Rudborn in an empty corner and said. "I'm leaving soon. You stay here and continue to follow up on the research of Chakra armor and cooperate with them to manage the Snow Country. During this period, continue to collect and learn knowledge of this world." Rudborn bowed his head respectfully and replied. "As you command."

"If necessary, use Reiatsu to write the message, and use simple content as a disguise." Naruto thought for a while and added for safety.

Ludborn naturally understood what Naruto meant. People in this world cannot detect Reiatsu, so naturally, the text communicated through Reiatsu is like a book without words to them.

Then Ludborn handed over a complete Chakra armor and a complete Chakra armor data backup to Naruto as Naruto requested.

This is what Naruto is going to bring to SzayelAporro. As a scientist from Hueco Mundo, he should still be interested in this kind of thing.

It is a second-hand preparation made by Naruto. After all, compared with the researchers in this world, he is more willing to trust old friends who have known each other for hundreds of years.

When the ship returning to Konoha sailed to the range of Wave Country, Naruto split his body and went to Wave Country secretly with things.

After handing over the Chakra armor-related things to SzayelAporro, he naturally talked about his recent activities.

"Don't worry, I released the experimental body inland, and Konoha can't find any connection with this place." SzayelAporro pushed the frame and said confidently.

Naruto nodded slightly, he was not worried about this aspect.

Szayel Aporro continued: "In addition, I also studied some other things, including opening up black cavities in this world."

"Did you make it?"

"It failed, but it was not a complete failure. Although the black voice was used, the direction of the black voice was Hueco Mundo, but after all, the space of Hueco Mundo does not exist in this world, and it cannot break through the limitations of the world and connect to other worlds. A world, so the opened Kurosaki cannot be used." SzayelAporro waved his hands, and then changed the subject, "But this also inspired me."

He snapped his fingers, and with one of his hands, he grabbed an adult male to the side of the two of them, and then broke the man's neck.

They could see that the soul belonging to that man was slowly disappearing from the body.

Szayel Aporro commanded Xu to dispose of the man's body, and then said to Naruto: "You should have observed this phenomenon, about the life and death of this world."

Naruto nodded and replied: "Yes, I came to this world and observed it when I killed the first person."

"So the Zanpakutō you made in this world, does it have the functions that Zanpakutō should have? Have you used it to perform the duties of a Shinigami in this world?" Szayel Aporro pointed at Naruto and said.

Naruto instantly understood what Szayel Aporro meant. He was sure that the Zanpakutō he forged could perform its functions normally. It was enough to use it to open the door to hell before.

But what Szayel Aporro is talking about here is not its ability to open the gates of hell, but another ability to use more.

Naruto blurted out: "You mean the ability to direct souls to Soul Society?"

"Correct answer, but judging from your reaction, you probably haven't tried it yet. It's a pity that you are just a clone here."

Naruto asked curiously: "What do you want to test?"

"Since the Zanpakutō you forged in this world also has its original function, can you use it to create Soul Society?"

Naruto was slightly startled, he obviously did not immediately understand what SzayelAporro meant.

"Souls are going to Soul Society under the guidance of Zanpakutō. So, can the place where thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of souls go, be recognized as Soul Society? We don't need to let They go to Soul Society, but the place they go to is defined as Soul Society." Szayel Aporro said with a look of madness on his face.

"Hahahahaha, what a crazy idea. If it can be realized, it can even break the original logic of life and death in this world. The whole world will be under our control!"

And with the power of a world, Naruto can better revenge.

Naruto suppressed his smile and said: "Don't try this easily for the time being. It requires too many souls, which is equivalent to being an enemy of the whole world. We need to think about it in the long term. I will need your power in half a month. I will contact you then." ”

After seeing Szayel Aporro nodding, Naruto's clone was released on its own, and the memory naturally returned to the original body.

On the other side of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage office put down the report on the Hollow attack and killed several Genin, and looked up at Naruto who came to report.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

Naruto wiped the tears from his eyes, waved his hand and apologized: "I'm very sorry, Hokage-sama, I thought of something happy."

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