Hokage Naruto, The Opening Black Coffin Shocked Konoha

Chapter 6 First Kiss And Complete Abuse

Naruto used the Transformation Technique, transformed into Sasuke's appearance, and found little Sakura who was eating lunch alone on the seat.

Naruto wanted to verify whether the reason for the abnormal activity of the knot and body sleep was contact with women.

After all, as Naruto, it is still difficult for him to have close contact with other women reasonably. He happened to still remember the plot of Naruto disguising himself as Sasuke, so he took the opportunity to verify it.

Little Sakura also happened to notice Naruto's fiery gaze, and she was still imagining the scenario where Sasuke fell in love with her.

But little Sakura quickly lowered her head and sighed. This kind of thing was just her own fantasy after all, and Sasuke would not do such a thing.

Sasuke, disguised as Naruto, had already arrived in front of little Sakura, gently lifted the hair from little Sakura's face, held her face with one hand, looked down at little Sakura affectionately and said.

"Every time I look at you, I am always attracted to your beautiful forehead, as if there is a kind of magic that makes people want to have it."

Listening to these loving words, a trace of astonishment flashed across Sakura's face. She had never thought that the words in her fantasy could actually be heard spoken by Sasuke in reality.

After confirming that this was not her fantasy, little Sakura felt her heart pounding. She blushed and asked softly with her heart beating: "Sasuke, are you...serious?"

"Of course I'm serious. Do you think I'm Naruto's kind of guy who likes to joke around?" Naruto asked with a smile.

Little Sakura said coquettishly: "Don't mention that spoiler now."

Then little Sakura closed her eyes silently and continued: "In order to get Sasuke's approval, I am willing to do anything. Who made me like Sasuke from a long time ago..."

Feeling the ambiguous atmosphere, Naruto let little Sakura hold his head, and her lips, as delicate as rose petals, slowly moved closer to Naruto.

The next second, Naruto felt the warmth between those lips.

At the same time, he felt the abnormal activity of Lock Knot and Soul Sleep, and Reiatsu's recovery speed increased instantly.

Sure enough, as he suspected, as long as this body has a relatively intimate behavior with a girl, it can activate the lock knot and soul sleep, and quickly restore Reiatsu in a short period of time.

Although strictly speaking Naruto hadn't tested whether the same thing would happen with men, he had no personal interest in it.

Just at this moment, Sasuke arrived in a panic and shouted with gritted teeth: "Damn you, Naruto!"

Sasuke's shout quickly attracted little Sakura's attention. She opened her eyes and looked at Sasuke in the distance, then looked at Sasuke in front of her, and asked with some confusion.

"What the hell is going on?"

Sasuke clicked his tongue and said in disgust: "Naruto, you guy, don't do boring things in my face!"

The sound of the quarrel quickly attracted the attention of the people around, and everyone focused their attention here.

Little Sakura listened to the words of Sasuke in the distance, and then she was slightly stunned. A bad premonition arose in her heart, and she frowned and asked: "Naruto?"

Turning his head to look at "Sasuke" in front of him, he also canceled the transformation and returned to Naruto's appearance.

Sakura's face turned red with anger when she thought about what had just happened, and that the person she had just been with was not Sasuke but Naruto.

He raised his hand to make close contact with Naruto's cheek, but Naruto easily held the white wrist.

Naruto put little Sakura's hand on her leg and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will show you right away how fragile the Sasuke you like is."

Naruto turned around and smiled at Sasuke and said, "Why does my defeated general have the right to point fingers at me?"

Sasuke thought about what had just happened and argued angrily: "Are you kidding me? If it wasn't for your sneak attack, I might have lost to you."

Naruto continued with a calm expression and said: "How about that, do you want to try it again? I don't need the trick I just did, and I can also let you stand there with one hand and wait for you to make a move?"

The veins on Sasuke's forehead twitched slightly, and his whole face was so gloomy that it seemed like it could drip water. He said, "There must be a limit to being arrogant. Come here and I will let you know the price of arrogance!"

Everyone obviously noticed something from this conversation. It seemed that a conflict broke out between the two people who had just been assigned to a team.

"It's so new. Why do you think the two of them are quarreling over little Sakura?" A boy joked, but was immediately retorted by the girl next to him.

"Are you stupid? How could Sasuke be angry with someone like Sakura-chan!"

"It's a bit strange. Why is Naruto so calm, but Sasuke is so angry? Could it be that Sasuke really lost to Naruto?" People who are relatively indifferent to scandals between men and women quickly discovered some details.

"What idiot are you talking about? Naruto, that guy can beat Sasuke? Don't make people laugh, you have a greater chance of beating Sasuke than him."

"Forget it, you're kidding me. How can I beat Sasuke?"

"That's not right."

Hinata heard Naruto's name from the crowd's comments and squeezed through the crowd to find out.

Naruto didn't care at all about people's comments and onlookers, or in other words, this was what he wanted, he needed everyone's testimony.

Witness that starting from today, Uzumaki Naruto will no longer be the bully tail in their memories.

Naruto walked towards Sasuke, put his left hand behind his back, and hooked him with his right hand.

"You can start at any time. I have no problem with sneak attacks. As long as you can hit me, I will lose. And I..." Naruto said, raising his right hand, "I will be merciful. After all, we will all "You are a teammate of the same team, so I won't embarrass you too much. I can just give you a gentle slap with this hand."

Listening to Naruto's arrogant declaration, everyone onlookers immediately burst into an uproar.

"No, Naruto is crazy, he actually provoked Sasuke."

"He's so arrogant that he loses as long as Sasuke hits him?"

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Sasuke was on the verge of losing his mind. There was only one thought left in his mind, which was to give Naruto in front of him a good beating.

He exerted force under his feet, waved his fists, and rushed towards Naruto like a bow and arrow.

But it was just a fake move, he quickly came behind Naruto and punched him.

Naruto just chanted calmly: "One of Bakudō Sai."

Suddenly, Sasuke's fist stopped, and his hands were held behind his back by a strong force. This sudden change made him lose his center of gravity, and he was about to fall to the ground.

At this moment, Naruto turned around and drew a perfect curve with the back of his right hand in the air, landing accurately on the side of Sasuke's face.

There was a snap, and the entire playground was silent.

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