Shiranui Genma also acted at this time, and used the ninjutsu Senboname directly at Baki. Under the influence of the ninjutsu, it split into countless pieces and shot towards Baki like a gust of wind.

Baki quickly formed a seal with his mouth bulging, and while using Wind Style and Vacuum Wave to deal with Senbon, he urged Temari and Gaara: "Hurry up!"

Baki has personally experienced that the Nine Tails Jinchūriki named Naruto is terrifyingly powerful, and the strength displayed by Gaara, who is also a Jinchūriki, is completely different from that of the same Jinchūriki.

Naruto naturally would not give up this opportunity. He did not choose Baki as the target of attack. He knew that Gaara was obviously more important among the three.

Coupled with Baki's willingness to give up his actions for Gaara, Naruto directly changed the target of his attack to Gaara.

Just like the attack that just killed Kankuro, Naruto needs to use the least amount of Reiatsu to make the most effective attack.

In an instant, Hollow accelerated his feet, aimed at Gaara's other intact arm, and swung out Zanpakutō with all his strength.

However, Baki noticed it in advance and tried his best to release Wind Style·Wind Blade at Shiranui Genma, and the thrust generated blocked Naruto's slash.

The laceration caused by Naruto extended from Baki's chest to his left arm, and blood spurted out wantonly.

Gaara let the blood spill on his face, looked at the pale Baki, used his last strength, and yelled at him: "Go quickly..."

But the next moment, a sharp blade completely shattered it. Only Naruto's cold eyes looked down at him and said lightly: "Don't worry, you will be next."

Gaara's pupils began to waver, her mouth opened and closed slightly and she murmured: "No, no, no..."

Kankuro's death and Baki's death gradually overlapped with the memories in Gaara's mind, and she thought of the former Yashamaru.

Naruto directly flew up and kicked Temari to the wall. Zanpakutō landed on Gaara's intact arm and said calmly: "So many people died for you. You obviously have powerful power far beyond them, but If you are cowering here, let me see your true face!"

After saying that, Zanpakutō fell down and cut off Gaara's other arm. Perhaps it was because Shukaku in Gaara's body felt that his life was threatened, or perhaps because Gaara's emotions were completely broken.

The sand around Gaara was particularly excited. As Gaara let out a howl that did not belong to him, he became completely dependent and transformed into the form of One Tail Shukaku.

The huge body of One Tail Shukaku completely collapsed part of the auditorium when it appeared, and everyone briefly stopped fighting.

Whether it was the ninjas of Konoha, or the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village and Sound Ninja Village, they all looked at this huge monster.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the sudden rise of the behemoth and said in shock: "This is Shukaku, Orochimaru, do you not only want to kill me, the teacher, but also try to destroy the entire Konoha?"

Orochimaru stabbed the kunai that was against Sarutobi Hiruzen's neck into the palm of his hand. A few tears fell from the corners of his eyes and he said: "A windmill that doesn't rotate has no value for viewing at all. I want to get ahead of others now." , turn the windmill with the wind that destroys Konoha."

After speaking, Orochimaru took off the Kazekage disguise and said: "It's just Shukaku. It doesn't deserve your surprise, sensei. There is clearly a more terrifying existence in the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also took off his Hokage decorations, revealing the combat uniform hidden underneath. He frowned and asked, "Are you talking about Naruto?"

Orochimaru chuckled twice and said: "At this time, teacher, are you still pretending to be stupid with me? Naruto is always under your surveillance. You know how scary he is better than me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent. In fact, as Orochimaru said, he naturally knew that Naruto had a terrifying power other than Nine Tails hidden in him.

Hayate did not return to the village for half a month. Sarutobi Hiruzen also secretly sent others to investigate. A total of ten Chūnin were sent. Except for one who returned to the village safely, the other nine were all missing and no clues were found.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't ignore Naruto's possible connection with this matter, but he didn't want to lose strength on this matter before dealing with Orochimaru's problem.


Kakashi and Guy, along with the Genin who were watching the battle, escaped from the area surrounded by Shukaku.

Little Sakura looked at the people who were killed by Shukaku and who were still sleeping due to genjutsu, and said with some difficulty: "Kakashi-sensei and the others..."

Kakashi was silent for a moment before he said, "Sorry."

Little Sakura actually didn't mean to blame. She knew very well that Kakashi and Guy could only take them away as much as they could, and with the interference of hostile ninjas, they really had no energy left to save them.

In her heart, little Sakura fell into deep self-blame for her own weakness.

Guy looked at Shukaku and said to Kakashi, "What should I do with that thing?"

Kakashi used kunai to kill the two attacking sound ninjas neatly. He looked at Shukaku and replied: "It shouldn't be the best choice for us to deal with that thing. We can only quickly solve our problems here first." , think about it again.”

After that, Kakashi and Guy each killed another sound ninja.


Naruto looked at the giant creature in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise. He could feel the special Chakra emanating from Shukaku.

It was obvious that this was the reinforcement material he was looking for.

Naruto said to Nine Tails inside his body: "It's your turn to do something."

The lying Nine Tails didn't waste any time and directly transferred Chakra into Naruto's body.

Naruto bit his finger and used the Summoning Technique. This time it didn't fail.

Yammy, who was two meters tall, appeared in front of Naruto. He looked around in surprise, turned to Naruto and asked, "What's wrong? You said you would help me escape from hell."

Naruto nodded slightly and replied: "Well, I already have a plan for this matter. It should be carried out in the next two days, but before that, help me deal with this guy in front of me."

Yammy tilted her head slightly, pointed her thumb at Shukaku behind her and said, "Is this this thing?"

As soon as Yammy finished speaking, Shukaku controlled his huge claws and slapped Naruto and Yammy.

Naruto reacted quickly and jumped onto the auditorium to avoid the attack, but Yammy just stood there and was firmly photographed into the ground.

But in fact, this level of attack could not hurt Yammy, it could only make Yammy feel angry. He drew out his Zanpakutō angrily and roared: "Mader, get angry, you angry beast!"

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