Hokage: Ninjutsu Can Only Be Gained By Being Shocked

Chapter 47 Class 7 Teacher, Uchiha Jing?

Not to mention the people on the playground, even one of the protagonists, Uchiha Jing, was stunned.

He is the teacher of Class 7?

Shouldn't it be Hatake Kakashi?

What went wrong?

However, this question just turned around in his mind and was forgotten by him.

Just be a teacher, it’s not a big deal.

Also, it seems quite interesting.

Uchiha Jing looked at the three people on the playground with evil intentions.

The three of them felt a chill on their backs at the same time.

It seems like something bad is about to happen...

"You can report to the teachers of each class in the afternoon. Your ninja journey will officially begin tomorrow!"

After saying this, the audience suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Naruto quickly ran to Uchiha Jing.

"Give me, give me, Ichiraku Ramen Free Lifetime Card!"

Uchiha Jing smiled and handed the card to him.

"Wow! You can eat unlimited Ichiraku ramen from now on!"

Naruto held the card in a novel way, looking left and right, it was extremely novel.

Uchiha Jing smiled and did not interrupt his joy.

As the first friend who came to this world, Uchiha Jing sincerely hopes that Naruto can be happy.

Erzhuzi followed Naruto with a proud look on his face and looked at Uchiha Jing in a slightly flustered manner.

Also eleven years old.

Even he is a few months older than Uchiha Jing.

Why is the difference so big?

Erzhu was puzzled.

"Zhuzi, what are you looking at?"

Uchiha Jing looked at Sasuke teasingly.

"My name is not Zhuzi! What kind of name is this! It sounds awful!"

Sasuke immediately stormed off, his face flushed.

If you can't beat him, you must! You must tear this guy's mouth apart!

"Do you want to tear my mouth apart? Haha."

Uchiha Jing gave him a meaningful smile.

Sasuke was furious and his body shook violently as soon as the contact came into contact.


How could he know what he was thinking?

Mind reading?

Sharingan also has the ability to read minds?

"Don't worry, Sharingan is not a mind reader..."

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I do."

Sasuke looked up suddenly and took a step back subconsciously.

Uchiha Jing laughed and dragged Naruto away.

"See you in the woods tomorrow morning at seven o'clock. Don't forget to tell that pink girl."

From afar, a word reached Sasuke's ears.

Sasuke snorted coldly, crossed his arms proudly and turned his head.

But I was still very excited.

Uchiha Jing...

A genius of the Uchiha clan just like his brother!

If you study with him, you should make rapid progress like Naruto...

In Ichiraku ramen restaurant.

Today's Ichiraku ramen is not the roadside stall it used to be.

Located in the center of Konoha Village, it occupies a large area and the interior decoration is extremely original.

Clean, tidy and efficient!

Coupled with Uncle Ichiraku’s exclusive secret recipe.

It’s hard to think whether Ichiraku Ramen is popular or not.

Although it wasn't time for lunch yet, there were still many people at Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant.

"Hey, why did the boss of the God of Wealth come to the shop today?"

In front of the counter, Uncle Ichiraku's daughter Iris looked at Uchiha Jing with a smile.

"Today is the day Naruto becomes a ninja, let's celebrate."

Uchiha Jing was a little afraid to look directly into Acorus's eyes.

Ever since he started working with Uncle Ichiraku, something was wrong with this little girl.

Whenever I have nothing to do, I always come over to chat with him.

It's just a wink at every turn.

But the problem is...

He is only eleven this year. Even though his mind is already over thirty years old, his body is pure and minor.

Sister, you are underage!

Only eleven years old!

Learn about it after starting in three years...

"Really! Congratulations Naruto!"

Iris temporarily let go of Uchiha Jing and turned to look at Naruto.

"Of course it's true."

Naruto held his head up proudly.

He also has a good relationship with Iris.

After all, I always eat and drink with Uchiha Jing.

You'll become familiar with it after rubbing it around.

"Then I will personally cook today and make you a luxurious ramen!"

After saying that, Calamus entered the kitchen in a hurry.

The two of them found a place to sit down.

"Jing, I didn't expect you to be my teacher."

Naruto said happily.

"Like you, I didn't expect it either."

Uchiha Jing answered with a smile.

He is quite indifferent to being a teacher.

Naruto was usually taught by him, it was just two more people.

But behind this incident...

It's not that simple anymore.

Uchiha Jing looked through the window at the location of the Hokage Building.


It's about to begin.

"What are you going to take us to do tomorrow?"

Uchiha Jing rubbed his chin.

What to do?

Like Kakashi, grab the bell?

It seems a bit earthy.

Before Uchiha Jing could reply, a figure had already sat down next to them.

"Congratulations Naruto."

Itachi took out an exquisite shuriken from his arms.

"I don't know what you like, so I just bought a ninja tool. After all, you are already a Genin."

Naruto happily took the shuriken.

"Thank you, Brother Itachi!"

Itachi touched his head and looked at Uchiha Jing.

"I heard...you became the teacher of Class 7?"

Uchiha Jing shrugged.

"Yes, I just found out today."

Itachi smiled meaningfully, "You have to quit Anbu to become a teacher."

"Just quit, just quit."

Anbu or something, Uchiha Jing is not uncommon.

As long as Shisui is still in Anbu, Anbu will still be in their hands.

It doesn't matter if he's in Anbu or not.

"It seems that the Third Generation has already started to take action."

"I have already started."

Uchiha Jing smiled indifferently.

In the past three years, Third Generation has tested him more than once.

He was even asked to perform many fake missions.

The purpose is to test out his depth.


He is very familiar with the nature of the Third Generation.

Third Generation did not test his depth.

"What's next?"

Itachi thought about it and decided that he still couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Third Generation, that’s the Third Generation!

The longest reigning Hokage.

Based on this alone, Itachi didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Let Shisui-san take action next. The plan can begin."

Itachi's eyes lit up, and fighting spirit surged through his body.

That plan...

It’s finally time to get started!

"Okay, I understand, Brother Shisui, I will inform you."

After chatting for a few more words, Itachi left first.

If Su Wenjing hadn't become the teacher of Class 7, he would still be at home waiting for Sasuke to come home.

After all, today is the day when his favorite Oudou becomes a ninja!

"King, are you, Brother Itachi, and Brother Shisui hiding something from me?"

Naruto had actually wanted to ask this question for a long time.

In the past few months, the three of them have been secretive and have stopped telling him many things.

Uchiha Jing looked at Naruto.

"I don't want to hide some things from you."

"It's just that you are not suitable for contact with these now."

Naruto lowered his head sadly.


Both Itachi and Shisui are very powerful and can help Kage.

Right now he...

It's still far from enough.

Naruto lowered his head and looked at his stomach.


If only he could master this power.

Do you have the qualifications to be a helper?

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