I saw Xiao Li with Kai, Kakashi and the others, looking at Bofeng Haoran with a stunned expression.

Kai pointed at Bofeng Haoran and asked Xiao Li a little confused, “Li! Didn’t you say that Haoran-kun was attacked by Danzo in the Konoha Forest, so let’s hurry up and rescue him? ”

Xiao Li also looked at Bo Feng Haoran in shock, “Yes… Oh, yes… Obviously it is… It was obviously in the Konoha Forest just now…”

“Then why is he here?”

“Eh… Just ask him personally…”

Kakashi walked over, “I’ll see…” he pinched Haoran’s face, “Ahhh… It’s true…”


Hao Feng Haoran took a step back and said depressedly, “I wonder if I really shouldn’t pinch myself, Kakashi-sensei, what are you pinching me for?” ”

“Hey, Haoran-kun.”

Xiao Li looked at him in amazement, “Why are you here?” Could it be… Did you defeat Tuanzo and come out? ”

Bo Feng Haoran shook his head, “I can’t beat that old goblin, I escaped.” ”


Kakashi listened and looked Wave Wind Haoran up and down, and smiled, “It’s really not easy for you to be able to escape under Danzo’s men… At the beginning, the genius boy of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha stopped the water, and was gouged out by Tuan Zang… Alas, well…” he looked at Bo Feng Haoran, “should I say that you are strong, or should I say that you have a good brain?” ”

Bo Feng Haoran smiled and said very narcissistically, “Hehe, in fact, both of them…”


Kakashi patted Haoran on the shoulder, “Let’s go, come with me to meet the three generations of adults, this matter still requires the three generations of adults to come forward to make Danzo stop.” ”

Bofeng Haoran nodded, “Well, I know!” ”

The two said goodbye to Kai and Xiao Li and went straight to the office of Ape Flying Sunchop.

“Three generations of adults.”

Kakashi walked in with Wave Wind Haoran, “I’m afraid that this time, the trouble that Wave Wind Haoran encounters needs to be solved by three generations of adults.” ”


The third generation held the pipe in his hand and looked at Bofeng Haoran, “Why, Haoran-kun, has the big snake pill found you?” ”

“No, my lord.”

Bofeng Haoran shook his head, “It’s not the big snake pill, but a person in the village, I’m afraid this person, only if the three generations of adults come forward, he will have some convergence!” ”

The third generation was stunned when he heard this, and frowned, “Is it Tuan Zang?” ”

Sure enough, the three generations still know Tuanzang Natanuki very well! Bo Feng Haoran nodded, “That’s right, it’s him, I was almost caught by him as a guinea pig today!” ”

Bofeng Haoran repeated his experience today, of course, in order to prevent Zang from desperately chasing and killing himself, he still first concealed the collusion between Tuan Zang and the big snake pill. At his words, both Miyo and Kakashi frowned tightly.


Sandai slapped the table angrily, “This Tuan Zang, the root he led is too wrong!” ”


Kakashi also nodded, “That kind of shady organization has turned many teenagers into tools for killing, and in the long run, it can only contribute to the tail of Danzo!” ”


The third generation immediately stood up, “I’ll go to Konoha’s senior advisor, I must teach Danzo some lessons, and I can’t let his roots do evil to the people in the village anymore!” ”

That’s right!

Bo Feng Haoran nodded thoughtfully, damn it, or I’ll chop up the roots of Tuan Zang…

Tuanzo probably didn’t expect that he would move a wave of wind and haoran, which would actually alarm the high-level of Konoha! The high-level directly gave him an order, demanding that the size of the root organization under his control be reduced to one-third, and that he could no longer take action against the villagers at will, otherwise he would be forcibly disbanded!

A storm passed, and Bofeng Haoran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The regular competition of the Naka Ninja Exam was finally approaching, and Hakaze Haoran also brought Naruto and Sasuke and decided to give each of them a demon fruit.


Naruto said excitedly, “Are you finally going to give us your special abilities?” ”

Sasuke also looked expectant, “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!” Hao Ranjun, I really look forward to your ability! ”

Bofeng Haoran smiled lightly, took out a demon fruit and handed it to Naruto, “Naruto, do you think that the shadow avatar produced by your shadow avatar technique is not high enough in attack?” But you don’t have to be afraid, eat the fast chopping fruit I made, and ensure that your shadow doppelgangers will turn into extremely sharp weapons! ”

“Wow? Are you sure? ”

Naruto excitedly swallowed the Quick-Slashed Fruit, “Gollum, can I really activate special abilities now?” ”

Wave Wind Haoran walked over and gently patted Naruto’s shoulder, “Remember, the size of your Devil Fruit ability depends on how much you bind me, if you want to be my enemy, then your Devil Fruit ability will probably be reduced a lot!” Okay, now use your body to feel your Devil Fruit ability! ”

“Don’t worry, Haoran-kun, I won’t!”

Naruto cast a hand seal, “The art of multiple shadow avatars!” ”


In an instant, more than a dozen shadow doppelgangers appeared, and then Naruto tried to activate the demon fruit, “Quickly chop the fruit, master the slash!” ”

Naruto’s hand instantly turned into a blade, and then Naruto’s manipulator shadow doppelganger struggled to slash at a large tree in front of him.



Naruto’s shadow avatar was like a group of people with sharp blades, and in an instant, he cut a huge tree into a pile of wood chips!


Naruto looked surprised, “Haoran-kun, your Devil Fruit ability is really too strong, I don’t need to be bitter, I can have such a sharp attack ability!” ”

Bo Feng Haoran smiled faintly, “This is just the beginning, and your Devil Fruit ability will be stronger in the future!” ”

“Thank you Haoran-kun!”


The anticipation on Sasuke’s face became even stronger, “Excuse me, what will be the fruit for me?” ”

PS: Sorry guys, yesterday night, I was thinking about going to sleep from nine to twelve, and then get up to update. But it may be that the author Jun only slept for five hours for three or four days in a row, so the two eyes competed, I wiped, it was six o’clock in the morning …

But rest assured, today’s update is indispensable! _

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