
The big snake pill walked slowly from the front, with a curious face, “You actually know it’s me?” How did you find out? ”

Bofeng Haoran smiled, and took out a small book, “Who doesn’t know Uncle Snake, the first scientist in the Hokage world, Uncle Snake, we are both acting on the same stage, sign my name.” ”

(The big snake pill directly killed a latent snake hand, Bofeng Haoran was strangled by the neck, and quickly waved his hand, “Don’t dare, don’t dare, I’ll film well.) The big snake pill turned around and looked at the author Jun coldly, “This section is pinched, reshoot!” ”


The author Jun quickly waved his hand, “This section is pinched, OK, ready, open!” “)

The big snake pill walked over slowly, with a grim face, “You actually know who I am?” How did you meet me? ”

Bofeng Haoran looked at him with a guarded expression, “I didn’t expect it to really be the legendary Three Shinobi, Lord Orochimaru!” Hehe, one of the famous three ninjas, this pair of snake eyes of yours, I don’t think a second person can have such characteristics. ”

The big snake pill listened, and smiled coldly, “You are really very interesting, Bofeng Haoran, you actually know that I am coming, then you know, what is the purpose of my coming?” ”

Although he had generally guessed the purpose of the big snake pill’s trip, Bofeng Haoran still pretended to be confused, because only in this way could the other party relax his guard, and he could escape a catastrophe.

After all, the current wave wind Haoran really has no strength to compete with the big snake pill whose hands have not yet been sealed by the energy seal!

“I don’t know.”

Haoran said, “Did you come to find Lord Sandaime?” ”

“Not really.”

The big snake pill looked at Bofeng Haoran playfully, “I heard that you have special abilities in you, so I want to try it, what kind of blood succession limit you are!” ”

Saying that, the big snake pill’s eyes suddenly shivered, “Latent Shadow Snake Hand!” ”


A snake letter popped out from the mouth of the big snake pill, like a sword, towards Bofeng Haoran, Bofeng Haoran’s expression tightened, and he suddenly shook his fist, “Burn the fruit, fire fist!” ”


A huge flame erupted, and the big snake pill quickly retracted his tongue, looking at Bo Feng Haoran with some surprise, “Your fire is really strange.” ”

Fire your sister, Lao Tzu, this is the Devil Fruit ability!

However, the big snake pill is a big snake pill after all, and he immediately reacted, “Latent Shadow Snake Limb!” ”

In an instant, several snakes flew out of the cuffs of the big snake pill, directly towards the wave wind!

Bo Feng Haoran quickly waved his hand to form a cross, “Burn the fruit, cross fire!” ”


A fierce flame spewed out, and those snakes were instantly roasted into snake jerky!

The big snake pill frowned and smiled, “It seems that you have mastered the characteristics of snakes afraid of fire well, hehe, this is even more interesting!” ”

He cast a hand seal, and then quickly flew out a large piece of kunai from his palm, “Shuriken Shadow Doppelgänger Art!” ”


Seeing that large piece of bitterness, Bofeng Haoran was suddenly shocked, and quickly activated the thunder fruit on his body, blocking it with both hands, “Thunder fruit, thunder shock!” ”

The air around Bofeng Haoran suddenly fluctuated greatly, and the strong fluctuations slowed down most of the Ku Wu thrown by the Great Snake Pill, but there were still a few Ku Wu piercing into Bo Feng Haoran’s body!

Bo Feng Haoran frowned, reached out to pluck Ku Wu, and then a ghost shadow flashed in front of him, swoosh! The big snake pill tightly pinched Bofeng Haoran’s neck with one hand, “Haoran-kun, have you ever tasted the taste of death?” ”

Tightly pinched by the big snake pill, Bofeng Haoran tried to suppress the panic in his heart, and said lightly, “Yes, death, but that’s it.” ”

Yes, he was bumped to death in his previous life, of course he tasted it….


Orochimaru smiled coldly, “You are making me feel more and more interesting…”

Orochimaru suddenly stretched his neck and took a bite on the back of Bo Fenghaoran’s neck, leaving his own spell mark, and then pushed him away.

Bofeng Haoran hugged his neck tightly and looked at the big snake pill with a shocked expression, “It’s over… This could not be…”


The big snake pill looked at Bofeng Haoran, “Now you, although your strength is already much stronger than your peers, but for me, it is still too weak!” I use less than one percent of my ability, and you can’t beat me, so you, I’m not satisfied. ”

He paused and said, “I gave you the power of my spell seal, I believe that you, who are eager to become stronger, will definitely come to me, hmm, hmm, it will be!” ”

Sure enough, it’s a spell seal!

The speechless and unguarded one in Bofeng Haoran’s heart was actually bitten by the big snake pill! Ma Madi, you must find a way, but you can’t take the road of no return that forced Wang Erzhu!

The big snake pill turned and left, and the illusion was automatically lifted.

Medicine Master Pocket appeared behind the big snake pill and smiled, “It seems that the big snake pill master is still very kind, such a huge difference in strength, he didn’t hurt the killer.” ”


Orochimaru smiled, “I have decided to cultivate such a person as my reserve vessel. ”


The medicine master was stunned for a moment, “What about Sasuke-kun?” Such a good container, don’t you want Lord Orochimaru? ”


Orochimaru shook his head, “When it’s time for the Chūnin exam, I’ll come to Sasuke.” I will use these two people as my containers to cultivate, but before I make the final choice, these two people should still win for me. ”


The medicine master smiled softly, “Sure enough, Lord Orochimaru, the two most promising teenagers in Konoha, are they going to suffer from your poisonous hands?” ”


Orochimaru turned his head to look at the medicine master, “Why, do you want to stop me?” ”

PS: During the Qingming season, it rained, and the author was forced to break his soul. Borrow the sorrow and suffering, the collection does not rise is really sad!

Alas, dears, give some collection, touch the big!

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