Cautiously, in an instant, he took Bai and Junmaru into the dark underground passage, and he really wanted to burst out, and his strength was super-shadow. At the peak level, he is really not afraid of some conspiracy and secret tricks.

It’s just that in the dark, he always felt that a pair of people already seemed to be staring at him.

After descending the stairs of the underground passage, the three of them found that there were countless graves in front of them.

“Is this the cemetery of this village?” After all, it was two small children, and Shiro and Junmaro hid behind the moment with some fear.

“It should be…” Looking at the scene in front of him that he had seen in his impression, what was still swirling in his mind was still the voice that suddenly sounded in his ears just now.

Holding a torch and shining forward, they suddenly found that from the dark cemetery in front of them, a person came out, and the scene was terrifying.

“It’s white eyes… I feel the roll of my eyes…”

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that… What pure white eyes…”

In an instant, a strange middle-aged uncle was walking towards them with a pair of dark eyes without eyeballs.

“White-eyed boy… gaging…”

Just as Shiro and Junmaro were about to go up to attack him, this strange middle-aged uncle suddenly seemed to vomit, mouth. Ba opened to an incredible extent, spitting out a ball of light that was so big.

“This is…”

Just as I was trying to tell what it was, the ball of light quickly began to expand and shine directly. There was a blinding white light.

From this dazzling white light, I suddenly saw an ancient battlefield, the two armies were fighting, and countless flags printed with the emblem of the Datumu clan were flying.

At first, the two camps were evenly matched, and finally suddenly one of them began to sacrifice a huge white ball of light, and quickly shot from the huge white ball of light. A golden laser appeared, instantly destroying the camp of the other side.

Coming back from the illusion, he instantly found that the scene in front of him was still the scene just now, Bai and Junmaru looked at him worriedly, and the strange middle-aged uncle in front of him began to speak again.

“Please stop Hamura’s descendants… The world of the Six Dao Immortals… Can’t destroy…”

After saying it intermittently, just when he wanted to step forward to ask what happened, the strange middle-aged uncle in front of him suddenly collapsed on the ground, and a disgusting pus flowed out.

“Well… It seems that he specially showed me a vision just now. Carefully analyzing the information he had just seen, his mind began to become active rapidly, “What I saw just now should be the war between the Da Tumu clan and the Zong family. ”

“After the death of Otsuki Hamura, the clan and the Branch family of the Otsuki clan who were handed down seemed to have different differences about Hamura’s legacy…” Thinking seriously, “The Sect seems to think that the earth created by the Six Dao Immortals should be destroyed, and this world that has been in turmoil since ancient times should be destroyed, but the Zong family has the opposite opinion. Therefore, when all the members of the divided family went to war with the sect family, they all gave their white eyes and fused into a huge reincarnation eye, instantly destroying all the members of the sect family. ”

“It seems that this strange uncle is the head of the Datumu clan handed down from Hamura…” After thinking for a while, he instantly sorted out the current situation, “I can’t imagine that I was involved in the future incident of the descendants of the Otuki clan on the moon to destroy the earth…”

In my memory, I remembered that it should be Naruto Hinata and they were only involved after the end of the fourth ninja war, and I couldn’t imagine that because of his arrival, this event was triggered in advance.

“Shiro, Junmaru, you two will go and look for anything else.” Instantly, the two of them went together to search the cemetery below to see if there were any other items.

“Yes.” When Bai and Junmaru heard the words of the moment, they immediately separated a torch and probed into the depths of the cemetery.

And the moment he stood in place, he had an idea about the corpse of the patriarch of the big tube wood clan on the ground.

“Since they are also descendants of the Otsuki Feather Village, the future Otsuki people can awaken the reincarnation eye by fusing their own bloodline and white eyes, then I will take the corpse of this Otsuki clan back to study and study to see if I can extract the complete genes of the Otsuki clan…”

With this in mind, he instantly took out a white scroll, which was the psychic scroll he used to use to store ninja tools and items.

After a puff of smoke, the corpse on the ground disappeared and was sealed into the scroll in the hand of the moment.

“In an instant, my lord, there is a grave on the ground, and nothing else.” At this time, Bai and Junmaro also returned after searching inside, saying that they had found nothing and found nothing special.

“Didn’t you… It’s okay, I think I’ve harvested the most useful thing…” Momentarily, he carefully put the scroll in his hand and beckoned to the two of them, “Let’s go.” ”

After coming out of the dark cemetery, feeling the dim sunlight outside, the three of them couldn’t help but feel like they were separated from the world. It stands to reason that according to this time, the outside world is already late at night, but in this large tube wood tribe’s ancestral land, there is an artificial sun overhead, giving them the illusion that it is still evening.

“Let’s go back.” After taking one last look at this magical land, he took Shiro and Junmaro with him and began to shuttle through the forest again.

After shuttling through the forest for more than ten minutes, Junmaru suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere: “Momentary lord…”

“I know…” Instantly, he glanced at Junmaru appreciatively, this keen fighting instinct was simply a natural ninja. Through the white eyes, he had already seen that in the surrounding forest, about a hundred or so dark shadows were rapidly approaching them.

“Puppets…” The white eyes of the moment quickly saw the black shadow approaching, the structure of the body was very different from the human body, and it was judged that they should be some controlled puppets.

“It seems that the descendants of the Datumu clan on the moon found that we entered here…” Momentarily, he glanced up at the sun in the sky and immediately thought of this possibility.

“What now, Lord Moment…,” Shiro asked, as he saw that the three of them were surrounded by a dense crowd of black-clad ninjas.

“It’s okay, let me come…” Instantly waved his hand, motioning for the two of them to stand behind him.

After carefully glancing at the black-clothed ninjas around him, everyone was exactly the same outfit, and their faces were wrapped. Around this white bandage, all the facial features are enclosed inside.

“Sure enough, it’s the puppets controlled on the moon…” Looking at the puppets that had rushed up quickly, his strength had been judged from their movements in an instant, “Is each of them almost the strength of the middle ninja level… It’s too underestimated me, even this scum is released to try to solve us…”

“Ice Age!!”

There was no need to even turn on the immortal mode, and in an instant, he stepped forward directly and drank lightly, and a strong freezing force erupted from his hand to bombard the ground. With the moment as the center, the snow-white energy on the ground spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the entire forest was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, and the entire forest was frozen into snow-white ice except for the three of them.

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