As a single man, when was the last time a friend of the opposite sex came into my room, well, I still have a friend of the opposite sex? It’s worth celebrating. (laughing and crying).

The fourth is to ask for the collection of flowers recommended tips!!



“It’s really, like a dream.” The rope tree touched his lips, and there seemed to be a hint of fragrance and sweetness in the air.

In the end, he still didn’t understand Tsunade’s purpose, right? Or maybe it’s because…

“Nothing to think about, go to sleep.” The rope tree closed the door and lay down again.

However, his hopes of rest were dashed, and this was not destined to be a peaceful night.

“Rope Tree-kun~~Rope Tree-kun~~” It was exactly the same action, and when Tsunade was away for nearly half an hour and Rope Tree was about to fall asleep, Qingyin quietly pushed them away.

“Whew, it’s so dangerous, I thought Rope Tree-kun slept.” Qingyin carefully closed the door and exhaled, it was the first time she had entered the boy’s room so late, and it was still the room of Rope Tree-kun.

Qingyin tiptoed closer to the rope tree step by step, although he came to find the rope tree, but because of his shy personality, he still wrapped himself tightly.

[Ah~ Rope Tree-kun’s sleeping face, so cute…] Qingyin squatted next to the rope tree, watched quietly, and slowly stretched out her hand to touch the face of the rope tree, such a rope tree she had not seen yet.

“Qingyin, are you here to see the moon?”

In the quiet room, the sound of rope trees sounded.

Without a trace of calm, Qingyin saw Rope Tree looking at her with a smile, and her hand was already about to touch Rope Tree’s face.

“Ah, haha, moon, moon, I, I’m coming, look, look at the moon, yes, look at the moon.” Qingyin’s eyes were spinning, as if he had drunk too much, he couldn’t even speak well, and the steam that came out blocked his face, and he couldn’t see the original appearance.

“Alas, one by one, no matter what, go back to rest, it’s not good for a girl to run into my room at night.” Although Rope Tree likes Qingyin very much, it is too early to say that it is too early for this and age Qingyin, whether it is the understanding of true “love” or its own understanding, it is not mature enough.

“So, Rope Tree-kun, may I ask you a question?” Qingyin did not leave, regained his composure, and was sitting on the floor like this, with a rare very serious expression.

“Well, say it.” Seeing Qingyin’s rare seriousness, Rope Tree also took a correct posture and prepared to respond to Qingyin.

“Rope Tree-kun.”

“Well, I’m listening.”

“What is your relationship with Jiu Shinnai-chan?”

“Huh?” Rope Tree looked at Qingyin with a serious face and was speechless for a while, he thought it was something very big, but he didn’t expect it to be this problem.

“Hurry up, Rope Tree-kun, I’d love to know.” Qingyin grabbed the rope tree’s hand and shook it.

“Okay, okay, got it, I know.” The most unbearable thing about the rope tree is this kind of clean voice, which is simply like a clingy goblin.

“I’m Kushina from the Vortex Country who was entrusted by the Third Daime-sama to take care of her, she doesn’t have anyone she knows in Konoha, and for some reason, she would be safer following me. So I stayed at my house. ”

Like a wife interrogating her cheating husband, Qingyin stared into Rope Tree’s eyes, trying to find out something.

“So much for that?” Qingyin asked in disbelief.

“That’s all, otherwise what do you think?” Rope Tree helplessly patted Qingyin’s head, “Go back and rest, you should also work hard during the day, staying up late is to speed up the speed of aging.” ”

“That’s fine, it’s okay.” Qingyin muttered softly.

“What did you say?” Rope Tree didn’t hear what Qingyin said, only saw his small mouth moving.

“No, it’s okay.” Qingyin stood up and smiled happily, “Rope Tree-kun, I’m very happy, thank you, please rest well.” ”

“Did I do anything?” Rope Tree touched his nose suspiciously and closed the door again.

[Sure enough, there is no special relationship between Rope Tree-kun and Jiu Shinnai-chan, then I don’t have to worry, come on, Shan Jiu Qingyin! ] 】

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