“This way! To tell you the truth, the front line is very glued and very short of manpower, especially the people in the medical team, so I want to transfer you to the medical team, so I want to ask for your opinion. The three generations said slowly.

In fact, the third generation of this matter should not tell Izumiya, Jiu Shinai is Izumiya’s teacher, and this task should also be discussed with Izumi, but with Jiu Shinnai’s personality, he will also quarrel to go to the front, so he directly crossed Jiu Shinnai and went directly to Izumi.

As long as Izumi agrees, Jiu Shinna can’t make any moths.

Of course, the third generation also wants to throw the black pot on Izumiya’s head, and Jiu Shinna has always wanted to go out of the village to carry out the mission, but the third generation does not allow it.

If Izumi also left Jiu Shinna to go on a mission alone, it would definitely be difficult to come back.

What an old fox! This is the voice in Izumiya’s heart.

However, the three generations are also too small to look at Izumi, and the two generations cannot be put into it so simply: “Of course, I am very willing to go to the front, but Jiu Xinnai is my teacher, and if she agrees, I will agree.” Izumi silently threw the ball back into the hands of the three generations.

He also showed great respect for the teacher.

The third generation spat out a circle of smoke and said: “Well, Jiu Xinnai accepted a good student, I will go and talk to Jiu Xinnai, my face is still useful to him.” ”

Face, Jiu Xinnai is not the kind of person who will give face, even if it is the face of three generations.

“In fact, Teacher Jiu Xinnai is very easy to handle, teacher she has always wanted to go out of the task, you only need to arrange a mission with her without any threat, such as escorting materials.” Izumi also gave three generations an idea.

Jiu Xinnai is very satisfied, can’t be that he wants to go out of the village!

Then I’ll give you a task, let you play outside for a few days, but after a few days you will be obedient at home.

Hearing what Izumi said, the eyes of the three generations couldn’t help but light up, yes.

The task of escorting supplies is the least dangerous task, most of the way is in the country of fire, few enemies have infiltrated in, even if they do, they will not be Jiu Xinnai’s opponents, and those dark parts that follow Jiu Xinnai are not all rice buckets.

And it doesn’t take a while, Konoha can send people over to reinforce, there is no need to worry at all.

“Well, this is a good way, I can arrange it tomorrow.” The third generation is already a little impatient, this time Jiu Xinnai is too much of a headache, as long as he gets Jiu Xinnai he can avoid it for a while.

However, he was stopped by Izumi: “If you arrange it now, Teacher Jiu Xinnai will give you more headaches!” ”

“Oh, why?” Miyo asked suspiciously.

“Senior Watergate has just returned to the village today, and is now with Teacher Jiu Xinnai, so you understand!” When the lovers who divided the two places finally got together, if they were separated by three generations, it is estimated that Jiu Xinnai’s grievances could tear down the Hokage Building.

The three generations were stunned, and then laughed: “So it is, I understand, I understand!” “After all, the third generation is from here, how can he not understand!


The next day, Watergate invited them to eat barbecue, including Izumi.

With Izumiya’s financial strength, eating a barbecue will go bankrupt, the benefits have stopped after he graduated, and the bounty for the tasks he did was very small, and living in Jiu Shinnai’s house during this time really helped him a lot.

Among the few of them, only Watergate, Jiu Shinnai, and Kakashi had the money to eat barbecue.

Watergate and Kushina are Shinobi, and the income from one mission is enough for them to eat several meals of yakiniku, while Kakashi graduated at the age of five, and it has been five years, and eating yakiniku is completely stress-free.

The yakiniku restaurant they went to today is the shop of the Akimichi family.

The family runs a barbecue shop on this street, and it is very hot.

“Eat barbecue! I haven’t eaten yakiniku in a long time and I really miss the taste. Inside the store, Watergate said.

Watergate gave the menu to Izumi, who in turn gave the menu to Izumiya, so the task of ordering food was given to Izumiya.

Since this task was given to him, then he was not polite, he ordered whatever was expensive, and there was no idea of saving for Watergate at all.

Even if Izumi could eat it, it was impossible to eat Watergate, and he was not a ninja of the Akimichi clan.

“Top tender beef rolls, if you want it, come in ten portions first.”

“High-grade pork belly, come in ten portions.”

“Eel, let’s get one first.”

The ordering ended quickly, a full table.

When the Watergate menu came, Kind’s face couldn’t help but twitch, these things were enough for the income of a B-level mission, although this was nothing, but he was still a little heartache.

“Izumiya, tell you, I slaughtered two Naka Shinobi alone on the front line! It’s two Naka Shinobi! I’m awesome! “If you eat, you have to brag, what is the meaning of eating without bragging.”

“Well, it’s awesome!” Izumiya’s answer was a bit perfunctory.

But this is not to blame him, he is now “fighting” with the barbecue, although he does not gobble, but the speed of eating is very fast, they eat one piece of meat, and Izumi can eat three pieces of meat.

Originally, Kakashi was going to complain, but after looking at the occasion, he didn’t say it, he didn’t want to silence the atmosphere.

“By the way, Watergate, Izumi also developed Muji ninjutsu alone, which is very similar to that ninjutsu of yours!” Jiu Xinnai said proudly, as if she had developed it.

“What, Muji Ninjutsu!” Watergate asked in shock, and there was a little incredulity in his tone.

Even if it took him several years to develop Muji Ninjutsu, and it was only recently completed, how big is Izumi!

Jiu Shinai said dissatisfiedly: “What kind of tone are you, Izumi’s talent is above you, and it is normal to develop Muji ninjutsu.” ”

Watergate smiled awkwardly, Jiu Xinnai recently liked to count him in front of his students, which was not a good impression and would damage the majesty of his teacher.

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