Uzumaki Kushinna, the princess of the destroyed Uzumaki no Kuni, is currently the Nine-Tails of Konoha.

Bold personality, informal, good at sealing, current boyfriend is Bofeng Shuimen, nicknamed “blood red pepper”.

“I want to be a teacher, okay! Three generations of adults! “In order to be a teacher, Jiu Shinna doesn’t even want to be, and in normal times, he doesn’t call three generations of Hokage-sama, but only three generations of old men.

“Nope!” The three generations directly denied Jiu Xinnai’s request without thinking, and their tone was very firm.

Not for anything else, just for the safety of the Nine Tails in Jiu Xinnai’s body.

Everyone knows that Uchiha can use the Sharingan to control the Nine Tails when he is still alive, and that Senjukuma can suppress the Nine Tails in all aspects when he is alive.

Now Uchiha Izumi, who lives in two bloodlines, is also handed over to Jiu Shinnai, how can the three generations rest assured, if Izumi also awakens that Mu Dun is alive is the Sharingan, or the Nine Tails will be very dangerous.

Although Izumi has not awakened any kind of blood succession boundary now, he is not afraid of ten thousand, what if he awakens.

Therefore, Uchiha Izumi can also be handed over to anyone to bring, but it cannot be given to Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

“In that case! Then I’m going to war! Jiu Xinnai said calmly.

It seems that she has eaten the third generation of Hokage.

As a nine-tailed human pillar force, she is not allowed to go into battle, although her combat power is very strong.

If Jiu Shinna arrives on the battlefield, then she is definitely the number one target, as long as she kills Jiu Shinnai, then Konoha will have one less hole card, which is not allowed by the three generations, so during the war, Jiu Shinna can only stay in the village and cannot go out.

Jiu Xinnai has even burned the beard of three generations in order to go to the battlefield, and she will definitely not give up if she fails to achieve her goal.

“No, you absolutely can’t go to the battlefield, don’t be capricious!” The three generations of Hokage said sternly.

Although the third generation knew that Jiu Shinnai said this in order to get him to agree to bring Izumi, he couldn’t help but say to Jiu Shinai again sternly.

“Hmph, give you two choices, either let me play, or let that little devil bring it to me, burn your beard if you don’t let me, as long as it grows a little, I will burn a little, until I can’t stand up my beard.” Jiu Xinnai stuck Xiao Man’s waist and said viciously.

In Konoha, only Kushina and Tsunade dared to say this to the three generations of Hokage.

And Jiu Xinnai really burned the beard of three generations, and shortly after the start of the three wars, it was also Jiu Xinnai who quarreled to go to the battlefield, but the three generations did not let it, and as a result, Jiu Xinnai burned the beard of the three generations with a fire.

The people below who wanted to laugh and did not dare to laugh were about to hold back their internal injuries.

Seeing Jiu Xinnai’s messy look, the heads of the three generations were bigger, and then they gave a look at the water gate who was watching the joke on the side, which probably means to get Jiu Xinnai for me.

Watergate could only risk going home and kneeling on the washboard, and went up to persuade Jiu Xinnai: “That.. Kushina don’t make it difficult for the three generations of Hokage-sama, he is also doing this for your own good. Watergate persuaded softly.

I also know that Watergate persuaded Jiu Xinnai so that he would not be beaten, and if other people were to say something, it would be estimated that he would have been beaten all over his head by now.

“But, Watergate, I’m really lonely alone in Konoha, and you don’t even have a single person to talk to when you’re gone.” Jiu Xinnai said aggrievedly.

Because of the color of her hair, plus she is from the outer village, someone bullied her when she was a child, so she has few friends, and even fewer true friends.

Uchiha Mikoto of the Uchiha clan is counted as one, plus her boyfriend Watergate and his teacher Jiraiya, as well as Princess Tsunade of Konoha, as for the big snake pill, the scientific madman Jiu Shinna has always been respectful and far away, so counting her friends is really not much, it can be said that there are very few.

Watergate saw Jiu Xinnai’s aggrieved look, and his heart suddenly ached, if he was in the battlefield, then Jiu Xinnai really had no one to speak, he didn’t want his beloved to live so lonely.

Then he plucked up his courage and turned to the three generations of Hokage and said, “Uchiha Izumi will also be handed over to Kushinna, please!” Watergate said sincerely.

He can only do these things for Jiu Xinnai now, and Watergate hopes that Jiu Xinnai will be happy in his absence.

“Watergate!” Jiu Xinnai covered her mouth and couldn’t believe that Watergate actually helped her speak at this time.

She felt that her heart was sweet, as if she had eaten honey.

The third generation sighed and said, “I know, if that kid does anything dangerous, I won’t show mercy.” ”

Jiu Shinai is related to the comfort of Konoha Village and even the entire Fire Nation, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes.

“Really, thank you so much Watergate!” Jiu Xinnai cheered and shamelessly kissed Watergate on the face.

“Thank you for that, well!” The third generation of Hokage said halfway through the words, and suddenly reacted, it should be to thank me, why Xie Shuimen: “And is it really good that you openly scatter dog food here?” A lot of them are unmarried here! ”

This is the reaction of the two people, there are still many people here, and the two quickly let go.

However, Watergate and Hejiu Shinnai’s faces are like monkey asses.

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