“Cut, really failed, the speed of this seal is really fast!” Asma looked at Izumiya with envy and hatred.

Asma didn’t know how Izumi had trained his hands so softly, and the speed of the end was too fast.

Even if he used potions to soak his hands in his home, the speed of sealing was not as fast as the spring.

It’s just that Asma doesn’t know that Izumi also has an A-grade talent, no matter what he learns quickly, even his body is very soft, so his seal can be so fast.

“There is a flaw!” After seeing Asma’s flaw, Izumi quickly pulled out a few shurikens from his ninja bag and threw them at Asma.

These shurikens went straight to Asma’s temples, chest, and throat, and Asma felt dead if he didn’t dodge it.

Asma saw the shuriken close at hand, and he knew that he could not dodge and had no time.

He could barely cover his temples and throat with his arms.


Izumiya’s shuriken pierced Asma’s body.

However, Obito, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, shouted: “Izumiya, you bastard actually killed you!” ”

“Shut up and watch it seriously!” Qi Benmu scolded sternly.

He has a very headache with Obito, he is too impulsive, and he likes to shout, such a person is definitely a guy who died early when he went to the battlefield.

“What?” When Obito looked out, he found that Asma, who had been hit by a shuriken, had turned into a log.

“It turned out to be a stand-in technique! It really scared me to death. Obito said, holding his chest.

The battle just now made him really sweat!

“Drink!” Asma didn’t know when she ran behind Izumiya and a flying kick aimed at Izumiya’s head.

However, as if he had eyes on the back of his head, Izumi suddenly squatted down, braced his hands on the ground, and kicked Asma’s ankle with his right foot.

Asma, who was standing unsteadily, was about to fall to the ground, and just before he was about to fall to the ground, Asma turned sharply in the air, braced himself on the ground with both hands, and did a few empty flips away from Izumi.

As soon as Asma stood firm, he saw Izumi also show a weird smile, and he subconsciously began to be cautious, because every time he saw this smile, something bad would happen.

“Asma, you lost!” Izumiya’s voice just fell.

A voice came from the soles of Asma’s feet: “Tudun.” The art of decapitation in the heart! Out of the earth suddenly a pair of arms appeared, grabbed Asma’s feet and pulled hard.


Asma’s whole body was pulled into the soil, leaving only a head exposed, and at this time there was a kunai on his neck.

“You lose, I won this competition.” Izumi also looked at Asma with an unhappy look and said.

“Damn, the shadow avatar you used when you used the earth flow wall, then you used the shadow avatar to dive into the ground, then you lured me into the bait, and then you used this trick to kill me, am I right!” Asma quickly analyzed how Izumi had defeated him as well.

“Yes, the answer is correct, but there is no reward!” Izumi said with a smile.

Izumi is still very happy to win this competition, after all, Asma is the son of three generations of Hokage, and it is quite rewarding to defeat him, although he has won many times.

“The winner, Izumi Uchiha.” Kimoto said loudly.

However, he was also very shocked just now, he did not expect that the young Izumi could already use the Tsuchi so skillfully, even the more difficult Mental Decapitation Technique, in his opinion, Izumi’s talent was no worse than Kakashi.

After the victory, Izumi walked straight to Obito’s side, and then he heard Asma wailing behind him: “Bastard, you pull me out!” ”

Izumi didn’t pull Asma out after defeating him, so Asma is still buried in the soil.

Izumi looked over at Asma and said, “Don’t! After saying that, he started laughing.

Asma, on the other hand, looked unhappy: “Bastard, one day I will have to beat you into a pig’s head.” ”

In the end, it was Kimotoki-sensei who pulled him out of the soil.

After the battle between Izumi and Asma, it was Red vs. Rin.

Red and Lin are both beautiful women in the class, so there are few people in the support club, all cheering for them.

Among them, the ones who shouted the loudest were Obito and Asma.

Obito supports Rin, Asma supports Red.

In normal times, the relationship between the two of them is still good, but as long as it involves things related to Lin and Hong, the two become hostile relationships, and the two look at each other unhappy.

Lin and Hong’s strength is still good in the class, but if you really want to say who will be stronger, it is definitely red, his father is the illusion master Sunset Zhenhong, and he will definitely pass on two hands of illusion to her.

And Rin is just the daughter of a commoner, and does not have a deep background, so she will not have any ninjutsu, but Izumi also taught Rin two-handed medical ninjutsu, but it is not useful on this occasion, and she set off to learn the chakra scalpel.

So apparently the opinion is that Lin was hit by a red illusion, and then hit in the back of the neck by a hand knife.

Lin was knocked unconscious, and the fainted Lin slowly leaned against Hong’s side.

“The battle is over, Sunset Red wins!” Kimoto shouted loudly.

Immediately after the battle, Obito and Izumi also entered the field.

Seeing that Rin had passed out, Obito asked worriedly, “Izumi, Rin won’t have anything to do!” ”

Izumi also gave Obito a blank look: “Idiot, it’s just that he passed out, and he can wake up immediately after using medical ninjutsu.” Izumi’s hands were covered with a layer of pale green chakra.

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