"Sasuke has worked hard, you go to rest first, I'll go make something to eat, and I'll eat more later..."

"Sasuke, don't you think Naruto is too clingy like this?"

Sakura was really curious, and when Naruto went to clean up the kitchen utensils, she came to Sasuke's side and asked curiously.

She knows that Sasuke is a very cold character, and it is said that he is very disgusted with clingy girls, but Naruto's performance...

It's really too much for the average girl, isn't it?"

Sasuke only said one word, and directly let Sakura understand in seconds, and then turned his head and left with a strange expression.

"It's different, I'm so stupid to ask..."

Sakura walked outside the house and looked at Naruto's back from a distance, a little skeptical that she had just had a brain pump.

Even in the original plot, Sasuke is a person who doesn't like noise, but only Naruto's yelling is accepted by him.

So it's never the men and women who matter, it's Naruto....

As long as it's Naruto Uzumaki, it's different for Sasuke Uchiha, right?"

"Sakura-chan, what are you looking at

, come and help..."Naruto sensed that someone was watching her, and when she turned around, she found that it was Sakura and asked her to come and help cook.

At the same time, Sasuke calmly studied the technique of the Flying Thunder God in the room, a kunai was clenched, and the chakra's spell mark was formed several times, but none of them were engraved by him.

He has the talent for space, but how to use it, this is not just a talent.

"Sasuke, let's eat first, and then we'll study later..."

Kakashi had been leaning against the door and watching, feeling a little disappointed that Sasuke hadn't finished opening the Sharingan.

But he also knew that this was normal, and if it could be done with the Writing Wheel Eye, it would not become a super difficult forbidden technique that was only used by two people.

"I tried the same as Naruto at night, when the four generations could use this technique, Naruto should also try to learn Xi.

Sasuke put away the kunai, and he didn't feel disappointed that he hadn't succeeded a few times.

"Stay safe, don't let the Nine-Tails come out.

Kakashi raised his hand and pressed it on top of Sasuke's head, giving a reluctant admonition.

He knew that Sasuke also had the Nine-Tails Chakra, and although he didn't know the reason for this, Sasuke's Chakra control was a bit stronger than Naruto's.

But how did a tailed beast be sealed in the bodies of two people...

Even if this is said, it is estimated that no one will believe it, but this is the case, and I don't know how Mr. Watergate did it.

Or, did it by Shi-sume?Knowing

that Sasuke would be Naruto's other half in the future, he divided it in a special way

?"Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke reached out and slapped Kakashi's

arm, waking him up from his state of distraction.

"It's okay, although the teacher's strength is limited, he will definitely do his best to protect you.

Kakashi's hand moved from Sasuke's head, he was genuinely worried and looking forward to the future of these children.

Konoha is going back, but it's not the right place for them to grow up.

"Kakashi-sensei, there's someone over there..."

As soon as dinner was over, Sakura looked at the group of people approaching in the distance, the kunai in her hands clenched.

These people were samurai, and they were definitely not good people.

And it didn't appear until it was dark, so it wasn't for trouble, right?


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