Forest of Death.

Central tower.

Inside the examiner’s office, Wu Di, Mitarashi Red Bean, and Dark Department were all discussing the Great Snake Pill, of course… There are some differences in their respective concerns.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the office, about thirty years old, with a mustache on his chin, he was one of Konoha’s proctors, Tatami Ivashi.

Compared to Wu Di’s ‘special ninja’ invigilator, his status is slightly inferior.

“Report Lord Hongdou, there is a message that needs to be reported to you!”

While speaking, Tatami Ivashi took out the videotape, and after a while, three figures appeared in the videotape, it was the Shinobu of the Sand Hidden Village.

After they arrived at the meeting of the Central Tower, the voice of the invigilator ninja came from the monitoring room: “Three shinobi in Sand Hidden Village passed the exam. ”

When the video was played here, Mitarai Azuki showed a very surprised expression.

“Oh? Interesting. “People in the dark part seem to find it interesting.

“It only took 97 minutes to get through the Forest of Death, four hours faster than the fastest record!” Mitarashi was quite surprised.

“Moreover, if you look at his body, he is completely unharmed.”

“It’s too strong.” Tatami Ivasi said in amazement: “This is no longer the level of lower ninja, even if we are middle ninja, it is difficult to achieve his step.” ”

Wu Di sat on the sofa on the side, looking at these fussed people speechlessly.

My Ai Luo’s strength is very normal in his opinion, after all, he can feel that I Ai Luo’s body seals some kind of power.

Time passes.

The sky is getting clearer.

Following my love Luo, Wu Di saw a group of more familiar figures enter the central tower.

“Little Hinata is also here, and she is doing quite well.” Wu Di said secretly in his heart.

When Hinata and the others arrived, they found Shinobu’s Aira and the others.

Although there was no contact between the two sides, they both felt the pressure from Aira, Inuzuka and Shino the oil girl broke out in a cold sweat, compared to them, Hinata seemed calmer!

This surprised Inuzuka and Shino the oil girl, knowing that when they met Iroh in the Forest of Death, they were so frightened that only Hinata seemed to remain calm.

“Hinata, you’ve really changed a lot.” After passing by with Airo and the others, Inuzuka said.

“I’ve become more confident.” Shino said: “I also have more courage, and I am the same as the two of you we knew before.” ”

Speaking of this, Hinata was a little embarrassed, she actually did all this because of Wu Di’s devil training.

It was Wu Di who reborn her.

“Hehe, the shy look is still the same.” Inuzuka said, “But now you look more like a ninja than we are.” ”


Time passes slowly.

Soon, all the reference teams began to enter the central tower one by one.

With the arrival of the reference candidates, a heavyweight appeared in the central tower.

Third generation Hokage!

At this moment, the third generation Hokage appeared here, and the reason was not only because of the Chūnin exam, but more importantly, because of Mitarai Red Bean’s report.

The big snake pill appeared in the Forest of Death!

Indoors of the proctor.

The third generation Hokage walked in with two special Shinobi, and at the moment Wu Di was talking to Red Bean about the topic of the Great Snake Pill.

“Wu Di, you are also here, how does it feel to perform the mission?” The third generation Hokage asked with a smile.

“It’s the third generation of Hokage, the mission is quite boring.” Wu Di said with a smile.

“It’s good to be bored, this means that everything is going well, I don’t want the Zhongnin exam to go wrong.” As he spoke, the three generations of Hokage seemed to carry deep worries.

Big Snake Pill!

The name meant something extraordinary to him.

After saying hello to Wu Di, the three generations of Hokage looked at Mitarai Red Bean with serious eyes.

“Red bean, are you sure that the person who came is the big snake pill?”

“It must be him, it can’t be wrong.” Mitarashi said to the red bean.

At this moment, the steel iron next to the third generation of Hokage said suspiciously.

“This big snake pill is one of the legendary three ninjas, right? After he was listed as an S-class rebel, he heard that he was dead. ”

“It seems that the news is wrong, he appeared in the Forest of Death without knowing what purpose.” Next to the third generation of Hokage, another special Shinobi God Moon Izumo said.

“It’s Sasuke, right?” The three generations of Hokage did not wait for Mitarai Red Bean to answer, and said directly.

Mitarashi Azuki nodded as he recalled Orochimaru and what he had said. At this moment, the invigilator of the examination room sent a message that this time there were 21 people who passed through the Forest of Death, and a qualifier needed to be held!

“In short, let’s continue the Zhongnin exam now, and pay attention to the movements of the big snake pill.” The three generations of Hokage said solemnly.



The exam continues!

Wu Di followed the three generations of Hokage to the place where the exam gathered.

At this moment, in the gathering place of the exam, almost every group has a leading Shinobi, but Yin Shinobu does not seem to have Shang-Shinobu.

Among the candidates, Yakushi wore glasses and didn’t know what he was thinking, he was Konoha’s spy Orochimaru’s person.

“Lord Orochimaru actually didn’t come, I don’t know what’s going on, he is very interested in Sasuke, he should come.”

According to his understanding of the big snake pill, the big snake pill should come, but he didn’t come, I’m afraid he couldn’t think of it, the reason why the big snake pill didn’t come was because he was afraid of a person.

Wu Di!

The big snake pill can be sure that if he comes, his identity will definitely be poked, because Wu Di is the one who gives him this feeling, so just in case, he does not dare to disguise himself.

However, for the follow-up plan, the big snake pill is also starting a research to completely change his own breath and the breath of Chakra on the book… He was also forced to do this, because he was worried that before the plan began, Wu Di would find out his identity!



In the examination room, the three generations of Hokage also announced the rules of the exam and began to conduct a matching lottery!

“I still want to see Hinata’s progress.” Wu Di said secretly, glancing at the paired monitor.


The first person to make a pre-selection appeared, and it was none other than Hinata Hinata.

Her opponent is none other than Hinata Ninji!

“Is that me? Wu Di is looking at me, I must not let him be disgraced! Hinata Hinata glanced at Wu Di, who smiled and encouraged her, and made up her mind in her heart.

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