
This group of Konoha ninjas on the frontline battlefield of the Land of Winds have long been conquered by Xintian.

The words of Hatake Sakumo are not necessarily easy to use with the words of Shinten.

“Okay, then give us some time to think.”

Sandai Fengying said.

Hearing Kazekage’s words, Galuro’s eyes dimmed.

At this moment of thinking, Galuro understood that the top management of Sand Ninja had probably given up on them.

I didn’t say anything to death, it was just for that little face.

Negotiations will soon end.

Many details were not discussed directly at one time.

Of course, a lot of things are understood by the senior management on both sides.

Sand Shinobu must have thought that the conditions Konoha gave were too harsh, but he wanted to let it dry on purpose for a day or two.

By the way, let’s discuss whether there is any possibility to reduce the loss under the limited framework.

And on Konoha’s side, as a victorious country, they must strive for greater interests.

Of course, everything that the two sides have negotiated now is only the first draft.

That is the big policy.

For more detailed issues, the two villages still need to send more delegations to conduct various consultations.

This is a rather cumbersome process.

“Yakura and Galuro are very important, are they really worth 200 million?”

After leaving, Tsunade couldn’t help but ask Shinten.

“To a certain extent, it’s quite important. The two of them stay in Sand Ninja Village. In the future, they will be at least Jōnin, or even more powerful than the elite Jōnin.”

Xintian said.

Jia Liuluo is not very clear, after all, there are not too many appearances in the original work, but Ye Cang is definitely an elite johnin, even a powerhouse at the quasi-shadow level.

And Galura’s strength is unknown, but she is the wife of the future four generations of Kazekage Luosha, and also the mother of the five generations of Kazekage Gaara in the future.

In the original book, Luo Sha also said that the reason why the sand will automatically protect Gaara is not the power of Shouhe, but the remaining power of Galuro.

In other words, Galuro may still be a very powerful ninja, and may even be able to manipulate the sand freely.

Leaving Galuro behind is an absolutely worthwhile business.

And now that Galuro has been abducted to Konoha, Shinten is also very curious about whether the future Gaara will still exist.

“Tsunate, don’t be deceived by your words, we didn’t pay any price for keeping Ye Cang and Galuro.”

“Those tens of millions of sand ninja’s captive fees are just a verbal figure.”

Xintian said, “Leaving Ye Cang and Jialulu behind can be regarded as an opening for Sand Ninja Village.”

“Ye Cang and Galuru, who were abandoned by Sand Ninja Village, will never be able to return to Sand Ninja Village.”

As Xintian expected, after learning that Sand Ninja had abandoned them, Ye Cang’s beliefs collapsed, and he never wanted to go back to Sand Ninja Village again.

And Galuro, although he was in favor of Sand Ninja Village intellectually, but when he was really abandoned by Sand Ninja Village, he was very sad.

She knew that she would never go back to Sand Ninja Village again…

A few days later, the ninja world eruptedviolent storm.

One of the Five Great Ninja Villages, Sand Ninja Village with extremely strong military force, was completely destroyed and razed to the ground some time ago.

And the murderer was only one person, although not many people saw the action of that person, but he used the wood tunnel that everyone knew.

The murderer was immediately identified, that is… a while ago, because Mu Dun became famous in the ninja world again, and has become a legendary man that cannot be ignored – Xintian.

It is precisely because the Sand Ninja Village was destroyed that the three generations of Kazekage had no choice but to surrender! These two incidents spread throughout the Ninja world in an instant.

All the Shinobi villages were dumbfounded.

It was the first time that the Five Great Ninja Villages were destroyed! All Ninja Villages marked Xintian as a special combat force, so they could not be easily provoked, and at the same time, they strengthened the Ninja Village’s defense.

Xintian can sneak into Sand Ninja Village and destroy Sand Ninja Village, so he can also sneak into other Ninja Village and destroy other Ninja Village.

The third generation of Tukage Onogi was also a little annoyed, and some regretted that after he received the letter of help from the Sand Ninja Village, why did he think about delaying for a while.

Well now, Sand Ninja Village has surrendered, and he can’t turn his guns around and attack Konoha at this time…

Konoha, on the street.

Sarutobi Hizan is relaxing on the street with Sarutobi Lake Biwa.

As Hokage, Sarutobi Hizan is very busy, today is a day off, and he didn’t go to work in the Hokage building.

Naruto is also a human being, and it is impossible for him to not rest every day, 365 days a year.

“Lord Hokage.”

At this time, an Anbu suddenly appeared and knelt down on one knee: “Hokage-sama, Mito-sama and Chuan-sama are looking for you.”

Sarutobi Hizan heard the words, looked at the sky, and said, “It’s so late, do they have anything to do with me?”

Anbu said: “They said, it seems that news came from the front line of the Kingdom of Wind.”

The news of the front line of the Kingdom of the Wind A stern look flashed in Hiizhan Sarutobi’s eyes.

“Okay, let them wait in the conference room of the Hokage Building.”

Not long after, Sarutobi Hizan came to the conference room of the Hokage Building, and went to bed with Koharu and Mito Kazuma already there.

It’s just that at this time, Mito Kazuo and Koharu turned pale, pacing in the conference room constantly, looking very anxious.

Although it was already dark at this time, Hizan Sarutobi quickly found out that something was wrong with the two of them.

“Xiaochun, Men Yan, you are looking for me at this time, do you have any news on 16?”

Sarutobi Hizan was still able to keep his composure and asked.

Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Tomon saw the arrival of Hidden Sarutobi, and their hearts were also a little calmer.

It’s just that this matter is a bit troublesome, and neither Koharu nor Mito Kazuya said anything immediately.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t speak for a while, Sarutobi Hiizan frowned and said, “Xiaochun, Menyan, if you have anything, just talk about it.”

Mito Kazuya and his relative, Xiaochun, looked at each other, and then Mito Kazuya spoke up.

“The frontline battlefield of the Land of Winds is over.”

“What is the frontline battlefield of the Land of Winds finished?”

Hearing Mito Menyan’s words, Sarutobi Hizen was also stunned, but at the same time, he didn’t know what to think, and suddenly an extremely bad premonition arose.

According to Sarutobi Hiizan’s experience, the frontline battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind will take at least a year or two, and it is impossible to finish it in a short period of time.

And now, the frontline battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind is actually over. Saying that, either Konoha wins, or Sand Shinobi wins! No matter which result, Hiruzen Sarutobi can’t accept it.

If Sand Ninja Village wins, then Sarutobi Hizan’s reputation will be ruined in half, Konoha can’t accept defeat, he must figure out a way to get rid of the blame immediately.

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