Hokage: Opening Sealing Technique

Chapter 111 Obtaining The Curse Seal

Orochimaru stared at Yota for a while, and finally said:

"Tell me what you want!"

Yang Tai felt happy in his heart. This moment was what he had been waiting for for a long time. He opened his mouth and said:

"I want your curse seal."

Curse seal!

Orochimaru and the two were both stunned. They never thought that Yota wanted the curse seal.

They guessed that Youta wanted to learn powerful ninjutsu, and even suspected that Youta wanted to use Orochimaru's power.

Changing his body so that his body can produce super large amounts of Chakra.

But they never thought that Yang Tai actually wanted the curse seal.

Could it be that Yota saw Sasuke or Kimimaro using curse seals and became attracted to them?

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue, his eyes were full of smiles, and he said in a sinister tone:

"If you want a curse seal, no problem!"

"Call your body over here, and I'll give you the power of the curse seal right away."

Yota looked at Orochimaru's strange expression, and then looked at Yakushi Kabuto's raised corners of his mouth.

It was immediately clear that the two had misunderstood him.

How dare he let Orochimaru plant a cursed seal!

Not to mention the side effects of that thing, even if it turns into weird shapes, Yota can't accept it.

Yota immediately explained: "Uncle Snake, I think you misunderstood me."

Orochimaru was surprised. Did he misunderstand what he meant? Didn't he want the curse seal?

"I want to learn your curse seal, not plant it."

I want to learn curse seals!

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, what was this kid planning? I actually want to learn curse seals.

Suddenly things seemed more interesting.

"Okay, then you can tell me your so-called idea first."

Yota said nothing and glanced at Yakushi Kabuto next to him.

Orochimaru understood instantly, making it quite mysterious.

Raising his hand, Yakushi Kabuto left knowingly.

"You can talk now."

Yang Tai nodded and began to explain his thoughts,

"Uncle Snake, what do you think a person needs to do if he wants to live forever?"

"Immortal soul and vibrant body." Orochimaru answered directly, he felt very interesting now,

The reason is also very simple. In addition to Kakuzu and Hidan, there are people talking to him about immortality.

Yang Tai is secretly happy and has fallen into the trap. Let’s see if I don’t fool you today.

"Yes, these two are essential if you want to live forever."

"However, your reincarnation Technique should have serious side effects!"

Orochimaru didn't answer directly and waited quietly for Hinata's words.

"For example, after reincarnation, you must change your body again within ten or twenty years,"

Orochimaru's snake pupils shrank and became the size of a needle's eye. Yota was right, this was something that had always bothered him.

After each reincarnation, it is obvious that this is the body of a young man, but the longer the time goes by, the faster the body decays, as if the life of this body has come to an end.

Orochimaru frowned. Could it be that Yota really had a solution, or that his ideas could provide him with new ideas.

Yang Tai continued to talk,

"For another example, every time you are reincarnated, you need to suppress your soul, so your soul gradually becomes weaker."

"The most direct thing is that it is difficult for you to resist the illusion. If you encounter some illusion masters, you may suffer a small loss or something, right?"

Orochimaru's expression changed directly this time, and he was horrified inside.

Is this an idea genius?

It's really incredible that you can indirectly figure out your own weaknesses by relying solely on the so-called principles!

Thinking of this incident, he felt a little aggrieved.

Since he started on the road of reincarnation, he was first defeated by Uchiha Itachi with a look,

Later, Sarutobi Hiruzen used the Dark Technique to destroy his hands.

You must know that Orochimaru had learned genjutsu back then, so how could he stretch his hips like this in the face of genjutsu?

If Yota's thoughts can really restore his soul, that would be so important,

"You are right, tell me what you think!"

Taken the bait.

Yang Tai was secretly happy, but he didn't go on. It was just like writing a novel.

At the critical moment, when the reader is enjoying reading, come up with:

This chapter is finished, please wait for the author to update the next chapter.

When Orochimaru saw this, he understood instantly, but he didn't get angry or anything like that.

For him, the so-called ninjutsu and scientific research materials are fine as long as you can come up with corresponding things or things that interest him.

He raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a snake. The snake's mouth opened, and a dark purple scroll slowly spit out from the snake's mouth.

It's covered in sticky, strange mucus,

Orochimaru grabbed the scroll and threw it directly at Yota.

"This contains all the information about the curse seal. It is my gift to you, Tsunade's apprentice."

Yang Tai happily opened it and looked at it. It was a sealed scroll with a large seal written on it,

At this time, Orochimaru suddenly reminded:

"The curse seal is divided into three parts, the human seal, the earth seal, and the heaven seal."

"The Human Seal is actually nothing special. It is a ninjutsu that restrains the enemy's movements. It is the original product of studying curse seals."

Yota was stunned to see what was going on. When he heard Orochimaru's words, he thought he was trying to trick him.

It seems that this human seal was used by Orochimaru when dealing with White Zetsu, and it can indeed restrain the enemy.

"The Seal of the Earth was obtained by me meeting a very strange person, extracting his blood, and studying the special curse seal on his body."

"Is it magic?" Yang Tai asked deliberately.

Orochimaru looked sideways, "You also know senjutsu?"

Yota nodded, "Jiraiya-sama often says that he is Toad Sage, I asked Mr. Tsunade,"

"The teacher said that it is a magical ninjutsu. Currently, it seems that only the three Great Saints have complete inheritance."

Orochimaru suddenly realized that it was Jiraiya.

"Yes, it's magic."

"The person I met was someone who was born to absorb natural energy,"

"The so-called Earth Curse Seal only allows others to have the same method of absorbing the surrounding natural energy as he does."

"You can also call it a simplified version of Chakra."

"However, this method has some serious side effects for ordinary people."

I see,

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Yota knew a little more about curse seals.

However, Yota has always had a doubt in his mind, and that is whether Orochimaru knows senjutsu.

After all, you said someone can even popularize this simplified version of magic,

There is no reason, I don’t know magic,

Rather than thinking blindly, it is better to ask the real owner, so Yang Tai asked,

"Uncle Snake, I'm curious, you know so much about senjutsu, and you are also the descendant of Ryūchi Cave,"

"Then do you know any magic?"

Orochimaru heard this and smiled strangely,

"You know it quite clearly?"

Yang Tai: "Didn't I come here specifically to see you and make some preparations?"

Orochimaru laughed even more after hearing this,

"I can do magic, but I can't master it."

Yes, but can't master it?

What does it mean!

Yang Taigan was immediately confused by these words. If he could, he would, and if he couldn't, he wouldn't.

You, Orochimaru, are not a monk in the temple. Why are you trying to riddle me?

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