Only then did Hyuga Genji and the two Konoha Shinobi behind him react.

Is it supported?

What an awesome Water Style!

This is the thought that came to their minds about Yang Tai.

Maybe he could escape death this time.

"Can you still fight?"

Yota turned to look at Hyuga Genji who looked tired and asked.


Hyuga Genji nodded to Youta, and the two people behind him also clasped their hands and nodded slightly to Youta.

Yang Tai glanced at the embarrassed three people and said quickly:

"Well, let me lead the team of Rock Shinobi, and the rest will trouble you."

Yang Tai spoke very politely, and his meaning was very clear. I will kill the big monsters alone, and you can help me contain the small monsters.

"be careful!"

Although the strength Yang Tai showed just now is not weak,

But Hyuga Genji saw that he was young, so he still reminded him.


Yota responded and saw some injuries on their bodies and the two people on the ground.

A drop of blood slowly seeped out from the palm, and began to form seals.

Ninja Technique——Spirit Communication Technique!


With a piece of ground in his hand, a two-meter-tall Katsuyu appeared.

Yang Tai smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you."


Katsuyu's clear voice came out, and then it was divided into five, three small and two large, and climbed on top of the five people.

Then a faint green light lit up.


How could Lord Hokage's Spirit Communication Beast be Spirit Communication by this boy?

Could it be——

The three of them were a little shocked, and then they looked at Yang Tai in a different way.

Feeling the Chakra gradually recovering in his body, Hyuga Genji looked at Katsuyu on his shoulder who was helping him heal and recover.

He nodded to Yang Tai. Based on his physical condition,

If you can't restrain a few people at all, they will probably be killed.

But now that Katsuyu is fully recovering from treatment, it shouldn't be a problem for him to hold these people.

Kawaguchi Ganteng landed smoothly, looking at Yang Tai and the others as they quickly thought about tactics.

Then he made a few gestures to Rock Shinobi behind him, rushed towards Yota and the others, and started to form seals at the same time.

The other dozen or so people also moved forward simultaneously.

Earth Style - Stone Pillar!

Earth Style - a swamp!

Kawaguchi Ganten was the first to activate the ninjutsu,

Countless stone pillars rise around it.

Yang Tai was speechless, now he was recognized and targeted.

At the same time, there was a squirming movement under the feet of Yang Tai and others, and rolling mud gushes out from the ground like a fountain.

not good!

Hyuga Genji jumped up and rushed towards the unconscious two people.

At this moment, their bodies have begun to sink slowly.

Hyuga Genjisei took out a thin chain with a kunai from his ninja tool bag, and flicked it.

The kunai at the top hit Xuan and firmly wrapped around their legs.

He forcefully pulled the two of them out of the mire.

"Damn it! It's so big and has no place to start."

Hyuga cursed secretly, and then prepared to take off his vest and push it.

Similarly, the two Konoha Shinobi who jumped into the air were also ready to take off some of their belongings to use as a springboard.

Yota immediately threw out the kunai and rushed towards Kawaguchi Ganten, leaving only a piece of talisman paper in place.

When the three of them were preparing their things and fell,

Suddenly, a straight column of water appeared under their feet, extending out of the swamp.

The three of them were stunned at first, then overjoyed, and hurriedly attached Chakra to their soles,

Step on the water to speed up your escape. You must evacuate this place before the water collapses.

Hyuga Genji used the water flow under his feet to escape from the swamp with several leaps.

Then he turned to look in the direction of the Rock Shinobi.

At this time, Yota dodged and appeared on the left side of Kawaguchi Ganten.

He thrust the sword straight, and the angle of the sword was tricky, from bottom to top, straight into the waist.


At the critical moment, Kawaguchi Ganteng held the knife in his backhand and blocked it in a thrilling way.

Throwing a few shurikens with his backhand, he successfully forced Yota back.


"What a quick response!"

Yang Tai couldn't help but secretly praise him, it was the first time he had seen such a reaction.

With Shunsui's speed, he was able to successfully block his attack.


Yang Tai somersaulted and dodged several kunai flying towards him.

At the same time, his eyes turned cold, and during the somersault,

With the blade of the Kusanagi sword in his hand, he shook his finger, and the Rock Shinobi who just threw the kunai,

Chakra pours in quickly,

The next moment, a sharp white light flashed, and a peach blossom bloomed on the neck of the Rock Shinobi, and he fell to the ground.

This series of actions is completed in only two or three seconds.

As soon as Yota hit the ground, he threw several kunai at Kawaguchi Kanteng who was forming the seal.

Then he formed seals very quickly, and his speed was even faster than that. He was just halfway through the seals and Kawaguchi Ganteng was about to form them.

Wind Style - Vacuum Sword!

Yang Tai opened his mouth and spit out several transparent colored wind attribute Chakra,

These wind attribute chakras arrive first, catch up with the kunai in front, and attach themselves to them.

Suddenly, the speed of the kunai increased greatly, making a whistling sound that broke through the air.

When Kawaguchi Ganteng saw this, he was also shocked.

This kind of sealing speed is too fast!

Immediately stop what you are doing and lean back 180 degrees.

Those handfuls of kunai passed by.

Bang bang bang——

The kunai left several bottomless holes in the ground and disappeared.


Kawaguchi Ganteng, who looked up and saw this scene, was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

He almost told me here,

As soon as he stood up, he saw Yota rushing towards him quickly.

In just one second, his mind was spinning and he came to a conclusion:

He is no match for this person, invincible.

Must take advantage of their Rock Shinobi numbers.

Thinking of this, the soles of his feet squirmed and his whole body began to sink rapidly.


Kawaguchi Ganteng blocked a heavy blow and his whole body was completely submerged into the ground.


"Don't think that I can't do anything to you!"

Yang Tai punched out, and saw a faint blue Chakra wrapped around his fist.

There was an instant burst of energy and it hit the ground hard!



A shock wave spread out with Yang Tai's fist as the center,

The huge force directly shattered the surrounding ground into pieces.

This power has such a strong visual impact!

Many Rock Shinobi who had completed the seals around were stunned.

Is he a beast in human form?

The three people who had just escaped from the swamp also looked shocked.

When Hyuga Genji saw this, he immediately reacted, leaving the two of them behind and quickly supported Yota.

Although Yota is very strong, it can be said that Rock Shinobi has many people after all, and it is also a special team.


Not far away, an embarrassed figure jumped out, it was Kawaguchi Ganten.

"Is he a monster?"

Kawaguchi Qianteng secretly thought that if he hadn't run so fast, the punch just now would have been enough for him to drink a pot.

really! His reasoning was correct, such a person was invincible.

Then he made a gesture to the crowd.

At the same time, the Rock Shinobi who had completed the seals early and were waiting for Kawaguchi Ganten's signal, released their ninjutsu one after another!

Earth Style - Earthquake Core!


For a time, the ground with a radius of more than 300 meters sank rapidly.

The scope was too large, and Yang Tai and others could not escape for a while.

Of course, Rock Shinobi cannot escape in such a large area.

However, this is their ninjutsu, and they don't need to run at all.

Seeing this, Kawaguchi Ganteng made a strange gesture and quickly formed seals.

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