After successfully sealing the Nine Tails, a vortex mark appeared in the palm of Ishihara Wuye's hand.

"Grandma Mito, what is this?" Ishihara showed the imprint of his palm to Uzumaki Mito.

"Because of participating in the final seal? That's not bad either. Uzumaki Mito smiled gratifyingly, and did not help Ishihara answer without night, and the figure gradually disappeared into the space of consciousness.

"The final seal, is it the key?" Ishihara stared at the swirling mark on his hand and felt that a chakra was sealed here.

"Jiu Xinnai, I'm out too, you wake up quickly." He whispered a word and was about to disappear.

"No night..." Jiu Shinnai, who had been unconscious before, suddenly woke up and took Ishihara Wuye's hand.

Looking at the mark on Ishihara Wuye's palm, Jiu Xinnai pursed her lips and smiled, showing her palm to Ishihara Wuye.

Ishihara Wuye couldn't help but laugh when he saw that Jiu Shinnai also had the same mark on his hand.

"Thanks to the Nine Tails, connecting the two of us together." Jiu Xinnai smiled very beautifully at this time.

"I hold the key to the first door, and I will be your first line of defense from now on!" Ishihara touched Jiu Shinnai's head without night and left the consciousness space with her.

Outside, the King Kong blockade has not been restored, but Jiu Xinnai's awakening means that the Nine Tails have been successfully sealed, and everyone is relieved.

No matter how different the political views, none of the people present wanted to destroy Konoha, and the same was true of Danzo at this time.

"No night, good work, just 7 years old to prevent a disaster from happening, really promising." The three generations of Hokage stepped forward and said gently to Ishihara Wuye.

"Ishihara has no night, join the root, only the root can better protect Konoha." Danzo also stepped forward and looked at Ishihara Wuye sharply.

"Tuan Zang!" The third generation of Hokage suddenly spoke up, looked at Danzo coldly, and said: "None of us have the right to interfere with a child's choice, let's wait for him to graduate from the Ninja Academy." "

Xiao Ye turned out to be so sought-after, he actually let you two old guys pinch up.

Ishihara looked at the two of them and smacked his lips, thinking that it would be good to come to a bucket of popcorn necessary to watch the battle.

"I don't see it, excellent people are eligible to graduate early, and the root is where excellent people gather." Danzo is also a good thing this time, a ninja who can suppress the Nine Tails, absolutely has to control it himself.

But at this moment, the young Konoha Sanshin arrived.

"Old man, we're late, how is the seal going?" Jiraiya was the first to ask.

"It looks like it's going well and doesn't need us." Orochimaru observed the surrounding situation and found that there was no sign of the Nine-Tails running away.

"Ishihara has no night, why are you here?" Tsunade, however, noticed Ishihara Night, who was sandwiched between the three generations and Danzo.

"Me." Ishihara no night just wanted to explain, but Miyo reached out and interrupted him.

"In terms of excellence, I don't think there is anyone in your roots who is better than my three apprentices, right?" The third generation of Hokage looked at Danzo and said proudly.

"Sunchop." Uzumaki Mito suddenly spoke at this moment, and the eyes of the audience once again focused on her.

"Mito-sama, I'm here, do you have any orders?"

The third Hokage immediately crouched beside Uzumaki Mito, looking at the dying old man, he knew that this was most likely Mito's last entrustment.

"Mito-sama, please." The three of Danzo also squatted beside Mito.

"Nikki... I decided to transfer the Nine Tails ahead of time ... And successfully left the key for Jiu Xinnai..."

"It's to preserve the future... The possibility of Konoha possessing the power of the perfect human pillar... And Ishihara has no night... That's the key.

"You guys... Don't embarrass him. Speaking of this, Uzumaki Mito also secretly winked at the two who were holding hands on the side.

The two agreed, holding each other's hands a little tighter.

And Tsunade on the side was a little confused, when did Ishihara have no night become the key?

"Don't worry, Mito-sama, we will definitely let Nightless grow healthily." The third Hokage assured.

Danzo, on the other hand, had a wandering look in his eyes, and Koharu and Mizuto Menyan bowed their heads and were silent.

The expressions of these people were in full view, sighed slightly, and thought: "That's it, don't care, Wuye is right, the future is left to young people." Then

Uzumaki Mito ordered the three generations of Hokage to call Tsunade.

When Tsunade heard this, she immediately stepped forward and looked at the only grandmother in front of her who made her fearful, and at this moment, she couldn't help but sour her nose and asked, "Grandma Mito, you have something to order."

"Tsunade... You have been Konoha's Tianjiao since you were born... A thousand pamperings in one... Only me, only I beat and scold you, do you hate grandma?

"No, I know it's all for my own good." Tsunade shook his head, tears running down the corners of his eyes.

"It's good if not, I saw the necklace, and you found a suitable owner for it."

Tsunade heard this and looked back at Eyestone Night, then at the necklace around Eyestone Night's neck, and turned back to Uzumaki Mito and said, "I just saw that Brother Nightless was smart, so I gave him the necklace."

Ishihara Muya's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at Tsunade incredulously.

This woman lied in a way that she did the same.

"No Night, Jiu Xinnai, you two... Come to Grandma. Uzumaki Mito called Ishihara Nightless and Uzumaki Jiu Shinna to his side.

"Two good children, grandma is leaving, going to meet grandma's deceased, between the pillars, the whirlpool, and the compatriots of the whirlpool, they are all waiting for grandma to reunite with them."

Uzumaki Mito looked at the top of the cave and remembered the various contributions she had made to her clan and Konoha when she was young, and life was gradually withdrawn from her body.

"Goodbye... Little ones.

"Goodbye... Konoha. The

soul departed, and the old man kept her kind smile before he died.

"Grandma—" Jiu Shinna threw herself to Uzumaki Mito's side, bursting into tears, unable to help herself.

Tsunade covered her mouth and looked at the dead old man in front of her, unable to make any sound, only tears kept sliding down her face.

"Mito-sama, go all the way." The three generations took off the Hokage cloak, and their eyes turned red.

The three of Tuan Zang were silent, the old man in front of them deserved their respect, and the only thing they could do was to quietly send the old man on his last ride.

"Life, it's so fragile." Orochimaru whispered to himself, and then turned his attention to Ishihara Muye on the side.

The exuberant life breath on Ishihara Wuye's body made him lose his mind slightly, and he saw a power different from ordinary people in Ishihara Wuye.

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