Wang Lin came to the backstage battle area with Da Zhuge , and he also wanted to see if this Da Zhuge was the super guest that the system said.

Because Da Zhuge has already bought it, but there is no sound of prompt, which is very strange, normally speaking, there should be a prompt sound after the task is completed, and the most important point is that his reward has not been sent.

"Your Poké Ball, and the Power Cube, these are all necessities for raising elves."

It's a pity that Wang Lin said one step too slowly, and Da Zhuge had already arrived at the battle area with the red-skinned duck.

Wang Lin had no choice but to pick up a Poke Ball and rush over, as for the energy cube, sell it when he leaves.

The dueling table, today's dueling table seems to be a little colder than yesterday, but there are still many people fighting elves on it, but most of them are newcomers, because a large number of Ding Shen fans came to check in today.

Fortunately, Ding Shen is just a somewhat sized Internet celebrity who rushes back, and most of the fans are more sensible, so there are not many people who come to check in, and after seeing the price of the elf, there are many people who are timid.

For example, the sign that Wang Lin set up at the door was very discouraged.

[The price of elves may be beyond your imagination, don't treat them as ordinary pets]

"That's it, I'll find a few random people for you to practice." Wang Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, excuse me, buddy." Da Zhuge nodded.

", it's Da Zhuge , I didn't expect to be able to see you here!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came, which seemed to be a fan of Da Zhuge .

"! It's really a live broadcast, Mr. Pig, can you take a photo with me~"

The barrage in the live broadcast room fried again.

"Envy pinch~ Damn, it's my silver dragon!"

"Have a showdown with me, Mr. Pig, I'm also the elf I just drawn."

The male fan took out the Poké Ball and said.

"Wow, you guy, aren't you afraid of my teammates? Okay, since you're pretending to be a master, then I'll have a game with you.

Da Zhuge did not refuse, and directly came to the showdown table with the red-skinned duck.

"I'll leave my first battle to you!"

"If you don't have any attention, you can pay attention!"

Da Zhuge didn't know that his casual words had triggered another wave of barrage frenzy.

"The first time for the Silver Wheel! Not ———! "

I don't believe it, the first time of the silver wheel is obviously mine!"

"Damn! The first inspection of the silver wheel was taken away. "

I don't know how Da Zhuge will feel after seeing it, Yinlun is naturally one of Da Zhuge nicknames.

His real name is Han Yinlong, and later water friends jokingly called him Han Yinnong.

In the end, due to a video called Muscle Silver Wheel, everyone after that called him Silver Wheel, because Silver Wheel can't be sent in the barrage and will be blocked.

Now the live broadcast room has turned into a battle screen, and male fans have also released their Pokémon.

"Come out! Supersonic bats! "

The Pokémon of the male fan is a level 5 supersonic bat, and it seems that it is really newly drawn, because basically all Pokémon will be upgraded to level 6 after a duel.

There are even a small number of people who will be directly promoted to level 7.

"Got it... Let's not talk about it, everyone who catches it is drooling, and this bat will fly and fish. Da Zhuge looked at the bat in the sky and frowned.

"Red-skinned duck, what do you say when you use a hand of turbid mist?"


The duckbill began to gather air, and a mouthful of extremely cloudy mist condensed.

This is his poison attribute skill, Turbidity Mist.

Spit out a filthy mist at your opponent, dealing 30 Poison damage.

Suddenly, the whole audience was covered by a terrifying turbid fog, and the supersonic bat couldn't dodge it, so he sucked it directly.

However, the supersonic bat itself is also poisonous, so it does not cause too much damage to it.

"Supersonic bat, use suck!"


The sonic bat screamed, and then shot a green ray out of its mouth, hitting the red-skinned duck directly, but only dealing 10 damage, and then the supersonic bat returned five points of stamina.

Since absorbing is a grass-type skill, it doesn't have much impact on fire-based duckbill babies.

"Why is this battle so... Insipid.

"Because it's just two level 5 Pokémon pecking each other at rookies, the ornamentation is indeed not as shocking as the fire dinosaur vs. the slippery boy."

Although the two on the stage fought back and forth, the audience did not have a high evaluation of this fight.

"Redskinned duck, use sparks!"


A cloud of sparks erupted from the mouth of the duck-billed baby, and the terrifying high-temperature fireball blasted directly at the supersonic bat, which screamed after being bombarded.

A piercing ultrasound wave came out of its mouth, a sound that was inaudible to humans, or that the supersonic bat could choose to be heard by humans or by Pokémon.

The duckbill covered his ears in pain, but unfortunately it had no effect and fell into a state of confusion.

"Quack, quack...",

the duck-billed baby's eyes began to wander, and he gave himself a punch.

"Damn, you're doing this, it's disgusting, what's going on Redskin Duck, hey, hey, hey?"

Da Zhuge was dumbfounded, how could this red-skinned duck hammer himself on himself, no matter how low his IQ was, right?

"Red-skinned duck, stare at him, stare at him fiercely!"

Da Zhuge is the rhythm of using all the only three skills.

The defense of the sonic bat has decreased.

"Sonic bat, use scare!"

"Squeak ——!"

As soon as the male fan's voice fell, the supersonic bat came to the duck-billed baby in a flash, and directly put on a terrifying posture.

The duck-billed baby has never seen this kind of scene, and he was directly frightened, and the person turned over on his back, and then curled up to the side with his head in his arms, falling into a state of cringe.

"What a catch! The grimace is here, like. Da Zhuge frowned, looking puzzled.

"Sonic bat, use Suck again!"

Platypus stamina -10.

Sonic Bat stamina +5.

Wang Lin was a little speechless, this battle will be fought until the Year of the Monkey.

This "terrifying" battle lasted for 20 minutes, which can already be called one of the most unwatched games in the history of the Elf House, smelly and long.

The duckbill attacks the sonic bat, and the sonic bat buffs the duckbill baby, then heals back, and then heals again.

However, the final victory was won by Da Zhuge Duckbill Baby.

"Hehe, it's not ugly, I'm not a goose, I'm a master." Da Zhuge smiled cheaply, revealing two big teeth.

At the same time, the prompt of the system also sounded in Wang Lin's ears.

【Drop! Picking on the door, Lipu Da Zhuge successfully purchased and recognized the Pokémon, and the mission was super successful. [

The host gets a super reward, and the extra elf slot +3].

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