The game entered the halftime period, and now the duel has just entered the white-hot stage, and the brains of the trainers on both sides are more excited, and they need to calm down.

In the ring, Li Jiahao squatted on the ground and seemed to be thinking of some countermeasures.

Xia Han on the opposite side also lowered his head and pondered, each thinking about the next tactic.

The negative buff on the Flying Mantis will not disappear, so it will not affect the outcome of the duel.

Five minutes later, the break ended, and the two returned to the ring again.

"Kairos, use Gathering Qi!"


"Flying Mantis, use the combo slash!"


"Rubbing ——!"

The Flying Mantis suddenly struck, and the mantis knife in its right arm was aimed at the top of Kairos's head, and it was slashed suddenly, 40 plus 50%, the characteristics of the technical master were activated, and 60 points of insect attribute damage were directly slashed out.

Kairos didn't dodge or dodge, he took this trick hard, and then directly used the binding, and the pincer angle instantly clamped the flying mantis, making it unable to fly.

Kairos tied up the Flying Mantis tightly, which was exactly what he wanted.

The continuous slash slashed out again and again.

Another 80 damage is slashed, and the next round will be 160 damage.

I saw Kairos lying on the ground unhurriedly.

I actually started to sleep directly.

And he didn't even let go of the Flying Mantis even when he slept, and the poor Flying Mantis could only be clamped on Kairos's head all the time.

The damage of 160 points had just been hit, and Kairos was back to full health in one sleep.

Not only that, but Kairos was still snoring while he slept.

The 50-point noise attack directly made the nearest flying mantis unbearable and fell into a state of cringe.

As soon as Kairos woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the cowering flying mantis on the ground.

Well? What's going on, little brother?

Kairos thought to me, sleep up, full of blood resurrection, why are you still cowering in blood?

Of course, Carlos did not see him cowering and got used to it, but chose to take advantage of the victory and pursue.

Jumped up and jumped above the flying mantis, it was Mount Tai who pressed the top, and he had also used this trick on the iron ants before, but the physical defense of the iron ants was extremely high, so it was not affected too much.

And the Defense of the Flying Mantis 80 and the HP of 71 are not necessarily.

"Bang ——!"

Kairos landed suddenly, slamming into the Flying Mantis's body like a meteorite falling from the sky.

directly smashed the ring into a big hole.

The Flying Mantis fell into a paralyzed state again, and the paralyzed Flying Mantis decreased its speed by half, and there was a 25% chance that it would not be able to move when using moves.

The game seems to have fallen into an extremely unfavorable situation for the Flying Mantis, and if the stalemate continues, the result of the Flying Mantis will speak for itself.

"Flying Mantis! Use a hard brace! Li

Jiahao secretly said that it was not good, it turned out to be this trick.

The Flying Mantis actually hid such a hand!

Xia Han smiled in her heart, this was one of her hidden killer moves.

Li Jiahao is naturally very familiar with this move, and the last time his little fire dragon fought against the slippery boy, he was almost lost the game by this trick.

Hard Brace, 70 base damage, if used in paralysis, burning, poisoning, will double the damage!

That's a full 140 points of terrifying damage.

The 140 damage in the 20-level and above match between the little fire dragon and the slippery head boy is an extremely terrifying number, or 140 damage in all stages of the game is an extremely terrifying number, let alone a more than 10-level insect trapping competition.


Two razor-sharp mantis knives slashed a cross wound in Kairos's chest.

The hard shell is as thin as a piece of paper at the moment, Li Jiahao is smart but is mistaken by cleverness, he wanted to paralyze the other party, but he was beaten by the other party.

"Use the sword dance!"

Li Jiahao conducted again, and Kairos directly began to dance on the spot, and the inexplicable dance may only be understood by insect attribute Pokémon.

The Flying Mantis's face turned gloomy after watching Kairos's dance.

Sword Dance greatly increases the Dancer's Attack Power.

Next, the situation of the flying mantis is more difficult.

"Use Malicious Pursuit!"



The two giant blades of the Flying Mantis rubbed against each other, and then struck suddenly, this time attacking Kairos's lower handicap, which is Kairos's weakness.

Kairos's speed couldn't even see the movements of the flying mantis, and he fell directly on his back.

Malicious pursuit, 60 damage, if you have just successfully attacked the opponent, the damage will be doubled.

Another 120 points of damage were slashed out, and even though Kairos's defense was as high as 100 points, the 110 points of attack of the Flying Mantis was not vegetarian.

What's more, Kairos's HP is only a pitiful 65 points, which is only five points higher than Ba Da Butterfly.


Kairos's shell was ruthlessly sliced open by the Flying Mantis.

The Flying Mantis actually achieved this gorgeous reversal, successfully pressing Kairos's blood line below 50%.

Li Jiahao's expression is a little difficult to overcome, and it is an extremely funny expression.

He seemed to be smiling but not laughing, crying but not crying, feeling a little relieved and a little unwilling, saying that he was holding his breath, but he also felt that he didn't really care about winning or losing.

In short, it is an extremely tangled and autistic state, Wang Lin laughed directly after seeing it, where did the pain mask clown come from.

It is mainly a strong contrast and contrast with what was said before, how crazy it was before, and how embarrassing it is now.

The most humiliating thing is that the opposite is a rookie trainer, and the training elf that I have only recently fallen in love with.

"Look at his expression haha———!"

"Did you record it?"

"No..."Ye Qiu shook his head.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Wang Lin urged Ye Qiu to record quickly, but Li Jiaxin suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Hmph~ Don't worry, I recorded the whole process, including when I made cruel words before the game."

"I'll cut out the game after a while, leaving only the part of his expression, and post it on the Internet when the time comes, what do you think?"

Li Jiaxin blinked her eyes and proposed to Wang Lin with a smile.

Wang Lin silently gave a thumbs up.

High, really high, it has to be Li Jiaxin, who is simply the first person in the pit.

Li Jiahao knew that he would be moved to cry in the future.

On the field, compared to Li Jiahao, whose expression was distorted to the point of not being shaped, Xia Han's expression was slightly soothed.

Before, the little face had already twisted, his brows were furrowed, and he kept taking deep breaths, but now the expressions of the two were just exchanged.

However, at this moment, there was another shocking reversal on the field.

This time, even Wang Lin was stunned.


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