After Li Jiahao heard that the price of a super stone was more than ten times that of the Fire Stone, he was directly stupid.

This is also too expensive, a stone that can make Pokémon super evolve will cost this price, ordinary people, no, let alone ordinary people, even he, the rich second generation, has some difficulty consuming it.

"If you can't afford to buy a super stone, you can change it... Win more evolution stones, I count your ten evolution stones for one super stone, that's interesting, right?

After Wang Lin said this, Li Jiahao's face was not so stiff, and buying a stone for more than 20 million was indeed a bit beyond his expectations.

Xia Han on the side was still shocked by the tens of millions of super stones, but then Wang Lin handed her a piece of silver-white metal and pulled her consciousness back.

"What is this...?" Xia Han curiously fiddled with the silver and white metal in his hand.

"This is a good thing that the metal film can make the Flying Mantis evolve in situ, although it can't make the Flying Mantis increase its race value, but it can change his race value distribution, and the evolved Flying Mantis can also perform super evolution."

Wang Lin patiently explained, Xia Han nodded as if he didn't understand, Mo Ruyan was a little uncomfortable when he heard that the Flying Mantis could also be super evolved, everyone could be super evolved....

"You don't have to worry too much, they can't super evolve in a short period of time, what's your other elf? I'll see if I can super evolve. Wang Lin comforted after noticing that Mo Ruyan was a little lost.

Mo Ruyan nodded, and then released a Pokémon that resembled a coal block, and purple gas lingered around it.


【Drop! Ghosts, Ghost + Poison Attribute, Gas Pokémon

Level: 5

Characteristics: Floating

Skill: Strange Light, Tongue Licking, Hypnotism

Race Value is 310, click to expand the

attribute restraint as follows

: Neutralization: General, Ground

Attribute Quadruple Restraint: Fighting, Poison, Worm, Attribute Quadruple

Weakness: Poison, Insect Attribute

Doubled Restraint: Grass, Fairy

attribute twice as weak: ghost, superpower, evil attribute

introduction: The ghost is said to be resentful of the gas emitted from the cemetery, and eventually turned into a Pokémon, it was born from poison gas, 95% of the body is poison gas, and the remaining 5% is said to be the soul of the deceased who died of poison gas. 】·

The attribute restraint of the ghost is extremely complex, and the strongest point is that it can neutralize the attacks of the three attributes of normal, combat, and ground.

Wang Sen suddenly felt a little difficult after hearing this, this ability is too perverted, it can invalidate the fighting attribute, so that no matter how powerful his wrist strength is, it is impossible to defeat a small ghost.

"Congratulations, the ghosts can evolve super and are extremely powerful." Wang Lin smiled.

Mo Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that his first position will still be thunderous.

His wind speed dog has the ability to dominate for the time being, and everyone will be super evolved in the future, and he will not be pulled apart by them.

Although Mo Ruyan did not come as many times as Li Jiahao, her competitiveness was very strong, and she was willing to work hard to win, but this insect hunting competition was a different story.

"Xia Han, let's use it for the Flying Mantis here, just let them see the evolved Flying Mantis, it's absolutely handsome."

Xia Han nodded, and then released the Flying Mantis.

The Flying Mantis was directly stunned after seeing the metal film in Xia Han's hand, and then showed a longing expression.

Xia Han directly handed the metal film to the Flying Mantis.


The Flying Mantis screamed excitedly, and then caught the metal film with two large knives, and suddenly a burst of white light flashed.

The metal film and the flying mantis are fused together.

The Flying Mantis suddenly changed its form, and the color on its body began to slowly turn red, followed by a burst of dazzling light, and the Flying Mantis appeared in front of everyone in a new form.

The original green flying mantis has now turned into a red praying mantis, and its height has changed from the original 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters, and the top of its head is three sharp horns, and the biggest change is the arm.

The original arms were two giant mantis knives, but the current arms are a pair of giant pincers, and there is even a pattern similar to an eye on them, which looks like two heads.

Like the head of Hao Yun's big ant, this is the evolved version of the flying mantis - the giant pincer mantis!

"I'm rubbing, it's really handsome!" Li Jiahao looked at the transformed giant pincer mantis with bright eyes.

Hao Yun's eyes also widened, and his eyes were full of envy.

"Coco Dora's evolved Bosco Dora can also be super evolved, don't be envious." Wang Lin said with a smile.

"Really?!" Hao Yun was frightened by this sudden surprise.

He thought that his luck would end here, and there should be no Pokémon that could super evolve, but Wang Lin told him that Bosco Dora could actually super evolve.

"Of course."

Wang Lin glanced at Xia Han as he spoke, and saw that Xia Han's expression was relatively indifferent, as if he didn't particularly care about the appearance of the Flying Mantis after it evolved.

Wang Lin didn't expect that the most calm person in this was her, and it stands to reason that she should be the most excited.

"I've actually seen this form on the illustrated book before, and the black form is actually a little more handsome." Xia Han said suddenly.

Wang Lin suddenly realized that Xia Han had fallen in love with the axe mantis.

"However, the axe mantis can't super evolve, and its strength will be one level weaker." Wang Lin said.

Xia Han nodded, although he couldn't evolve into an axe mantis, but the giant pincer mantis was not bad.

"It's just average... It's not as domineering as Meow. Meow Meow looked at the giant pincer mantis with some disdain, isn't it just a red lobster?

When the giant pincer mantis heard this, his face changed, and he looked at Meow with an unkind face.

Meow Meow was not afraid at all this time, and still looked at the giant pincer mantis wildly.

It's just a little reptile of more than ten levels, and it dares to stare at Meow Ye, how can it be reasonable!

"Boy, do you want to fight?"

"Click, click!" The giant pincer mantis double-pincer gestured twice at Meow, not afraid at all.

Xia Han looked at Meow Meow with some surprise, this little guy's courage is not small, it looks so weak, but his courage is not ordinary.

Wang Lin glared at Meow Meow, this guy has nothing to do, if he loses, won't he lose face? Meow Meow lost face, and Wang Lin, as a trainer, also lost face.

If he wins, won't it dampen Xia Han's enthusiasm? People just evolve and lose, how can they work hard to upgrade and buy super stones?

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's not good, so Wang Lin directly stopped Meow Meow and issued rewards to Hao Yun Yeqiu and others on the grounds of rewarding.

The rewards of the two champions have been distributed, and the next thing is Ye Qiu's third-place reward, Wang Lin gave him two attack boosters and two speed booster potions.

Others are unifying the two potions, Li Jiaxin's reward is received by Li Jiahao on his behalf, and the worst of the several people is Mo Ruyan, she just came to watch the fun, because she is the top 16, there is no reward.

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