Li Jiahao bought a set of switches, which are a classic red and blue switch.

"This game console looks pretty good, Boss Wang, you made it yourself?" Li Jiahao was skeptical.

"You don't care who does it, it's just me anyway, you definitely haven't played it!"

Wang Lin's contemptuous appearance once again provoked Li Jiahao's self-confidence, and made Li Jiahao even more determined to be ready to slap Wang Lin in the face.

Wang Lin did a lot of homework beforehand, mainly because he was forced to do it.

When he first came to this world, he found that the game was real rubbish, and the entertainment life was simply a pull in the middle.

But the development of technology is surprisingly fast, obviously the computer configuration is very high, and the picture quality of the game can also be very prefaced and exquisite.

But! Finally arrived, but they didn't have the brains to make games at all, which means that the games were not fun.

In addition to looking exquisite, it is full of disadvantages.

There are only a few best-selling hot games, which seem to be rubbish in Wang Lin's eyes, barely able to play.

Therefore, Wang Lin is confident that he will definitely be able to make Li Jiahao fall.

The first game Li Jiahao opened was Pokémon Sword Shield.

Five minutes later....

"What is this game? Isn't it just a real-life Pokémon into the game? So how do you control it? Shouting at the screen? "

Twenty minutes later....

"Don't say it, it's quite interesting, this design is wonderful!"

Forty minutes later....

"Boss Wang, I'm invincible, hurry up, I really want to find someone to fight online!"

Eighty minutes later....

"It's fun, uncle! Who designed it? Is this really a game that modern people can play!?

In less than an hour and a half, Wang Lin saw all the changes in Li Jiahao's expression.

Li Jiahao's expression changed from initial disdain, to later surprise, then to shock, and finally to complete fall.

"You don't have to just stare at this one game, there are other games, Zelda, Hollow Knight, you can play whatever you want."

Wang Lin simply connected the TV at the front desk to the switch, and let Li Jiahao lie on the sofa to play.

Li Jiahao was stunned.

"I'm rubbing, Boss Wang, so good? This thing can still be used as a console!?

Wang Lin pursed his lips, look at the way you haven't seen the market, who is Balabala and said that he has seen all the fun console game consoles on the Blue Star.

Seeing Wang Lin's expression, Li Jiahao coughed lightly with some embarrassment.

"Ahem, what, this is really fun, I'll admit, I'm short-sighted this time."

Wang Lin smiled directly after hearing this, and his attitude was quite sincere.

"Okay, if you want to blame the current game company, it's too rubbish, there's nothing to play."

Li Jiahao nodded in agreement, and then directly began to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on TV.

Soon, Li Jiahao was completely obsessed with this game, not only that, Xu Wenqiang was also obsessed, Zhao Xiaoqian was okay, he was not very interested in this kind of thing, but Xu Wenqiang was different, he now wanted to go home immediately and play the switch given by Wang Lin.

More and more guests at the front desk began to watch Li Jiahao's switch, and they became spectators at the door.

Wang Lin also took the opportunity to push the cart from the backstage and brought out dozens of sets of switches.

The guests originally wanted to buy Poké Balls or smoke Pokémon, but they didn't expect to visit a pet store and bring back a game console.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of a large number of people, Wang Lin plugged in the capture card early, turned on the recording mode, and prepared to upload Li Jiahao's game live when the time came.

Li Jiahao is also very effective in the show, and he is constantly talking when he is playing, maybe he is talking involuntarily, or he may be explaining to the surrounding audience.

Anyway, it really smells like the live master.

For a time, the elf's house became a game console sales experience store.

"Eh, let's try the bomb."

"! What's the situation, it's broken after two hits?

"What is this? Hahaha? "

Soon more than an hour passed.

Wang Lin simply took Li Jiahao to the entertainment room, because the entertainment room has a big screen!

Since some people like to watch and some people like to play, then Wang Lin will let those who like to play have a good time, and those who like to watch can also watch enough.

Soon, the video recorded by Wang Lin immediately became popular on the Internet.

Countless gamers began to leave messages below about what console, what game, and which company made it.

Wang Lin remains mysterious.

Lao Tzu doesn't tell you anything, it's just a game I made, and it's a console that I made.

Licenses are available, but they are not advertised and do not participate in any game ratings.

A group of players under Wang Lin's video are itching at the root of their teeth, and this group of people is not the same as the people Wang Lin faced before.

They may have never heard of elves, and they all play games at home.

However, there are no good games in this world, and gamers can't spend much money if they want to.

Wang Lin didn't dare to imagine how rich this group of guys was.

Li Jiahao's evaluation of The Legend of Zelda is only a simple sentence.

"I never thought the game would be played like this!"

This sentence is not even about the Legend of Zelda, but includes all the games on the Switch, which are extremely highly rated anyway.

Not only that, Li Jiahao also spontaneously became a tap water and promoted Switch in his major game groups.

His purpose is also very simple, he is so awesome that no one plays with him, and he can't play a lot of online games, which is very painful!

[HHH]: "switch, a good thing that only exists in the house of elves, as far as I told you last time, hurry up and buy it, you must buy it, who hasn't played the game in the future, don't say you're a gamer."

Li Jiahao's words directly detonated the major group chats.

[Playing the old moth]: "! What's the situation, Brother H, this is not your style!

[Family Motto]: "Didn't you say that the current game is too bad and there are no good games?" How did I start playing again.

"I heard that there is a wilderness open world game that is very popular, and it seems to be very awesome."

[Family motto]: "I also know that, but who can get it?"

[HHH]: "Don't doubt, don't think, buy!" Buy! Buy! [Web link],This is what Lao Tzu plays! Okay, let's not talk about it, the buddies in the store are in a hurry, and they want to see me continue to play.

Li Jiahao stopped looking at his phone and continued to start the game flow of The Legend of Zelda, leaving the group of confused people.

[Playing the old moth]: "! That's played by Brother H!?

[Jackie Chan's Dragon]: "It must be Brother H!" That voice is all too familiar to me! "

Not only this group, but countless game groups have exploded directly, and countless people have frantically forwarded Li Jiahao's news.

However, the biggest beneficiary of this incident, that is, Wang Lin, is lying in the background to buy a switch.

"Buy it, buy it all! After buying it, you will get a free Pokémon sword and shield, and Zelda sells it for 2,000 yuan hahahahaha———! "

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