Ye Qiu's slippery boy has a move that other Pokémon can't learn at all, called Earthquake Magnitude.

This trick is not even theoretically possible for the slippery boy to learn, because it is recorded in the illustrated book, but Ye Qiu's slippery boy became the first, and if there is no record, it does not mean that it will not appear.

This is something that the slippery boy inadvertently learned when he was fighting against Hao Yun's big jaw ant and studying the opponent's earthquake.

The reason why Ye Qiu was reluctant to let the slippery boy use this trick was also very simple, not because there were any side effects, on the contrary, this trick did not have any side effects.

However, this trick depends on luck, if you are lucky, you can deal 150 damage, if you are unlucky, you can only deal 10 damage.

"Slippery boy! Use Magnitude! "


Wang Lin was a little surprised, why would this guy use the magnitude, obviously....

Forget it, I've seen enough outrageous things today, lightning Nidolino can appear, what can happen to the slippery boy with a magnitude?

Magnitude, as the name suggests, is the level of the earthquake, and the higher the level, the higher the damage of this move.

But the magnitude of the earthquake is completely random.

I saw the slippery boy on the field stomp his foot suddenly, and the earth instantly began to tremble, and the terrifying earthquake directly destroyed all the small hills around, although they were all fake, but they also looked extremely shocking.


"Boom ———!"

The sound of the earth's crust movement resounded throughout the battle platform, and the big man looked confused on the stage, what was the situation? Is this a real earthquake caused by the other side!?

Dahan is stupid, he won't lose so soon, right? I lost before I reported my home?

Nidolino on the field was stunned, lying motionless on the ground, he had given up struggling, how to dodge this trick?

"Ten magnitude earthquake! 150 points! Ye Qiu said excitedly.

He even laughed excitedly.

What is this concept? Ground Attribute Restraint Poison Attribute, Restraint Electrical Attribute, Quadruple Restraint plus 150 Shock Damage Damage.

The results speak for themselves.

In the end, the final victory of this game was also successfully won by Ye Qiu, and in the end, there were only two left.

Wang Lin and the woman.

"I'm not convinced! The one just now doesn't count! I'm going to do it again! At this moment, the big man just now suddenly shouted, he was still in the ring at the moment and did not go down, and as Wang Lin expected, this big man has more than one Pokémon, but who cares?

They are comparing 1v1 duels, not wheel battles, let alone 3v3.

Without waiting for Wang Lin to open his mouth to refute, the woman opened her mouth to say the first sentence since then.

"Isn't it shameful enough!? Let's go! The

woman's voice was a little inconsistent with her appearance, she was obviously an extremely hot and charming figure, but her voice was extremely cold, and it was still a little worse than Wang Lin's enthusiastic appearance.

The strong man seemed to be very afraid of women, so he didn't say a word, and then carried Yang Wei with his left hand, and Yang Ju with his right hand was about to follow the woman away.

"What's your name?!" Wang Lin asked loudly towards the strong man.

"Chen Bo!"

After the strong man answered, he left without looking back.

Wang Lin nodded, it was worthy of a combination, and even the name was so compatible.

Yang Wei, Yang Ju, Chen Bo, what is the woman's name Wang Lin is more curious.

"Boss Wang, just let them go like this?" Li Jiahao was a little puzzled.

"So what do you say? Can you still hold them in me? Wang Lin shrugged helplessly.

He also wanted to interrogate a few people, but the other party had to interrogate him.

However, it is not without gains, at least Wang Lin still has the Poke Ball of the Ice Abel Monster in his hand.

This Abel monster is still very representative, because it is a dual attribute and a dual characteristic, and there was only one characteristic of Nidolino before.

"But I thought that Chen Bo was so powerful, he pretended to be so forced before, and in the end, he couldn't even beat Ye Qiu." Li Jiahao shook his head, and his words were very disdainful.

Ye Qiu doesn't like to hear this, what does it mean that even Ye Qiu can't beat it? The killer feature of 150 points of high damage has been exposed, what about messing with you?

"That's better than someone, the fire dinosaurs are about to be killed and dying, and they still rely on the tree fruit and qi momentum to bring it up." Ye Qiu smiled lightly.

Li Jiahao also pulled his face down when he heard it.

Wang Lin was a little helpless, and the two of them started again, since the so-called peak duel was over, the two of them regarded each other as competitors.

One is the technical stream, which is not short of money but wants to win with training.

The other is the treatment of money, mainly relying on the elves to consciously provide the best environment for the elves, and the rest depends on the elves themselves.

As for Hao Yun sandwiched between the two, it can be said that he is the most unlucky, basically the two of them share a sandbag.

Li Jiahao looked for Hao Yun when Ye Qiu was away, and Ye Qiu looked for Hao Yun when Li Jiahao was away.

Hao Yun also accompanied them to train beautifully, but he didn't know that he was not the "he" in their other party's hearts at all, just a substitute with an empty body.

However, Wang Lin didn't have time to participate in the drama of their love and hatred, so he had to quickly find a system to study the problem of the strange uncle.

With the passage of time, a lot of people have gathered in the elf neighborhood now, and Wang Lin will definitely not let the Abel monster out here, so he went backstage alone.

"Come out, Monster."


The moment Ah Bo came out, the slightest cold air instantly spread throughout the entire backstage, and Wang Lin couldn't help but shiver.


Abel Monster stared around suspiciously, where was that stupid guy before? And who is this idiot? It doesn't matter.

Abel spat out the snake core, and then climbed to the tree where the lazy otter had been staying before.

"System, what's going on, I want to know the reason why he became like this, can I find out."

【Drop! The secret involved in this matter is so important that it takes 5,000 Elf Coins to open.

"I'll wipe it, this still costs money, okay, turn it on!"

【Drop! Consumption success! [

The host triggers a large-scale task, "Elf Transformation"

[1] task clues, in an underground research institute in Nanjiang City, a mysterious doctor is studying something, and it seems that he can find the answer in him.

[2] Quest clues, these elves don't seem to be very smart, this transformation seems to have a certain risk, and those in the know may know something.

[3] Quest clues, it seems that some mysterious organization has been targeting you, find them quickly, and you may be able to get the answer you want.

Follow-up quest clues need to be unlocked after the host's quest progress reaches a certain percentage, which is currently 5%. Wang

Lin had a question mark on his face, what is it?

"Is this an online game? Can you finish today's mission reward first? "

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