Inside Ishihara's nightless consciousness space.

"Connor, why did I open my eyes with a double hook jade writing wheel eye?" Ishihara Wuye wondered.

"It's very simple, everyone else's promotion is a hook jade, and your promotion is a double hook jade." Connor shrugged and explained.

"But there are only three jade in the Sharingan."

"Yours is a special chakra eye, others three-hook jade is the upper limit, yours is far more than that."

"I lean, that means that my Sharingan is a six-hook jade Sharingan?" Ishihara said excitedly.

Connor glanced at Ishihara Wuye with disdain: "Please, you're hanging on the wall, don't be so low, okay?" "

Hah... Ha ha. Ishihara scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Roar!" Gurado on the side deliberately made a noise to attract Ishihara Wuye's attention.

Ishihara looked at it without night, and then rushed to its side, stretched out his hand to measure his height, and measured his height.

"Yay! Gurado, you're getting taller again! Ishihara said in amazement.

"What's so strange about this, I'm a divine beast." Gurado said as if he didn't care.

"Come on can't fly, you're the fattest!" As soon as the words fell, Ishihara fled without night and left the space of consciousness.

"Roar, roar, roar! Ishihara never sleeps! Only

Gurado, who was roaring in consciousness, and Connor, who wore headphones, had a helpless expression.


The next day, Ishihara came to the Ninja Academy all night to complete graduation procedures.

Already a disciple of the Three Shinobi, he no longer had to listen to those boring lessons.

In the examination room, a teacher said: "No night, even if you are a disciple of the Three Shinobi, you must pass the Lower Ninja Examination, this is the rule."

Ishihara Wuye nodded: "I understand, let's start."

"The content of the assessment is very simple, proficiency in the use of the three-body technique, and the throwing of shurikens, I believe that in terms of your ability, it should be a piece of cake." The teacher said.

Ishihara Wuye clapped his hands when he heard this, and two doppelgangers appeared in an instant, and both doppelgangers spread their hands in the appearance of their own bodies, and said at the same time: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it." The

assessment teacher pointed to Ishihara Wuye, shook his head helplessly, and wrote "qualified" in the column of the doppelganger technique.

After that, he took Ishihara to the training ground to complete the next content.

It was already noon when Ishihara got his Shinobi Guard and left the school.

"Nightless, wait for us!" Ishihara didn't have to look back at the night to know that it was Watergate and Jiu Shinnai.

"Go, I'll invite you to dinner, I won't be at the Ninja Academy in the future, you guys take care." Ishihara put his arm around the shoulders of the two and led them towards the yakiniku restaurant.

Bofeng Shuimen and Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai looked at each other, and Jiu Xinnai said with a smile: "Also, in order to celebrate us becoming a shinobi, we must eat a big meal today."

"Don't worry, I'm all inclusive... Huh? What did you say? You guys have also become Shinobi? Ishihara paused and looked at the two incredulously.

"Our ability has long reached the level of Shinobi, since you are leaving the Ninja Academy without night, then we are also good with you, so we also applied for early graduation like a teacher." Watergate explained with a smile.

"Now I can be with Nightless again!" Jiu Xinnai said happily.

"Well, in fact, I still can't be with you without night." Watergate reminded.

Jiu Xinnai: "..." "

I want to worship the three Shinobi as a teacher!" I'm going to be with Nightless! When Jiu Xinnai heard this, he instantly stopped dry, his long red hair fluttered, and the blood-red pepper reappeared.

"Don't make trouble, I'll take advantage of the rest time to accompany you." Ishihara Wuye caressed Jiu Shinnai's forehead and said softly.

"Really?" Jiu Xinnai looked at Ishihara Wuye closely, and the pitiful look in his eyes was distressing.

"When did my Ishihara talk without night not count? Rest assured. Ishihara patted his chest and assured Jiu Shinnai.

Jiu Shinna was happy, she didn't have many friends, and now she had another evil tailed beast in her body, which made her very careful, and only Ishihara had no night to open her heart.

"Who are the teachers of the two of you?" The three of them were walking on the road, and Ishihara Wuye suddenly asked.

Watergate said happily: "Jiraiya-sensei took a fancy to me and recognized me as his apprentice, maybe we can learn Jiraiya-sensei's ninjutsu together in the future!" "

Ishihara wiped his sweat without night, is it really still a lecherous immortal.

Jiu Xinnai lowered his head and said depressedly: "The three generations of old men have arranged many teachers of the sealing class for me, and let me learn the sealing art with them. "

Ishihara has no night to show sympathy, as a nine-tailed human pillar force, Jiu Shinna must live under the supervision of others, and there will be no accidents in the village.

"Don't say anything, go eat." Ishihara took the two to a barbecue restaurant where he often ate, and intimately selected barbecue meat for them.

On the other side, in the Hokage office, the third generation who had just canceled the telescopic technique looked at Kiki Shuo Shigeru in front of him and asked, "How is this kid Ishihara Wuye?"

Qi Mu Shuomao replied respectfully: "Gifted, very strong, and dominates the new generation of students."

Ishihara No Night: "Talent? Ah, yes, yes, I'm really talented.

The third generation nodded and asked again, "I asked you to investigate Ishihara's daily activities without night, what do you think of his conduct?"

"It's very righteous." Qimu Shuomao only answered four words, but the flickering appreciation in his eyes was still captured by the three generations.

"It seems that this kid has a very good appetite for Shuomao." The three generations thought secretly in their hearts.

On the surface, the three generations remained silent, looked at Qimu Shuomao, and tentatively asked: "Shuomao, what do you think if you are allowed to teach Wuye with my three apprentices?"

"This... Naruto-sama ordered that Kiki Shuo Shigeru would obey unconditionally. Qimu Shuomao hesitated for a moment, and then replied firmly.

The third generation nodded, took a puff of his cigarette, and said to Kiki Shuo Shigeru: "Ishihara Wuye is my favorite candidate for Hokage, and Danzo is also very optimistic about him and wants to pull him into the root organization.

"I know the means of Tuan Zang, but as a last resort, I still don't want to turn my face with Tuan Zang, Shuo Mao, I need your help to protect his safety while teaching Wu Ye."

When Qimu Shuomao heard this, he half-knelt in front of the three generations of Hokage and assured, "Lord Hokage, please rest assured, I will definitely protect the safety of Nightless."

"Well, get up." The third generation of Hokage personally stepped forward to support Qimu Shuomao, and then said with concern: "Shuomao, your child is also about to be born, right?" Hearing

the three generations mention their soon-to-be-born child, Kiki Shuomao smiled for the first time: "Yes, I have already asked the people of the Hyuga clan to see it, it's a boy."

"Have you figured out the name?" Miyo asked.

"Kakashi, Kiki Kakashi." Qimu Shuomao replied softly.

"Kiki Kakashi... When he is born, he must call me to go, and I will hug him personally. The three generations also had a smile on their faces.

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