Wang Lin frowned, and a million tons kicked hard?

This move is a bit of a thing, because it is a move of normal attributes, and it has 120 damage.

The advantages and disadvantages of general attributes are obvious, and the advantage is that most of the attribute restraint has nothing to do with him.

The downside is also that most of the attribute restraint has nothing to do with them.

The only things that can deal half the damage of the normal stats are the rock and steel stats.

There are even fewer that can deal twice as much damage to normal stats, only fighting stats.

Ghosts are neutralized by each other, and the general attribute cannot cause any damage to the ghost-type Pokémon, and the ghost-type Pokémon cannot cause damage to the general attribute Pokémon.

As Li Jiahao's words fell, the fire dinosaur kicked at the swamp leaping fish that saw through everything, and the terrifying million-ton heavy kick directly kicked the swamp leaping fish and slammed into the wall.

If the two are not phantoms, but real entities, I am afraid that they can directly collapse the wall at this time.

Ye Qiu had already guessed that Li Jiahao would stay behind, and the previous defeat and retreat were most likely just Li Jiahao's tactics to hide his strength.

Even if the fire dinosaur used a million tons of heavy kicks, Ye Qiu still didn't think that this was all his strength.

Who knows how much medicine is hidden in Li Jiahao's gourd.

The Pokémon of the two knocked out the phantom Pokémon one after another, leaving only Hao Yun looking at the two with a confused expression.

What's the situation? Both of them have a backhand? What about Lao Tzu?

Countless question marks surfaced in Hao Yun's mind, so he said that he was the only one who didn't have a backhand, and the Pokémon was really beaten!?

Hao Yun couldn't accept this cruel reality for a while.

Wang Lin couldn't help but want to pat Hao Yun on the shoulder after seeing his bitter expression, but thinking of the bad luck on him, Wang Lin's outstretched hand retracted again, in case it was bad luck if it was stained with bad luck.

"Don't be hard, your big ant is a late-blooming Pokémon, and it has a dragon attribute after level 35, didn't you notice that your Pokémon is upgraded very quickly?" Wang Lin said speechlessly.

"It's like... That's exactly what happened. Hao Yun showed a thoughtful expression.

Although his big jaw ant is not very strong, the upgrade is first-class fast.

Fire Dinosaur and Slippery Kid are still level 26, level 27.

However, her big jaw ant is already level 29, and she can approach level 30 at any time, and she will be able to evolve when she reaches level 35.

"Boss Wang, this kind of special training doesn't seem to have any effect, how to improve your strength?" Li Jiahao was a little puzzled.

Wang Lin snorted and said, "Hmph, you don't understand, this training is much more than that. As

soon as Wang Lin's words fell, all the Phantom Pokémon that had been defeated actually stood up again, this is the rhythm of the second wave!

And not only that, but all their parameters have changed drastically from level, to attributes, to race values, etc.

"This is just the beginning, let's see if you can pass this easiest test, only by defeating him, your training will just begin."

"These phantoms will simulate those mutated Pokémon, their attributes will be constantly changing, and their forms and weaknesses will also be constantly changing."

Ye Qiu and Li Jiahao showed an excited expression after hearing this, only Hao Yun changed to that bitter expression again.

The confidence that he finally built up in the big ant collapsed again, although he still has an iron ant, but the level of the iron ant is too low, and if you are a mutant Pokémon... The odds aren't very high.

Wang Lin explained to a few people some things that needed to be paid attention to when dealing with phantoms, and then left, letting them train for three days first.

They gained strength in the internal test, Wang Lin found a thug, and there was a virtual bug tester, which can be described as a win-win situation.

Before leaving, Wang Lin asked Alex Zhiqiang to relieve Hao Yun's bad luck by the way, because Wang Lin really couldn't bear to watch Hao Yun miss crazy.

Hao Yun, who had no bad luck, was in full swing, and finally, after a series of unremitting efforts, Hao Yun's big jaw ant finally defeated Alex's seal ball.

After leaving the training room, Wang Lin went straight to the backstage, and he wanted to import the video from his mobile phone and camera into the computer.

As for the content of the video, of course, it is a very violent man-beast action drama, the whole process of the battle between Yang Wei, Yang Ju and Chen Bo.

Wang Lin recorded it without missing a second, he wanted to study it carefully, how these people made Pokémon mutate, and who was behind them.

Wang Lin extracts the human voice, then amplifies it continuously, and finally converts it all into words, so that he can get some news that he didn't hear clearly or didn't hear.

"I ate at noon today

....""What do you think of Yang Wei's bad pen

...""Why do you say that guy....""

The boss said that we don't have to play the gym successfully, try their strength first."

"What were the side effects that Dr. Gale was talking about?"

"Found it!"

Wang Lin was overjoyed, he didn't expect this method to be really useful, he looked at it for a long time, and finally found some useful information among the countless nonsense.

First of all, the most useful must be the so-called Dr. Gale, and it is clear that this Dr. Gale must be the culprit behind the mutation of Pokémon.

Even if it's not the culprit, it's a participant, and it's definitely not running!

"I didn't expect a few cannon fodder to come over and leave such useful news." Wang Lin smiled secretly in his heart.

Wang Lin immediately searched for news about Dr. Gale on the Internet, but found nothing, but this was also expected by Wang Lin.

This kind of Ph.D. who studies mutations does not necessarily use his real name, and even if he is a real name, he is engaged in underground research, and he may never have shown his face, and there is a possibility that he has a dual identity in the outside world and underground.

Although Wang Lin's brain hole is a bit big, it is very likely, and the ghost knows if there will be such a person in this world.

Through their bits and pieces of conversation, Wang Lin learned that several of them seemed to be employees of a certain company.

Their boss seems to have a big opinion about Wang Lin's elven house, not only to stink here, but also seems to be plotting bigger things behind it, but it's a pity that the conversation of several people didn't talk about it.

It's just that there are always interruptions when it comes to key places.

"The elf Dr. Gale gave us last time...""

Shut up! Stop it! "

Haha, I'm sorry, I'm used to it, I forgot this is outside."

The person who often said the wrong thing was naturally the strong man Chen Bo, and the person who always interrupted him turned out to be the woman who basically didn't speak.

"I didn't expect it, I thought it was an autistic little transparent, but I didn't expect her to be the leader of the four." Wang Lin was a little surprised.

"But Dr. Gale is really good, and he can do anything that goes against biology." Chen Bo in the video sighed.


At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly remembered a person who seemed to be able to answer some doubts for himself.

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