Seeing that the drill-horned rhinoceros on the opposite side was asleep, Li Jiahao didn't have any merciless intentions for his subordinates, and hurriedly commanded the Dao Fire Dinosaur.

"Fire dinosaurs, use the Flame Vortex, use a stand-in!"

Since sleeping can sleep for two rounds in a row, the fire dinosaur directly began to use the skill wildly, saying that it was two rounds.

But in reality, who cares how many rounds you have? You can put as many skills as you sleep, and if you don't feel the crisis, you can keep sleeping!

With a flick of its claws, the fire dinosaur summoned a large vortex of flames around the Drillhorn Rhinoceros, a move that lasted for five turns, each dealing special fire damage.

Even a drill-horned rhinoceros will deduct blood while sleeping.

And that's not all, the fire dinosaurs began to use a constant double that could consume a portion of their stamina to summon a stand-in, each of which was able to confuse enemies to block damage.

In a short time, the fire dinosaur summoned more than a dozen clones, and the amount of blood was about to bottom out.

didn't wait for the horned rhinoceros to wake up, Li Jiahao almost couldn't bear it.

Because of the sunny day and the influence of the flame vortex, coupled with more than a dozen fire dinosaurs in the field, the temperature on the already sultry battle platform came to an extremely terrifying point.

There was even a rolling heat wave floating on the field, and Li Jiahao only felt that he was about to suffer from heat stroke.

"Uncle's... Why don't you wake up yet..."

"Fire Dinosaur! Go to bed!

As soon as Li Jiahao's words fell, more than a dozen fire dinosaurs began to lie on the ground and sleep together, and the fire dinosaurs, which were originally empty, woke up directly after sleeping for 2 minutes.

"Go ahead and be a stand-in!"

The weak man on the opposite side looked stupid, looking at Li Jiahao with a confused expression, can you still play like this?

What he didn't know was that he couldn't play like this normally, but his rhinoceros was too sleepy, which led to Li Jiahao being able to play like this.

"It's outrageous, he hasn't shown it before." Hao Yun in the audience smacked his tongue.

Ye Qiu was also a little speechless, "He didn't have a chance to use this trick before, and it was impossible for the Daoist NPC to give him this opportunity." "

Now the stage is like a battle in the ninja world, dozens of fire dinosaurs are looking at the sleeping drill-horned rhinoceros, if they didn't have the ability to attack, I'm afraid they would have been swarmed long ago.

Empty of blood, the fire dinosaur fell asleep on the ground again.

Although this trick is extremely outrageous, the most uncomfortable person is not a weak man, but Li Jiahao.

Now the temperature on the stage is more than 60 degrees, and it has already reached the temperature of the desert, and it is estimated that Li Jiahao can die if it is hotter.


, after the fire dinosaur summoned more than 40 stand-ins, the drillhorned rhinoceros woke up.

When he opened his eyes and saw the fire dinosaurs around him, he was stunned.

What's the situation? Why did so many come all of a sudden? Did you provoke a group?

Li Jiahao happily looked at the drill-horned rhinoceros opposite, Nima's, finally woke up, if you don't wake up again, Lao Tzu will have to sleep forever.

However, what Li Jiahao didn't expect was that the drill-horned rhinoceros glanced around and fell asleep again.

The horned rhinoceros was in his heart: "Uncle, it seems that he is a little sleepy, and he has ghosted."

Li Jiahao was almost angry and vomited blood, he finally knew why this kind of Pokémon IQ was extremely low.

And according to Wang Lin, the IQ of this mutated Pokémon has decreased to varying degrees, and the drillhorn rhinoceros, which is not high in IQ, has a lower IQ after mutation.

Especially in this four-legged state, it is only when the two front legs are off the ground that the IQ of the drill-horned rhinoceros can barely reach the normal level.

"Fire dinosaurs, use burrowing!"


Li Jiahao couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly asked the fire dinosaur to forcibly wake up the drilled horn rhinoceros.

The fire dinosaur slammed into the sand, and then leaped out directly from under the horned rhinoceros.

The horned rhinoceros was still sleeping comfortably, but it was directly overturned.

Although this did not make him sober, all four feet were off the ground, and the whole thing was lying on the ground with his feet facing the sky.

Five minutes later, the drillhorned rhinoceros woke up, and with a slight increase in his IQ, he realized that he was fighting.

So he stomped on the ground, but unfortunately did not do any damage.

Because I stepped on the stand-in of the fire dinosaur.

At this time, he landed on both feet, and suddenly found that he was surrounded by fire dinosaurs, and the cows were stupid.

This is followed by the use of stomping without stopping.

Stomping your feet can turn remorse into power, and if you don't hit on the previous turn, you will double the damage on the next turn, but unfortunately no matter how you double it, it won't work.

Because he couldn't step on his real body, although Li Jiahao was extremely weak, because he had heat stroke and was on the verge of dehydration, he still looked at the drill-horned rhinoceros with a mocking face.

"Haha... Stupid... Stupid one. "

Fire dinosaurs, use hot air!"


Countless fire dinosaurs sprayed violent hot air towards the drillhorned rhinoceros at the same time, and the terrifying temperature directly caused the drillhorned rhinoceros to burn.

The damage of his special attack at 95 is also extremely outrageous, and he just spits out.

For a while, the drill-horned rhinoceros couldn't tell which one was really attacking him, because these stand-ins all looked the same, and he had no ability to distinguish at all, so he could only attack one by one.

"Drill horn rhinoceros! Use WAN Destruction!

At this moment, the weak man suddenly shouted.

After receiving the command, the drillhorned rhinoceros violently used his tail to start sweeping around the field continuously, each time being able to blow several clones out.

"Fire Dinosaur, don't let him get his way! Use the Fire Oath! "

If this move is used in conjunction with a grass-type Pokémon, it will be extremely powerful, but it is not weak when used normally.

The fire dinosaur slammed a hole in the ground, then slammed its head into the ground, the terrifying heat of flames condensed in its mouth, and the last strand of its brain was released.

I saw a sudden tremor under the feet of the drill-horned rhinoceros, and in the next second, a blazing pillar of fire rose from the ground, covering the entire body of the drill-horned rhinoceros.

By the time the horned rhinoceros was revealed again, the burning effect on its body had already been superimposed on countless layers.

"Keep clearing the clones! Use Rock Crit! "

The weak man's goal is very clear, that is, he must get the drill horn rhinoceros to remove all the doppelgangers.

Countless rocks are released from the body of the drillhorn rhinoceros.

All fire dinosaur clones were emptied, leaving only the real body of the fire dinosaur.

"Fire dinosaurs! Use Dragon Dance!

As soon as Li Jiahao finished speaking, the fire dinosaur began to perform a dance of unknown significance, which can increase its damage and speed.

"It didn't work! It's time for the battle to end! "

Drill horn rhinoceros! High temperature pressure!

As soon as the words fell, the drill-horned rhinoceros immediately arrived in front of the fire dinosaur in the next second, and jumped into the sky, and the flames on its body were even more terrifying.

This is the characteristic of high temperature and heavy pressure, because this is a move of the fire attribute, the terrifying weight turns the burning state of fire into its own weapon, and the drill horn rhinoceros weighs more than six times that of the fire dinosaur.

Directly triggers the maximum damage, 120 fire physical damage, and the drill horn rhino has a full 130 physical damage.

Just listen to the sound of "boom".

The fire dinosaur was crushed under the horned rhinoceros.

Li Jiahao looked at the fire dinosaur that had been hit hard with a bewildered expression, but at this moment he was already unable to protect himself, and his dehydrated state made his brain have no way to think about it properly.

"Damn... Fire Dinosaurs! At

this moment, a powerful stream of water shot at Li Jiahao.


At the same time, there was a girl's voice.

"Really, you didn't tell us when you came here."

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