"Before we actually teach you, let's do a little experiment."

Kiki Shuomao took out several pieces of paper from the ninja bag and handed one of them to Ishihara Muya.

"This is?"

"This is a kind of induction paper that reacts very sensitively to chakra, and as long as you inject your own chakra into this paper, you will know what kind of attributes you are." Qimu Shuomao said.

No, no, this toilet paper-like thing is a Chakra thing?

Ishihara had 10,000 alpacas running past in an instant.

Without paying attention to Ishihara's nightless reaction, Qimu Shuomao continued to say to himself: "If the fire attribute paper will catch fire, the water attribute paper will get wet, the wind attribute paper will be cut, the thunder attribute paper will be wrinkled, and the earth attribute paper will be crushed. Qimu

Shuomao injected Chakra into that paper, and the paper instantly wrinkled, it was clear that his Chakra attribute was thunder.

"My Chakra attribute is Ray, it's up to you." Kiki Shuo Shigeru handed a piece of induction paper to Ishihara Wuye.

After Ishihara took the paper and injected a wisp of his own chakra into it, the paper did not respond.

"Huh? What's wrong with this toilet paper? How can I not detect my Chakra? Ishihara said suspiciously.

"Don't worry." Qimu Shuomao pushed the non-existent glasses, as if Conan possessed him: "One Chakra nature is easy to show, while multiple Chakra properties are more troublesome and need to wait for a while."

"And Nightless, you're obviously a variety of Chakra natures."

As soon as Qimu Shuomao's words fell, he saw that the upper left corner of the reaction paper in Ishihara Wuye's hand was on fire, and the upper right corner was neatly cracked.

The middle part of the paper became crumpled, and the lower right corner was directly crushed, while the part that Ishihara Wuye pinched oozed water.

"This... This..." Qimu Shuomao was shocked and speechless.

"I have five attributes?" Ishihara asked without night.

Qimu Shuomao nodded first, and then shook his head: "The regular five attributes are all available, and if you can flexibly use the Sharingan in the future, it means that you have the potential to perfectly use the six attribute Chakra."

"Wrong! It's seven. Connor jumped out at this time to remind.

"Huh?" Ishihara subconsciously questioned.

"Huh? Is there anything else you don't understand about Nightless? Kiki Shuomao thought that Ishihara was talking to him without night.

"No, no." Ishihara Wuye quickly waved his hand and silently talked to Connor in his mind.

"Connor, the seven attributes you mentioned, that is, I can also use the yang attribute?"

"Are you stupid? Isn't the strong resilience and vitality that comes with your immortal body the best product of the yang attribute? "

If Connor could, she really wanted to jump up and hammer Ishibara's nightless knees.

"Then can I create Dao Jade?" Ishihara asked without night.

Kang Na raised his forehead and said helplessly: "People seeking Dao jade can only be made by perfectly mastering the seven techniques of earth, water, wind, fire, thunder, yin and yang, and it is difficult for you to even go to the kang, and you still want to ask for Dao jade?" "

Ishihara No Night: "......"......

"No night, I came to see you with Watergate, how was the training, did you miss me?"

In the afternoon, Watergate, who was also asked to train freely, and Jiu Shinnai, who had just completed the sealing operation, came to find Ishihara Wuye.

Ishihara Wuye, who heard Jiu Xinnai's shouts from a long distance, subconsciously glanced at Qimu Shuomao on the side.

"Don't be affected by foreign objects, continue training."


Qimu Shuomao showed a kind smile, his eyes looked at Jiu Xinnai and Watergate in the distance, and he couldn't help but think of his companions in the dark department.

"Nightless, what are you doing?"

Jiu Shinna ran to the front and saw Ishihara Wuye cutting down a large tree with a wooden kunai.

Ishihara did not respond to her, still trying to cut down the tree.

Watergate also came over, saw Ishihara Wuye's operation, held back for a long time before spitting out a sentence: "Wuye, your training... It's really unique.

"You guys are here to find Nightless, his training mission is not completed yet, and he can't play with you." Qimu Shuomao said with a smile.

"Captain Shuomao, the mission of the night will not be to cut down this tree, right?" Watergate asked uncertainly.

Qimu Shuomao nodded and said, "I can't cut down this tree before the sun goes down today, and I'm not allowed to eat." "

Huh?!" Jiu Xinnai opened her mouth in shock, she had never heard such an unreasonable request when she was so big.

"Qimu Shuomao, you are too much, this is simply impossible! I'm going to tell three generations of old men. "

Jiu Shinna huffed and wanted to go to the third generation of Hokage, and let him quickly transfer Ishihara Wuye to the sealing class, and the people in the sealing class offered her as a princess, and Ishihara Wuye could directly ascend to the throne when he got there.

Watergate secretly glanced at Qimu Shuomao, and saw that Qimu Shuomao's expression remained unchanged, still staring at Ishihara Wuye, who was cutting down trees, and came to strike lightning as soon as he relaxed.

"Ugh!" Ishihara's nightless scream sounded, and Watergate subconsciously shivered, quickly stepped forward to grab Jiu Xinnai, bowed slightly to Qimu Shuomao, and fled as if to leave here.

"Watergate, why are you stopping me? Don't you feel distressed all night? He treats you like a brother and a good friend. Jiu Xinnai airsaid.

"Jiu Xinnai, calm down, haven't you noticed that the speed and strength of Wuye are constantly getting stronger?" Watergate reminded.

Jiu Xinnai stopped shouting when he heard this, and stood in place and recalled the scene where Ishihara Wuye took the wooden Ku Wu to cut down the big tree just now.

At that time, Jiu Shinai patronized and angry, but now that I think about it, it is indeed as Watergate said, and the speed and power of Ishihara Nightless Cutting Trees is constantly getting stronger.

The big tree was also crumbling under Ishihara's constant slashing throughout the night.

"Watergate, do you mean that Captain Shuomao is not making things difficult for Nightless, but is helping Nightless?" Jousinai asked.

Watergate nodded: "If I'm not mistaken, Captain Shuomao should be honing his nightless physical skills." "

Hone your physical skills? The nocturnal body technique is very strong, and it does not need to be honed. Jiu Xinnai said.

Watergate did not answer Jiu Xinnai, but was thinking about things alone.

After a long while, the water gate jumped onto the tree in a flash, and said to Jiu Xinnai below: "Jiu Xinnai, I won't accompany you first, I also have to find a place to cut down the tree!"

Then the water gate sped up and left here, muttering in his mouth: "If you don't step up your training, I'm afraid you will be thrown away by the night."

"Hey! Are you sick too? Jiu Xinnai stomped his foot in anger, listening to Ishihara's nightless screams from time to time in the distance, and could only return to the sealing class to continue learning the sealing technique.

After seeing that both of them left, Ishihara Wuye subconsciously paused, and then a lightning strike fell on Ishihara Wuye.

"Don't wander!"

"Yes~, Shuomao-sensei."

Sooner or later, the pain you inflicted on me, I will find it in your son!

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