Wang Lin sneered, looking at the mastermind behind the scenes, this guy is also too confident in himself, right?"

"Of course, that's because, of course, I have developed a special medicine that is more powerful than the mutant potion you made!"

The expression of the mastermind behind the scenes became even more crazy, but Wang Lin was very speechless.

Is this medicine really that good

? Is he blind?

Can't you see that Raichu next to him is about to be unable to hold on? This is the side effect of using a special mutation potion!" "An inferior mutation potionist

like yours can't be circulated in the market at all, and if you insist on selling it, you can only be ruined in the end."

Wang Linyun's two words lightly set off waves in the minds of the masterminds behind the scenes.

"You are talking nonsense! How can I be an inferior mutant potion? My mutant potion, which is much more powerful than yours, can't you see it yourself? And everyone worships my medicine now, as long as the time comes to sell it, you will definitely be trampled under my feet!" The

mastermind behind the scenes stretched out his arms and raised them high, as if he had won Wang Lin.

As everyone knows, his mutant potion really has a big loophole.

Looking at the unrepentant look of the mastermind behind the scenes, Wang Lin sighed, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Who knew that the mastermind behind the scenes didn't plan to let him go so easily, and wanted him to stay here and watch a good show with him.

"Don't leave in such a hurry, didn't you say that my medicine is not good? Then let's take a look, how many people will come to the scene to buy it when it is officially sold tomorrow, and it must be much more than the sales sold by your elf house!"

After the mastermind behind the scenes finished saying this, several black shadows immediately appeared beside him and fell to Wang Lin's side.

These are all Pokémon that have taken a mutation potion.

Their size has changed dramatically, they have become very large, and their eyes are no longer as kind as they used to be.

Looking at these poor Pokémon, Wang Lin sighed, did not resist, and continued to stay in the monster house.

He wants to see what storms and waves the market can set off tomorrow, and it is estimated that it will only end in a farce in the end.

In this way, Wang Lin was left in the monster market, but his equipment was not taken away, so he could still communicate with the outside world.

He informed Li Jiahao of his situation and told them not to worry, just come to the monster house tomorrow to watch a good show.

That night, the mastermind behind the scenes came to Wang Lin's room, and he was arrogant, as if he was already a winner.

"Why are you here with me, aren't you going to prepare for your feast tomorrow?" Wang

Lin didn't even raise his head, he looked up and said directly.

"Wang Lin, you are a very good opponent, you are qualified to know my name, my name is Kuo Tian, and I am a scientist! Since I saw your mutation potion, I knew that there must be a new mutation potion, so why can't it be me? Finally, after I have been studying it for so long, I have finally researched it!" When Wang Lin

heard his name, he was slightly stunned, and then his eyes were on him.

This person can't be the doctor behind the scenes, but it doesn't look like it.

After all, how could that doctor be as simple-minded as he

was? Who is this guy? I've never heard of such a person in the Yokai Market.

Talking to himself, he finally sat down in front of Wang Lin.

"You don't have to be discouraged, Wang Lin actually has a lot of use to join our monster market with your talent, how about it? Do you want to study with me? We will definitely be able to become the characters who know Pokémon best!" When

Kuo Tian said the last sentence, Wang Lin began to sneer, he really didn't expect this guy to have such a naïve idea.

He was embarrassed to be on the same level as him, what kind of person is Wang Lin?

"Then I'm not interested, you better study it yourself, I'm going to sleep, you should go back and rest quickly, isn't there going to be a good show tomorrow?" Just let me see what kind of wind and waves your mutation potion can set off, I advise you to go back and take a good look at your Pokémon who have been injected with special mutant potions, maybe their bodies are no longer good now."

Wang Lin stood up, walked to the side of the bed, and said such a sentence lightly after lying down.

When Kuotian heard this, he only felt that he was humiliating himself.

It's nothing more than jealousy that his special mutation potion is much better than his own, so he said such a thing, deliberately angry with him, he won't be fooled.

"Have a good rest, Boss Wang, you won't be so relaxed tomorrow, I will personally press the elf house you brought up under the monster market!"

After speaking, Kuo Tian waved his sleeves and left Wang Lin's room.

Wang Lin had a good night's sleep.

The next day, there was a roar outside.

Wang Lin got up and came to the door with sleepy eyes, opened the door of the room, but he didn't expect that there were so many people in the lobby.

It seems that these people should all come here to buy special mutation potions, and there are really a lot of fools.

The moment Wang Lin opened the door, the customers outside immediately saw Wang Lin's figure.

They didn't expect that Boss Wang of the Elf House would actually be in the monster market

? Is there any kind of cooperation?" "Boss Wang, why are you here? Is there any cooperation between you? I rarely hear that there will be cooperation between

the two of you!" "Yes, Boss Wang! Is this special mutation potion developed by the two of you together? If so, then we can rest assured!"

At this moment of formal sales, when Boss Wang appeared here, they would naturally think more.

On the other side, after hearing what the customers said, Kota immediately became unhappy.

This is his own effort, how can he let Wang Lin also get involved? He has to go out quickly to explain.

But it's not time yet, do you really want those customers to continue talking?

The enthusiasm of the customers is so high that Wang Lin has no choice but to walk out of the room, and he is a little embarrassed as he walks.

I just came to watch a good show, but I was pushed up to say a few words.

When Wang Lin came to the stage, he cleared his throat, and then picked up the microphone and pointed at everyone.

"There is actually a reason why everyone sees me here, yesterday I came here to talk to a friend about something, some of them were too late to go back, I stayed here, I didn't expect to still catch up with the new product sales scene of the monster market today. "

Wang Lin found a good reason, and he didn't make trouble for the monster market, nor did he make trouble for himself.

Kuo Tian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, Wang Lin's guy did not occupy the fruits of his labor.


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