"Lord Nightless, why do you also have a chakra eye? And how does your Sharingan feel different? Uchiha Xia Nan wondered.

"Actually, I..."

"Lord Nightless! I understand.

Ishihara Never Night: "??? "

You know what the hell! Why doesn't this go according to the script?

Ishihara Wuye just wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Uchiha Xia Nan, looking at Uchiha Xia Nan's excited expression, Ishihara Wuye was really a little confused.

"What do you understand?" Ishihara asked without night.

"Lord Nightless must be from my Uchiha clan, in fact, your real name should be - Uchiha Nightless!" Uchiha Xia Nan's expression became more and more excited, and the eyes that looked at Ishihara Wuye became more and more kind.

Don't confuse me with your stupid Uchiha people, hey, I'm really speechless!

Ishihara Wuye whispered in his heart.

But this is not over, Uchiha Xia Nan continues his path of Dihua.

"Lord Nightless must not want Uchiha's power, so that's why he hides his Sharingan, right?

Otherwise, with the strength of Lord Wuye, it would be easy to become the patriarch of Uchiha. "

Huh? Although things were unexpected, they didn't seem to be bad.

Ishihara Wuye suddenly thought about Uchiha, looked at Uchiha Xia Nan nodded, and said righteously: "Since you found out, then I won't hide it, yes, I am indeed Uchiha's person."

"I know, I know! Hahahaha, if the Uchiha clan can appear such a strong ninja as Nightless, there is hope for revitalization. "

The more Uchiha Xia Nan looks at Ishihara without night, the more pleasant it is, as for Uchiha Fugaku, the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, the guy who was hung is not worth mentioning.

"Lord Nightless, say quickly, what is your plan?"

"Ahem!" Ishihara Wuye rolled his eyes, pretended to cough twice, and said, "I am now a person valued by the third generation of Hokage, and I want to further win the trust of the third generation of Hokage to become a Hokage." "


Uchiha Xia Nan repeated, and then tears slipped from his eyes: "Our Uchiha clan has never had a generation of Hokage since our ancestor Uchiha Spot, and now there is finally hope."

"Rest assured, Lord Nightless, I can guarantee that if the clansmen who were saved by you knew your identity as Uchiha, they would definitely be on your side, and we would definitely fully support you as a Hokage!"


Ishihara Wuye completely fooled Uchiha Xia Nan, and judging from the fiery eyes that looked at Ishihara Wuye when he left, this guy must have regarded Ishihara Wuye as a secret leader.

As for how things should develop after that, Ishihara Wuye didn't bother to care, the current Uchiha family is a chicken rib for him, or wait for the water to appear before planning.

"No night, you're back!"

When Ishihara returns home without night, the tearing battle that should have occurred does not appear, and Kushina and Mikoto welcome him at the door together.

"You two?" Ishihara looked at the two suspiciously, while looking around to see if there was a firewood knife hiding.

"The two of us are fine, let's go inside, the water gate is here." Jiu Xinnai urged.

"It turns out that Watergate is coming." Ishihara Wuye immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, probably because of the water gate, the two were so harmonious.

When I came to the living room, I saw Water Gate flipping through a scroll and reading it with relish.

Ishihara came forward to take a look, good guy, multiple shadow avatars.

"No night, this is what Jiraiya-sensei left for me before leaving, you come and take a look." The water gate immediately pulled Ishihara Wuye to sit down, and let Ishihara Wuye hold the other corner of the scroll and watch with him.

Should it be said to be Watergate? , This generous mind, coupled with his sunny smile, deserves to be the fourth generation of him.

Ishihara Wuye suddenly extinguished the idea of being a Hokage, he felt that it was not bad to let Watergate be a Hokage, as for those elder groups, it was up to him Ishihara Wuye to purge!

From now on, you are the most shining fourth-generation Hokage, and I Ishihara No Night is the second generation of the pot shadow who secretly assists you, I, Ishihara No Night, heavy righteousness!

But before that, he had to strengthen his own body, so Ishihara Wuye looked at the sealing steps of the Multiple Shadow Doppelganger Technique and the change in the nature of Chakra without guilt.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was time for dinner, and Ishihara sat on the main throne without night, with Jiu Shinna on the left, Mikoto on the right, and Water Gate on the opposite side.

Before the meal, the three began to coax Ishihara Wuye, the guide Shinobu, to say two words.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the three, Ishihara Wuye thought about it and said, "Today our squad is finally all here, so let's talk about our next plan." "


Applause rang out instantly, and in terms of atmosphere, Ishihara's nightless squad had never been afraid of anyone.

Ishihara Wuye first looked at Uchiha Mikoto: "Mikoto's matter has been preliminarily resolved, I believe that with Uchiha Fugaku's promise, no one in Uchiha will trouble you."

Mikoto nodded and looked at Ishihara Nightless with gratitude.

"Jiu Xinnai and Nine Tails have also reached a preliminary cooperation, Jiu Xinnai provides a comfortable space for Nine Tails, and Nine Tails guarantees that it will not erode Jiu Xinnai, and even gives Jiu Xinnai a part of Chakra."

Jiu Xinnai also nodded and said to his lower abdomen: "Nine Lamas, hurry up and thank you for the night!"

"Boom!" The Nine Tails in the sealed space were still arrogant, but they still pretended to roar as their own response.

"Hee-hee, no night, the Nine Lamas said thank you!" Jiu Xinnai said.

"Hey little ghost, I didn't say anything!" The Nine Tails stood up and roared, but the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed a smile.

As a tailed beast that can sense malice, it does not feel any malice at all in these children, which makes it feel very comfortable.

"The matter between the two of them is almost settled, and then we will face the test of three generations of Hokage, and after passing the test, we will go to the front."

"No night, what are we going to the front line for?" Jousinai asked.

Watergate and Mikoto also cast him inquiring glances.

"Sister Tsunade sent a letter to the third generation of Hokage, and we went to the front mainly to help Sister Tsunade develop an antidote to deal with Sunahide." Ishihara said without night.

"But we don't know how to heal ninjutsu." Watergate said.

"You should be in charge of the security work, after all, the defense of the medical squad is very important, and it is likely to be attacked by the enemy."

Ishihara looked at the three of them all night, and Watergate had unusual nerve reflexes and excellent combat intelligence.

Mikoto has a double hook tama chakra eye, fire ninjutsu and shuriken use.

Jiu Xinnai has the help of the Nine Tails, and can also seal the King Kong blockade in a short time, and ordinary people can't get close to her body at all.

The most important point is that your own squad has three different hair colors, which is the standard for the strong!

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