"Galuro, we raid!" Luo Sha said coldly.

"Aren't we going to inform Chiyo-sensei?" The third teenager with a puppet on his back said.

"Yashamaru, the teacher is fighting Tsunade, and he can't take care of this place for the time being," Luo Sha opened his right eye, "And with me, even if the raid fails, I can definitely retreat." "

In the distance, in front of Ishihara's Nightless Tent, a fist-sized eye of sand disappeared....

And all this, Ishihara Wuye knew nothing because he focused his energy on treating casualty ninjas.

"Lord Nightless, thank you for saving me!"

In the tent, a Konoha Shinobu lay weakly on the operating table.

After Ishihara's emergency treatment, he was just out of danger.

"It should."

Wuye smiled at him and reached out to wipe his sweat: "I came to the front line to save people." "

Detoxifying the ninjas for three days in a row, as well as first aid, he couldn't rest well at all.

Even if you fall asleep, you will be called up at any time.

Fortunately, because of the immortal body, he did not feel much fatigue, but on the contrary, Watergate and the others were tired and listless.

"Insist on persisting again, wait for Shayin to retreat, and this time the task will be completed!"

Ishihara thought to himself, and at the same time met Nakato's grateful gaze and nodded gently.

As a medical ninja, especially a medical ninja second only to Tsunade, you can easily get everyone's support....

While Watergate and the others were guarding outside, Ishihara Wuye only called Xiaonan to be his assistant.

"Xiaonan, are you tired?" Ishihara Wuye looked at Xiao Nan, who was staring at him closely, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Nan shook his head like a rattle, and said: "Xiao Nan is not tired, he can help Brother Wuye, Xiao Nan is very happy."

Ishihara shook his head helplessly, these things were indeed not worth mentioning compared to her previous experience.

"Kushinna, Mikoto, Watergate..."

Ishihara had just opened his mouth to call them in, but suddenly stopped, his eyes shaking and looking at his feet.

"Rustle..." I

saw that the ground turned into gravel at some point, and the whole tent suddenly collapsed, like a swamp made of sand!

"Enemy attack! ——"

At this time, the sound of water gate came from outside, and when he boarded, the entire field medical team whizzed out of many ninjas.

It's just that except for some medical ninjas who have no combat effectiveness, the rest of the injured have lost their combat effectiveness.

"Where is the enemy? How did they come here silently?! What about the Naka Shinobi squad in front! Not a single warning! A medical ninja exclaimed.

The voice of the wave feng shui gate came out again, still maintaining his composure: "Because the enemy flew from the sky!" The

ninjas were startled when they heard this, looked up, and saw three ninjas crouching on a cloud made of sand.

"Hmph! Placer gold burial! "

As the future four generations of wind shadows, they have been planning for a long time to sneak in, naturally they do not intend to give them time to react.

Although Ishihara jumped out in time with Xiao Nan without night, a grain of golden-containing sand suddenly appeared in the sky and was overwhelmingly pressed down.

"You're the one who is detoxifying the Konoha ninjas, right? Then die!

Luo Sha's eyes were cold, his hands waved, and the chakra in his body was rapidly consumed.

And the ground tens of meters below began to wriggle, like a sea of sand.

"Ah! ——"Naka

Shinobu, who had just been healed by him, was instantly wrapped in placer gold, and under the surging pressure, his chest cavity collapsed, and blood seeped out.

In an instant, he died!

Ishihara saw this scene all night, and his heart was cold.

This is a brutal war, a comrade who speaks well one moment may die the next....

"No night!" Kushina was anxious, but was pulled by Mikoto.

"Believe in Nightless!" Mikoto said.

Although Jiu Xinnai's face was still very eager, but did not go further, Jiu Xinnai understood that his strength was not as good as Ishihara Wuye, and going up would only help.

However, Ishihara Wuye did not disappoint them, only to see Ishihara Wuye throw a kunai and throw it to the flat ground.

The next moment, his figure appeared there, put down Xiaonan, touched her head, and said gently: "Go to Sister Mikoto."

"But..." Xiao Nan wanted to say something more, but seeing Ishihara Wuye's unquestionable eyes, he had to lower his head and whisper, "I understand."

"Good boy."

Then Ishihara looked at the three people above and said coldly, "You guys have provoked me!"

Luo Sha snorted coldly: "So what? Don't think that fast speed will escape my placer gold. "

Jiu Shinnai and Mikoto protect Konan, I'll help Wuye." Watergate.

"Why are you going?"

"Because I'm Bofeng Shuimen." Watergate said calmly, and the next moment his figure appeared behind Ishihara Wuye.

"Flying Thunder God Mark? When? Ishihara asked without night.

"While you help me heal my injuries." Watergate said concisely, pointed to the three people above, and said: "Although my strength is not as good as you, I can also help you share the pressure, and I will deal with the fan with it."

Ishihara Wuye nodded, looked at the remaining two, and sneered: "Then the lives of the remaining two will belong to me."

As soon as the words fell, Ishihara's nightless figure flashed behind the puppeteer, took out the short knife, and prepared to kill him.

But just as Ishihara was about to stab him, many sands blocked Ishihara Night's attack.

Ishihara turned his head and saw that Luo Sha had already attached placer gold to them, and that placer gold could resist by itself without Luo Sha's control at all.

This is really difficult for fast ninjas.

The same is true of the water gate on the other side, although Galuro, who fought against him, was not as fast as the water gate that learned to fly the thunder god, but because of the placer gold, the water gate could not hurt him.

"Yashamaru, get out of the way, I'm going to use that move!" Luo Sha said to the puppeteer.

When the puppeteer heard this, he manipulated the puppet to instantly retreat a hundred meters away, looking at Ishihara Wuye as if he was looking at a dead person.

Seeing Yashamaru leave, Luo Sha said grimly, "Let you see my strongest attack, the placer gold spear." I

saw Luo Sha gather a spear with placer gold in his hand and throw it at Ishihara Wuye.

"That's it?"

Ishihara Nightless disdained to speak, and immediately after, a flame gushed out, it was Ishihara Nightless Fire Flame Bomb.

But this was not enough, after the placer gold spear broke through the Great Yan Bullet, the Earth Dragon Bullet came one after another.

Under the attack of two powerful ninjutsu, the placer gold spear turned into a cloud of placer gold, and the impact has been reduced to a minimum.

Immediately afterwards, Ishihara Wuye took advantage of the fact that the sandgold had not yet returned, and instantly came behind Luo Sha, his hands were sealed, and he slapped Luo Sha's back.

"Vortex Secret Technique, Spell Technique!"

A black long snake appeared on Luo Sha's body, and his body suddenly became heavy, his movement was greatly restricted, and he fell directly to the ground.

Then, Ishihara looked back at Yashamaru in the distance, and revealed an innocent smile: "It's your turn next." "

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